
Nathan's day out (Part-1)

Zeus looked at the maps studying it intently, they will have to travel to a place which is actually the ruins of a city then reach a special spring inside the city, then fill up the special bottles given by the church bring it back, will it be easy of course not.

Cardinal Boudier: "Well so I expect you to leave within 9 days time, during that time feel free to approach us anytime for any problem you have and we will help you within reason. Although a word of advice please try to at least reach level 15 before you try, and I wish you would utilize the time period to do so or else it would be a damn shame if we have to look into other places as well as patch some form of leakage of information."

[Quest Alert]

[Chain Quest: Help the Church to destroy the tomb for Necromancer Job

Quest Rating: ??

Chain Quest Reward: ?????

Quest: Reach level 15

Reward: Chances of survival greatly increases.

Failure: You will no longer be allowed to continue the quest.

Chain Quest Failure: ????]

Zeus nodded as he spoke with a smile, "It will be a child's play although since you have already given as an advice I hope you can arrange for some of information regarding any form of monsters we might face so as to better prepare ourselves."

Cardinal Boudier: "Of course please follow me, I believe the library of the church will have enough information in them although I would like to remind you of the proverb 'curiosity killed the cat', as such try to avoid areas you are not permitted to."

Zeus nodded at that although he did not say anything his mind was running many miles an hour as such he followed behind the person without saying anything to him at all, his teammates followed his example as they followed him quietly.

The library of the church located underneath inside the basement was many times bigger than the one they had previously visited, the number of books that was kept in that place was too many as the trio exchanged glances as Zeus whispered, "Someone really had all the time in the world to write so many books."

Cardinal Boudier then spoke to them with a smile, "Well here we are at the library. Brother Shane, please come over here."

A person with priest robe stepped forward with a face which looked as if someone had stolen his candy, as he simply gave a bow towards the Cardinal who simply nodded towards him as he spoke, "Well Brother Shane is the librarian, so if you wish to inquire about any books feel free to ask him."

Zeus: "Of course and thank you."

Cardinal Boudier, "No problem my child, well then excuse me I have some work to do."

Tarasque turned towards Shane as she spoke, "Well Brother Shane do you know any book wher….."

Madness it was pure few hours of madness as they left the library deciding to visit it some other time again.

Azi: "ugh I just want to log out and have some quality sleep."

Tarasque gave a tired smile as she spoke, "Yup me too, a nice soak in the tub."

Zeus nodded as Azi spoke, "Zeus did you not have to call certain someone for your prom night."

Zeus sighed as he ran his hands through his hair as he spoke, "Yup although I would still prefer either of you to be my prom date."

Azi hugged his right arm as she leaned on his shoulder as she spoke, "Me too, Zeus unfortunately I have to meet a few geezers oh how I hate it."

Zeus simply smiled at that, a few minutes later Nathan climbed out of his machine as he popped his joints into places it was already morning as the sun was already rising.

After a quick visit to the bathroom he was already occupying his seat at the breakfast table and soon the others arrived as Yelena spoke with a wide smile, "I have good news for you three", as Katrina joined them as Yelena spoke, "Guess how much you three have earned from the video you published?"

Nathan scrunched his nose as he spoke, " $5000 dollars."

Nikola waved her hand in a negative motion as she spoke, "Way way you aim too high maybe $1000 dollars at most."

Katrina smiled as she spoke, "Well I do not wish to sound rude but I believe both young master and mistress are wrong it should be around $800,000 at least."

Nathan snorted as he spoke, "No way it is a video of a low level dungeon run why would people pay so much to witness something so trivial."

Yelena simply smiled as she spoke, "It seems brother Tristan made a wise decision to send her with them she has a good foresight", before she turned to the trio as she spoke with a smile, "Well out of all of you it seems Katrina is the nearest one, "Last time I checked you all have earned a little over $1 million dollar."

Both Nikola and Nathan blanched at that before Nathan spoke with a sigh, "People nowadays have too much money in their hands."

Nikola simply elbowed him in the ribs as she spoke, "Oh please stop acting like an old man.", Nathan snorted at that as she continued speaking, "Hey since we have earned so much how about we go out to celebrate today."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Yup let us when would we leave."

Aubrielle: "Well you three may go and do whatever you want but remember that my baby boy is still underaged."

Nathan blushed in embarrassment at that as he spoke, "Mom, do not call me baby! I am already a teenager."

Nikola snickered at that but only to be stopped by Yelena who gave a small hug to her as she spoke, "There is no need to get angry like you, Nikola is my adorably cute baby girl."

Nikola squawked in indignation as she shouted out, "MOM!"

Aubrielle simply giggled at that as she spoke, "Why are you two getting worked up, after all no matter how old you two become even after a hundred years you will be our baby."

Tristan snorted at that as he spoke, "Well enough of that, stop embarrassing them anymore and they will be bleeding from their face."

After sometime, when the trio left Tristan spoke, "I hope they will be alright, youths these days are reckless who knows what they would do."

Yelena snorted as she spoke, "This is coming from you of all people, please, by the time you turned 15 you already had caused uncle and aunt to develop grey hairs compared to you Nathan is a saint, in fact I still do not understand how the two of you feel in love with each other, I still remember during our college days there was betting pool going on about who would kill whom first."

Tristan simply smiled as he spoke, "What can I say that love works in a mysterious way.", as she placed a small kiss on her wives hand who blushed shyly at that.

Yelena simply shook her head before her eyes hardened, "My husband had sent a message about a certain organization that has once again become active."

Tristan eyes practically glowed with rage as did Aubrielle as she spoke in anger, "I will personally slaughter the if the so much as step with in a kilometer of Nathan, I will never let him be harmed again."

Yelena nodded as she spoke, "I will do the same sister, Nathan is like my own son I will never let him be harmed, but has his memory of that time returned."

Tristan contemplated something before he shook his head, "I do not think so, but there are still shadows of it lingering in him."

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