
The Unworthy (Part-1)

The graveyard around them suddenly looked much cleaner and less spooky than before, the trio sighed as they sat on the ground and a few minutes later the trio once again stood up as Zeus spoke, "So which direction do we move now."

Azi: "East then North, before we defeat the big bad boss at the West."

As they moved towards the cross road where they had appeared, Zeus nodded idly that since the moment the sanctuary was created the grasses appeared green and the trees were much greener as they were covered with leaves, but once again dark weeds appeared as the trees with less leaves began appearing and by the time they reached the cross road, it was full of weeds and dead trees, it was creepy except the fact a certain someone decided to be a pack rat as she jumped from one place to another pulling out as many herbs as possible with a deranged smile on her face scaring Zeus and Azi.

Zeus spoke fearlessly at her, "Tarasque would you calm down take a deep breath and....."

Only for a couple of herbs being shoved in front of his face as she shook them with righteous anger as her nostrils flared as she literally released steam on her face as she spoke, "Calm down how can you calm down did you see the herbs here, they are precious herbs waiting for me, they are rare and costlier herbs and you say for me to calm down how dare you.", she shouted out the last part scaring the already trembling duo who were hugging each other in fear.

A few minutes later, Tarasque hummed in happiness as she happily skipped after collecting a few precious herbs, while Azi whispered lowly to Zeus, "Is this going to happen every time we conquer a dungeon or move through places where there are lots of herbs."

Zeus whispered back to her, "Yup I am afraid so she is very serious about her job."

Tarasque suddenly turned towards them as she spoke curiously, "What are you two whispering?"

Zeus and Azi looked like a deer caught in head light as he spoke, "Nothing Tarasque nothing just strategizing nothing else."

Azi suddenly changed the subject as she spoke, "Look a treasure chest."

Zeus spoke with a smile, "Cool, calm to papa and let u see what we have here."

As soon as Zeus tried to touch it the chest suddenly sprouted a row of teeth as it tried to bite his hand off, Zeus jumped as the chest look alike jumped up sprouting a pair of legs and long legs as it tried to devour him only to be hit by Tarasque hard causing it to stumble, as a pair of arrows later it laid dead, Zeus used loot on it as he deadpanned upon receiving some dust ' he scowled at that as he spoke, "Worthless let us move on."

As they neared the eastern side they suddenly hard the sound of hoves on stones, ~clip clop clip clop~ was heard they tensed suddenly Azi spoke with urgency, "Quick hide fast something is coming this way."

They ran and his behind a grave as couple of skeletal horseman no not horseman but was that centaur passed by them on horse carrying lance and in some cases cross bow.

Zeus quickly used observe on them.

[Name: Skeleton Centaur

Level: 12

Class: N/A

HP: 2000/2000


Element: N/A

Attack: 1200

Defense: 300]

[Name: Skeleton Centaur Archer

Level: 12

Class: N/A

HP: 2000/2000


Element: N/A

Attack: 1200

Defense: 300]

Zeus: "There are four of them, well let us take them out."

As such the trio attacked them from behind, before the skeletons could understand what was happening Zeus was already on top of one of the archer slamming his staff on top of it hard as a number floated above it in red [-2300] as he smirked at that the group quickly took the skeletons apart as Zeus looted them, a couple of ancient crossbows, 20 bolts and a spear was what he received.

Tarasque suddenly spoke, "Zeus why did the weapons suddenly have level last time I checked weapons do not have such a think?"

Zeus: "It is true it does not but any weapon you use from level 11, has level mentioned in it, indicating they are meant for awakened person any weapon which does not have a level can be used but its durability will fall much faster, the higher your level the faster your durability will be and according to my blacksmith instructor if someone has a very high level it is possible to destroy an item just by holding it let alone using."

Tarasque: "So this weapons we have will be useless to us once we reach level 11."

Zeus nodded as he spoke, "Yup, they will break much sooner no matter how much I repair them."

Tarasques sighed as she spoke, "Well let us move on then and get rid of the boss present here. "

As they moved they found more and more such group of centaur horseman and archer present, Zeus sighed as he spoke, "It seems as if they are patrolling the area."

Tarasque, "Then let us kill those patrols before we move in to kill the boss."

After a what seemed like an hour they managed to kill all the patrols they could find they were facing a mausoleum in front of it stood the biggest looking centaur alone like a statue, as the Manly Fluffy Pink Pandas neared them the centaur, the centaur looked as if its body was half rotting, as bones poked here and there as the group was within a few meters the centaurs eyes lit up with a greenish glow as it snarled at them, "So you are the mutts which are killing my brethren."

Zeus smiled at him as he spoke, "Yup I am, so what are you going to do about it.", as he discreetly used 'Observe' on the creature in front of him.

[Cretades-The Unworthy

Level: 13

Class: Lord

HP: 39000/39000

MP: 30000/30000

Element: N/A

Attack: 2500

Defense: 700

Description: Student of Lich King 'Dragol', although being a mage Cretades loves to crush his opponent's skull with his bare hands, since he was young he always wanted to rule his tribe but he was not strong enough as such with his masters help he won the tribe leaders position through plotting and betrayals. By the time his fellow members of the tribe would learn about his treachery it was too late for them, he had with his master turned them into his undead subjects for him to do as he pleases. Since he who was unworthy of becoming the tribal chieftain he came to be known as 'The Unworthy'. ]

Zeus sighed as he read everything to his teammates who simply sighed before Azi spoke, "Well better late than never, let us show this unworthy his proper place inside a dustbin."

Tarasque: "Let us do it."

With that the trio moved with Tarasque at the center while Zeus and Aziflanking from the side, as they moved Cretades raised his frontal legs as she slammed on the ground hard suddenly Ice spikes appeared on the ground trying to skewer Tarasque who was directly in its path.

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