
The Commander's Offer(Part-1)

Zeus's brow twitched as he spoke with a snarl at the woman, "Will you stop calling me a hatchling?"

The woman giggled at that as she spoke, "my my, someone has already gained the legendary temper of their ancestor."

Zeus growled at her even if he was being surrounded by that woman's soldiers he will not let her make fun of him.

Sylphy who was trailing back behind him spoke curiously, "Excuse me but what is this 'DEVA' thing you are speaking of?"

The woman simply turned towards her as she spoke, "Oh my, aren't you his teammates yet you do not know?"

Sylphy looked miffed at her tone as she spoke, "Yes, I do not know."

The woman shook her head as she spoke, "Ah the naivety of youth trying to be tough when we could kill you before you could blink."

Sylphy winced at that as the woman continued to speak, "A Deva is a race that is a hybrid born from a dragon and some other race and if I am correct in this case one of the race is an Elf, a very high tiered race that are usually hunted by people a lot specially during their infancy like your friend here."

One of the guards heard that as she spoke, "Hey commander was there not a story about how someone got eternal life by feasting on a Deva."

The commander gave a grin that send chill down everyone's spine before she broke down in to laughter, the group then were escorted to the commanders office as they took a seat Zeus was feeling highly uncomfortable as the woman kept looking at him intently as he cleared his throat as the woman spoke with a sigh, "I am sorry it is not every day that you get to see a Deva after all it has been a thousand year since anyone has seen a dragon yet you are here, you brave men are something else, a Deva, different Elves, Barbarians just wow quite the rag tag group you have. But most importantly where and why are you going children."

Zeus sighed as he spoke, "Yafa Esari, the woman's smile instantly vanished at that as suddenly they felt as if the temperature of the room plummet a few degrees as the woman spoke a single world, "Why?"

Zeus intuition told that it would be bad idea to lie to her and he trusted his intuition as such he spoke with a sigh, "A few days ago we came across a tome for Necromancer job, well we contacted the church the send us here to collect water from the sacred pool."

The woman frowned at that as she spoke, "You cannot destroy a job tome for a job permanently no matter what you do it will reappear once again, and as for temporary destroying it even a level 1 person with holy flame could do that for you there is no need for some sacred water."

Zeus was inwardly happy he knew that the cardinal was plotting something as the commander spoke, "Who send you?"

Azi: "Cardinal Boudier."

The woman looked at her as she spoke, "Really that man the executioner of the Church?"

Azi nodded as the woman sighed, "You really have a bad luck to have garnered his attention what did he do to make you take the quest."

The members of manly fluffy pink pandas lowered their head as Tarasque spoke, "An eternity inside the jail."

The woman spoke in a monotone at that, "Ouch, you really are a dead man, the church only tolerates him because of his success rate even if his method of solving anything is questionable.", the woman sighed as she spoke, "I will not stop you from going there but I will warn you that you will not find anything there except ruins, sacred water please if you can find a drop of normal water I will change my name."

Zeus sighed as he spoke, "So what do think that Boudier fellow might be plotting?"

The woman shrugged as she spoke, "But you were lucky you chose this route to go to Yafa Esari if you had taken the Barber route they would have you head lying on a pike."

BlizzardQueen who was quite for a while spoke with a frown, "And why is that?"

The commander spoke with a frown, "Actually it relates to the fall of Yafa Esari, you see long ago the last Pharaoh or in other words the ruler of the entire Desert Elven tribes, it was our golden age but also the age of our downfall, our Pharaoh fell in love with a Deva, they were happy with each other but it would not be, the Deva was an outsider and many of our people did not like that as such some plotted against him portrayed him as a betrayer many grew to despise of him including the Queen who took the thing to close through heart she became at that threw everything to kill him. The entire fiasco was actually instigated by her Prime minister who wished to become the King himself, but by the time the Queen realized her mistake it was late too late, her lover and her had a daughter when the Queen could not get hold of him I her blind rage she had her executed and that broke the camel's back."

She let out a sigh of sorrow as she spoke, "The Deva was enraged and for the first time instead of trying to prove in innocence he retaliated and it was the most bloodiest retribution ever since he turned the lush green forest into a desert, no matter what one pleaded or asked for mercy he did not stop, the Queen by then was trying hard to save her people from her lovers wrath, he razed the entire city of Yafa Esari to the ground before he caught hold of the Queen as he reached her walking through pile of bodies, the Queen could no longer recognize her lover in his place stood a blood soaked demon, no matter how she pleaded and spoke he reached but did not kill her but chained her to the 'Tree of Life' before granted her life of eternal suffering where she had to relieve the pain and suffering of people under her command, the Tree of Life ended up being corrupted as the desert that Deva brought swallowed everything now there is only ruins nothing more, well if you go near that place you can still here the wailing of that Queen who is begging for forgiveness of her lover."

She then turned towards BlizzardQueen as she spoke, "The survivor of the nation formed two factions one of us who understood the mistake made by their forefather and another who blames the Deva and despises him, you can understand now that which one we belong to."

The others nodded at that as the commander spoke, "You Deva have always appeared when something major happens, well tell you what if you can return back safely from 'Yafa Esari', you come and find me I might take you as my student little one, also I might teach you to hide your status from prying eyes after all I do not think it would do you any good if announce your race and your job of Dragoonvir an extremely dangerous combination you do not know what danger you are in yet hatchling, as such I hope you take my offer seriously."

Zeus's eyes widen as he looked at the notification he received on his HUD as his heart pumped harder as he began eager with anticipation.

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