

TacoGirl drank from her bota bag as she sighed at that, "At least the water is cool still."

Theo others nodded at that before their attention was drawn towards Zeus's water container, unlike theirs his was small looking like that of army issued and was that a separate cooking cup attached to the bottom as ForestHuntress spoke, "Where did you find it?"

Zeus looked as if he was interrupted from deep thought as he spoke, "Oh this, this is something that I created."

The girls crowded around him as he gave them demonstration on various parts of the water bottle from its filter to cooking cup and many others amongst them as he spoke, "So girls do you want it?"

The trio nodded with what seemed to be drool on their face as Zeus spoke, "Well if you want I can make you all one, but it will be after we reach the fortress after all I need access to a forge."

The trio nodded at that eagerly as Zeus smiled inwardly, he had to have a plan B, after all no matter how much he would boast there is always a chance that he would fail and failure means the trios abandonment and he did not want to be responsible for that, as such he will make sure that even if in the event he failed their challenge at least they will thing twice because of this small things rather than outright leaving them.

Zeus was moving through the sand dunes with his team following after him keeping an eye open for any dangerous mob, as they moved Zeus spoke almost in a whisper, "The desert is said to be alive often ensnaring people and eating them, so no matter what happens we will have to stay together and make sure no matter what is shown do not, I repeat DO NOT BREAK THE FORMATION until and unless we are safe and secures inside the fortress."

BarbarianLady rolled her eyes as she spoke, "What is the worse…"

Only to be hit by some sand on her face as she turned her head as she was glared by both ForestHuntress and TacoGirl as TacoGirl spoke, "Finish that sentence and you are gonna die a very horrible and painful death like I am going to give Sylphy after we get out of her."

BarbarianLady growled at that as she spoke, "Oh and I would love to see you try."

Zeus whispered in an urgent manner towards them, "Would two shut up already you will attract…shit hide quick."

They jumped and hid behind the sand dune only for a large centipede like creature past by them as they held their breath and the worst part Zeus could not get any reading from it at all.

BarbarianLady messaged to Zeus, [What is that abomination?]

Zeus looked at the creature passing through near them it had a human face and humanoid limbs with skull on the joints and the overall body looked as if multiple human bodies were stitched into one, as he replied back, [No idea but it is strong, too strong for us to do anything to it, so we will wait for us to pass.]

A few more hours later the group dying of heat and exhaustion was finally able to spot the Fortress wall at a distance, as ForestHuntress spoke with a sigh of relief, "Finally, who would have thought trudging through dessert is that hard."

The others nodded at that as they made their way towards the fortress with renewed vigor towards the fortress when all of a sudden TacoGirl stopped as she spoke, "Did you all hear that?"

Zeus hastily spoke, "Remember I told you to pay heed to any form of distractions, so please move forward."

BarbarianLady frowned as she spoke, "Hey is that not a baby crying."

ForestHuntress frowned at that as she spoke, "Well what are we waiting for let us check it out then."

Zeus: "Wah, wait a minute stop why are you breaking leaving like that."

BarbarianLady turned towards him as she spoke with a glare, "A child may be in danger if you do not wish to help then scram."

TacoGirl snorted at that as she spoke, "This is one of the reasons that Sylphy hate males they are so insensitive."

Zeus frowned as he spoke, "Did you forget what you have all promised me, that you will listen to me."

ForestHuntress: "Well since I gave you the challenge I take it back, there is no need for us to test you any longer because I would never go with someone as heartless as you."

Meanwhile Zeus was taken aback at that, as he thought, 'That escalated quickly.' he cleared his throat as he spoke, "Ladies I understand your concern but did you forget what I said before the desert is alive if you fall into its trap we all will die the fortress is a few more miles from here we can ask for their help."

The trio did not pay any attention to him as they made their way towards the noise Zeus looked at them with an incredulous expression as he followed after the trio.

TacoGirl suddenly shouted in excitement, "Look I found the baby."

Zeus looked at that with his eyes open at the naked baby lying on the scorching sand as the girls had a triumphant smile on their face as they raced towards the baby, Zeus frowned and that as he used 'Observe' on the wailing baby.

[Skull Centipede

Level: 25

Class: Baby

HP: 5000/5000

MP: 700/700

Element: Poison

Attack: 4000

Defense: 1000

Description: A Child Skull Centipede which is just a baby but does not mean they are dangerous, since young they know to hunt and having an appearance of a human baby and able to cry as one it tends to lure its prey near him. Warning where there is a baby the mama is not far away.]

Zeus bit back a curse his teammates were already moving near it as such with further delay he used Fire Ball on it, as it hit the creature it let out an ear piercing cry before it morphed into a grotesque creature as teeth appeared near its belly area, its hands changed to a claw as it raced towards the group, but unfortunately it did not last long as it was quickly hunted down.

Zeus had a smug look on his face but it was not time for it as various wailing of babies came from around them as he spoke to the near stunned group, "We do not have time for it, let us make a run for it we have stumbled upon some creatures nest and the last thing we need is their parents coming after us, now move fast."

The group did not wait anymore as they increased their speed as they started moving towards the fortress, as they could hear the numerous babies crying at once as Zeus sucked his breath as he spoke, "We really poked a hornet's nest, we have to hurry only a less than 4 miles left."

BarbarianLady sighed as she huffed for breath as she spoke, "It is glad we made it the wailing is getting further and further we are safe now, we are lucky we did not encounter the adult."

A loud scream came from behind them as Zeus finally snapped letting lose a string of curse causing the others to blush at that as he spoke, "You three if you even so a peep and try to defy me I will tan your hide, now run without looking back no matter what, NOW GO!"

As the trio started running Zeus stopped and looked at the incoming beast it was the same one they hid from as he sighed, "Why do I have to face it alone, stupid teammates.", with that he gritted his teeth as he prepared to face his greatest enemy till date, as it neared him he let out a war cry as he dashed towards the creature which reciprocated as it dashed towards Zeus at a blinding speed, Zeus jumped towards the beast as it brought out its arm forward jaw opening wide to bit him, when all of a sudden Zeus disappeared from its sight stunning it momentarily.

Meanwhile Zeus hid behind a pile of rocks with his hand over his mouth as he watched the enemy searching for him while his teammates were a good few distance away from him as he swore in his heart, 'Reckoning there will be reckoning for this with a capital 'R', specially you Barb you and your habit of tempting fate, I swear to you all there will be reckoning.'

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