

A gigantic Sylphy growled as she spoke, "Sand here, sand there I am getting tired where are the monsters? Where are the mobs and more importantly where are my god damn EXP????"

Before her eyes fell on Zeus who had shrunk a bit immediately as she spoke with an intense glare, "Zeus, where are the monsters, I tell me now or else…"

Zeus gathered his courage as he spoke, "Or else you would do what.", only to regret a later as it seemed as if an unholy flame lit inside her eyes as she literally appeared before him, her hands holding on to his neck as she spoke, "Listen here Zeus, you plotted the course and if any monster does not appear, I will do the thing to you that Hera never did to Zeus."

Zeus gulped at that as he was about to speak he was stopped by Azi who had an arrow notched on her bow pointing towards Sylphy as she spoke, "Zeus must have a good reason for choosing this route but more importantly do not touch him."

Sylphy growled as BlizzardQueen appeared in between them as she spoke, "Wah wah stop it right there is no use fighting amongst us, so please stop."

Sylphy let go of Zeus, who winced as he rubbed his neck as he spoke, "well Sylphy there is one thing you should know that the route we are using is considered a safe route as such the chances of running into a monster is low."

Seeing that Mount Sylphy was about to burst he raised his hand in a placating gesture as he spoke, "Please Sylphy calm down I also would have love to grind some exp, but you know what the mobs surrounding place si at least level 40 I do not think anyone is suicidal to face even one of them."

Sylphy simply tsked as she took her seat, as BarbarianLady simply sighed as she slouched forward while speaking, "I would still wish for something interesting at least."

No sooner did she speak the ground trembled as if an earthquake was happening as Sylphy shouted out at the top of her voice, "Tarasque move fast!!!!"

A gigantic worm like creature over 200 meter long appeared behind them as Zeus checked it using Observe he felt a chill down his spine as the data shown was unknown making it an exceptionally strong enemy, as such the only viable option was make a run for it and hope to escape.

CelestialMaiden: "Brother Zeus what is that creature?"

Zeus racked his brain as he thought hard as Azi's eyes suddenly went wide as she spoke, "That is called the 'Sand God of the Desert', by the locals, it would take about dozens of Level 100s to defeat a single one of them."

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke hurriedly at that, "Yes I remember now, it has a 100% chance to appear in this route when a person is having a negative digit in luck."

At that CelestialMaiden's eyes widen as every member of her team turned towards Sylphy who simply blushed at that but before she could speak she was thrown off her feet by the swaying of the carriage as it tried to move in a haphazard fashion.

Zeus looked towards it as he gulped hard as he spoke, "We have to outrun it no matter what, if we die or we lose this carriage we will be screwed, Tarasque move faster."

A muffled yelling came from the front of their carriage, "I AM TRYING MY BEST SO SHUT UP."

BarbarianLady gritted her teeth as she spoke, "Dam that thing is fast."

TacoGirl looked at with her eyes wide open so did ForestHuntress as TacoGirl turned towards Zeus as she spoke, "Is that thing based on Mongolian Death Worm?"

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke, "It seems that it does."

ForestHuntress gave a small smile as she spoke, "I wonder what we will get when we hunt it down."

BarbarianLady smirked at that as she spoke, "Patience sister we will not be able to hunt it within the next few months at least."

Both TacoGirl and Foresthuntress pouted before a loud growl came to their ears it was so loud, that it nearly deafened everyone and the poor animals ran so scared that they starting running faster and completely out of control.

The players were not having a great time either all of sudden as they felt as if they felt as if they were in the middle of a Antarctica while their vision started swimming.



Only one thought ran in their mind at that, 'We are so screwed.', and then their vision turned black.


Zeus sighed at the black screen in front of him as he waited and waited the only thing that he could see was the timer which ran down after 15 minutes, as the screen in front of flickered as he found himself almost burning as he opened his eyes he found himself lying on the desert sand as he looked carefully he found the unconscious bodies of BarbarianLady, TacoGirl and Forest Huntress beside him others were not seen there he could see track marks on the sand as he sighed at that, 'Damn I was towards the back did we get flung off it, we are now in a pickle.'

Zeus then dragged his teammates under a rocky protrusion in order to keep them safe from the sun and the dangerous heat it would not do him any good if they croaked under his watch, he then messaged to his other teammates but received no reply.

A few more minutes later the trio awoke as they looked at the surrounding with wide eyes only to jump on their feet upon hearing a voice from behind them, "Welcome to the land of the Living, Ladies!"

They turned to look behind only to see the smirking Zeus as BarbarianLady spoke, "Where are the others?"

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "No idea I awoke up a few minutes before you all and drag you to a shelter I have already messaged them but no one replied back, and from the friends list I can tell that neither of them had logged off or they have died."

At that the trio of girls simply groaned at that as ForestHuntress spoke, "Do you have a plan?"

Zeus was quiet for a few minutes as he spoke, "Towards the east is the Fortress of 'Qaball-ha', that was supposed to be our next destination, well if I am not wrong we were only a 200 kilometers from that place and it I the nearest place for us to save for the day, and the last place we were in is at least 800 Km so you see."

BarbarianLady frowned at that as she spoke, "We are really in a pickle, for us to travel that much should we commit suicide and respawn back at the last place."

TacoGirl: "I would not recommend it, as it would be a long time before we will be able to play."

Zeus rubbed the bridge of his nose as he spoke, "Well I have a small idea but it would be incredibly dangerous."

ForestHuntress leaned forward as she spoke, "I am listening."

Zeus: "Well you see that the route which we were taking was the safe one but it takes a long time to travel, if we took a direct route it is less than 15 Km from here but it would be dangerous we have to sneak past the whole way."

BarabarianLady: "Or we can simply wait for them to pick us up."

Zeus nodded at that as he spoke, "Well we will do that then, we will wait for them I have already messaged them and they should be replying back to us soon."

Next chapter