
Class (Part-1)

As Nathan made his way to the dining room along with his mother he was greeted by the stern visage of his father and his aunt but when he looked at Nikola she had a stoic look on her face as Nathan took his seat as he spoke, "Sorry everyone we were late."

Tristan sighed as he spoke, "You should have planned more carefully before venturing into places that took so much time."

Nathan looked guilty as he spoke, "I am sorry father but the dungeons are as such that we were not able to log out from there nor are we allowed to give up id way without playing a huge penalty."

Yelena spoke with a sigh, "Well it is time for dinner and we are starving and where is Katrina I asked her to join at the table with us."

No sooner did she speak Katrina arrived as she spoke, "Please forgive me for my tardiness, Madams and Sirs."

Tristan simply waved his hand as he motioned Katrina to take a sit as Yelena spoke, "Before the dinner is served I would like to say about the video of the nightmare mode attempt."

Nathan gave her undivided attention as she continued speaking, "It had received over a million views within a few hours, not only that a couple of channels have been trying to get in touch with you wanting to be the first one to show your 'Hell' mode attempt."

Nathan: "They might have some contracts ready right."

Yelena nodded as she spoke, "Well the maximum they were paying around is about $50,000 for the rights of the video, which meant without their express permission we cannot even show the videos at private, I wanted know what you want as such I did not negotiate anymore."

Nathan shrugged as he spoke, "Well if they want to broadcast the video they will have to pay me but the rights for the video is out of questions, just send them some standard quotations and if they are interested they may broadcast my videos but under condition that they may not showcase for at least for 5 hours after the publication of the video and oh aunty I think unedited video can be acquired by them but I want to charge them more for it, as for 'Hell Mode' video we are going to publish I believe we have worked so hard so only those who have subscribed may view it."

Yelena shrugged as she spoke, "No problem with that in fact the account I opened for you in 'TREMOR', I have linked it to a bank account in your names as such you three will have access to also I have already created an account in 'Chirper' which can be used to notify people who have subscribed to your 'TREMOR' account of any new events and happenings within the game."

Nathan nodded pleased at the development, as Yelena spoke again, "Well there also some news channel who wanted you three to appear in a talk show."

The trio looked at each other as Nathan spoke with a shrug, "Well we would love to but unfortunately we are rather preoccupied at the moment we have lots of stuffs to do at the moment like getting our jobs and professions as such I believe it will not be possible at the present moment maybe sometime at distant future."

As they were eating Tristan suddenly spoke, "Ah Nathan a mail came from your school, it was an invitation for school prom to be held on this Saturday, which means it is day after tomorrow."

Nikola spoke curiously at that as she spoke, "Prom?? Is that not held before the graduations?"

Nathan: "Well not in our school, our principal God bless his kind soul wanted his students to have a gathering without any tensions and what not as such it is held within a couple of weeks after graduation."

Aubriella spoke while eating, "So what will you be doing Nathan will you be go to the prom?"

Nathan shrugged as he spoke, "Meh, I do not see why not.", as he munched on some chicken legs it was delicious to the point as it melt in his mouth.

Yelena: "Well so who will you be asking to accompany you as your prom date, Nathan."

Nathan, "Well how I would love to if Nikola accompanied me."

Both Aubriella and Nikola's eyes gained a gleam which was momentarily dashed by Nikola herself as she spoke with a sigh, "I am sorry but this Saturday it is not possible remember that we have a meeting with higher ups of the USA branch of our company."

Yelena sighed as she spoke, "Ugh, I totally forgot about them, it seems you will have to find someone else as your prom date now Nathan."

Nathan sighed as his eyes drifted towards Katrina she simply shook her head as she spoke, "Sorry young master it would not do you any good if you take your maid to such a place."

Nathan sighed as he spoke, "Well then I will be going dateless then, ugh", he finished with a tired groan.

Suddenly Aubriella spoke with a smile, "Nathan, are you not friend with Natalie?"

Nathan's eyes widen at that as he spoke, "Of course I am but are you sure? She is currently a famous singer/actress it will create some controversy and what not if I bring her as my prom date."

Aubriella simply shrugged as she spoke, "I see no problem with that, her family is our friend as such you until and unless she has prior arrangements I am sure she will surely accompany you as your date."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Well I will ask her tomorrow although I still prefer bringing Nikola with me to the prom."

Nikola smiled as she spoke, "Awww how sweet of you cuz, and I would have love to but instead I have to spend some time listening to boring prattle of some geezers."

After finishing their dinner the trio once again logged into the game, as they left Granny Zoe's house, which was surprisingly empty as she was not present inside it at all, Tarasque spoke, "Zeus I suggest we try to sell anything that is not required before we meet up at the city office.

As such a few hours later the group with almost their entire inventory empty made their way to the city office, Azi was the last one to arrive as she approached them she spoke with a smile, "Hey everyone I am so sorry I was late but did you two see the system mail we have received?"

Zeus and Tarasque were confused at that before they quickly checked their mail only for their eyes to get wide as a grin etched their faces the received a total of 10 more Gold coins each bringing a total of 21 gold coins and an additional 150 silver coins they were very happy but the biggest change was the introduction of a new stat, 'Fame' which was currently at 830 for them, Zeus stood up as he spoke, "Well I think it is time for us to get an increase in our social class you can all say good bye to our hard earned money now."

The other two groaned at that but did not say anything as they stepped inside along with Zeus, it was time for them to get a new social class.

Next chapter