
Meeting with a younger Brother (part-1)

Nathan looked at Katrina curiously he did not know why but she looked a bit happier than usual as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulder as he ate the breakfast with his teammates he skimmed through the news of the day as Scarlet spoke with a sigh, "Oi Nathan, what is this about you and Nikola reading Newspaper every morning during breakfast you act more like a middle aged salary man."

Nikola blushed a bit at that while Nathan simply had a small smile on his face as he spoke, "Well since one day we have to lead our company we are taught from very young age to keep our eyes and ears open as who knows what opportunity I might stumble upon."

Lillian took a bite of her toast as she spoke, "So is that why you are also making some notes?"

Nathan smiled at that as he spoke, "Yes I am making a note on the market so that I can discuss with my father later on and if it proves fruitful dad might invest or in certain cases divest from them."

Song Jie looked at him curiously at that as she spoke, "Your father heeds your advice?"

Nathan nodded his head as he spoke, "Of course I speak with my father about them from time to time, but I would not call them advice because I am still in the learning phase as such I make a lot of mistakes."

Song Jie looked to argue as Amelia spoke with a smirk, "Leave it sister, Nathan's parents are like that, but more importantly Retsu are you still sore about today's spar."

Retsuko send a scathing glare at Nathan as she spoke, "Why would I not be, what kind of training did you undertake?"

Nathan shrugged as he spoke, "No idea grandpa tells me that I am all natural and all those movies and cartoons during rehab helped a lot."

As most of them looked curiously at him Isuzu spoke with a frown, "Rehab??"

Nathan's eyes twitched a bit from the slip of his tongue as he spoke with a sigh, "I had an accident when I was young, it made me comatose for years and when I awoke well I had no memories not only that I had to learn how to speak, walk and while I was in rehab I gained a health appreciation for anime and movies and most of the fighting style I use is a mish mash from them."

It was a lie a big fat lie he knew that even if his parents could not come up with a suitable answer and what he said was suggested by his parents, to him the reason was ludicrous as he is not some kind of godly prodigy in martial arts, he knew something might have happened to him something hidden because his memories were lost, but he would decide not to bother on it after all he decided to believe the lie told by his parents because he felt afraid to try and uncover his past, he shook his head as he looked towards others and he frowned.

'Huh what happened? Why are they moving so slowly.", he shook his head as his vision became normal again causing him to sigh, 'I need some vacation I am getting stressed out.'

Katrina looked at Nathan as she spoke with concern in her voice, "Nathan are you alright?"

Nathan looked at her with a smile on his face, "Of course I am alright just a bit stressed out."

Amelia shook her head as she spoke, "That won't do Nathan we all worked so hard yesterday and now you are claiming to be stressed out how pampered are you?"

Nathan almost spit his food as he send a glare towards smirking Amelia whose smirk was being copied by others after all they had a nice day shopping whereas him the so called the person who did nothing was stuck as a gopher for them.

Nikola smiled at that as she spoke, "So what is the plan for Christmas?"

Song Jie had a small smile on her face as she spoke with a faraway look, "Well my family never celebrated Christmas as it was waste of time and money for them but my brother and I always spend our time together."

Amelia had a smirk on her face that was mirrored by Katrina causing Nathan suddenly to feel scared, 'Why are they smirking like that Katrina was the cool type not the teasing type till yesterday now they are smiling why do I suddenly want to buy a doomsday bunker.'

Amelia with smirk on her face spoke in a cooing voice, "Nathan will Milliana attend the Christmas party?"

Nathan did a spit take at that as he spoke in an irritated tone, "Really you had to take the name of that girl I hate her."

Nikola frowned at that as she spoke, "Is that not the bushy brown haired woman?"

Katrina nodded at that as Nikola winced at that as she patted on Nathan's hand as she had a look of sympathy on her face as she spoke, "I feel sorry for you Nathan."

Retsuko spoke with a frown, "Can anyone tell me why some of you are happy and some of you are grimacing."

Nathan sighed at that as he spoke, "Milliana is daughter of one of my father's friend as such I am forced to stay in the same room as her, a vain spoilt clingy girl with no redeeming qualities in her."

Katrina gave a small smile as she spoke, "You forgot to add haughty and holier than thou attitude."

Nikola nodded at that as she spoke, "A real piece of work that one, I doubt anyone that is not seduced by her father's money has anything good to say about her, not to mention she had hot for Nathan oh sorry not Nathan but his inheritance and she is not shy about mentioning it."

Amelia snorted at that as she spoke, "Shy? Please that girl believes that she is the best thing that has ever happened to this planet and Nathan should be lucky that she has even deemed him important to allow him to spend his money on him as her husband."

Nathan shook his head in exasperation as Amelia continued to speak, "Not to mention certain rumors about her that has been circulating."

Nikola leaned forward as she spoke, "What rumors?"

Amelia had a look of disgust as she spoke, "I have heard that she has penchant of seeking out young men well on the wealthier side and enjoying them for a couple of days before changing to others, well you know what I mean."

Nathan spoke with disgust in his voice, "Please do not speak about that horrid woman I do not like her and you all I apologize in advance if you had the misfortune of meeting her."

But before anyone could speak anything a maid promptly entered the room as she gave a short bow before she spoke, "Excuse me Ma'am and Sir just now a message was received from Saint Louis hospital…",whatever she was going to say was stopped as Song Jie literally jumped from her seat as her chair fell.

Song Jie spoke in a fearful tone with tears started to accumulate in her eyes, "Did something happened to my brother is he alright?"

The maid gave a reassuring smile as she spoke, "Ma'am, please calm down, the hospital just called to inform you that your brother has finally gained his consciousness."

Upon hearing the news everyone's look of concern was replaced with a feeling of joy in their face as Retsuko and Nathan whooped in joy as Nathan spoke with a smile, "Fantastic just fantastic, well what are you waiting for Song Jie get ready quick we are all going to visit you brother.", he then turned towards the maid as he spoke with a smile, "That is a wonderful News Alice, would be a dear and tell someone to get family cars ready so that we all can travel to visit Song Jie's brother."

The maid now named Alice simply bowed as she left to fulfill her orders as a teary eyed Song Jie was practically dragged by her female friends to get dressed in a something more suitable for wear while travelling outside.

Next chapter