
Book Three: Chapter Thirteen: The Goddess of Chains and the Drinking Game

Last time, I went out day-drinking with friends. Little did I know, Aoi and the boys had the same idea and place in mind. As we were drinking, a monster appeared from thin air. The eight ran outside. To be greeted by a girl who turns out to be who we would never believe. Rumiko looked at the monster. I need you all to listen to me. Rumiko replied. What crazy plan did you cook up? Tomoe asked. What? Rumiko asked. The girl snickers. You know how to take down that monster? I asked. Yeah, but we need to slow it down or freeze it in place. Rumiko replied. How to keep it still? Ally asked. That might be possible but I need you all to work with me. Mizuki replied. What can we do? Poppy asked. My magic will be binding him in a form of prison. Mizuki asked. Binding? Tomoe thought. Only bonding magic I know of Forbidden Holy Magic. Tomoe replied. She looked at Tomoe and smiles. You know my dad would nag me about using that magic to be honest. Mizuki replied. Your father sounds caring. Tomoe replied. My mom would tell me that makes me different and nothing is wrong with that. Mizuki replied. Alright, I like your vibe kid. Poppy replied. We all huddled up and strategize a plan. Seith was shocked at seeing them attack. Aoi and I attacked the beast from the legs and Ally used her Earth Magic to bind a few of its leg. Where are those two knights? Seith asked. What are you talking about? Liras asked. Rumiko Vestia a female knight. She appears behind Seith. Seith, how did you break out of your eternal Hell sentence? Rumiko asked. Tomoe is in midair and summoned a sword and cut the monster down the middle. The people are happy and cheering. The monster started to coming together. The girl jumped up in air. In midair flipped and transformed. She summoned a Superbia Sword with holy symbols. She lands on her feet. Seith, you are coming back with me or else. Mizuki replied. Liras looked. Sh*t, they are tux guys called the War Empress of Chains? Liras asked. What is that? I asked. I have heard of that name before. Tomoe replied. Every few centuries a human is blessed with the power of a war goddess. Rumiko replied. I wouldn't be surprised, Rumiko is the first War Empress of Ira who is half dragon. Poppy replied. Mizuki shakes her sword and the monster was cut in pieces. Seith ran. I saw the way she was fighting reminds me of a mixture of Rumiko/Tomoe. I thought. She looked and a magical circle appeared and it chained him down with shackles of holy light. Aoi's phone goes off. Hey dad, can you get the girl who chained Seith? Kagami asked. Kagami, what are you?Aoi asked. Kagami tell that overgrown troll to keep tabs on his prisoner! Mizuki yelled. A man appeared through a portal. He walks up to the girl. So you are useful after all? Faiz replied. He grabbed the criminals and left. We all looked and came to a quick conclusion. What is up with that walking dick? Ally asked. Ally could look you refrain from speaking your mind? I asked. She laughs. I see where they get it from now. Mizuki replied. Kagami appeared after Faiz left. Mizuki, I am so surprised you didn't kill Faiz. Kagami replied. Oh no, I did better. I branded him with my Superbia Magic before he left. Mizuki replied. Mizuki, which Superbia Magic did you use? God-level or regular level? Kagami asked. I would never use Byakko Magic or the Superbia Imperial Treasure on that trash. It would be a total waste. The next time he pisses me off I can cause his body sharp gauging pain. Mizuki replied. She smiles and snickers with crimson eyes. Tomoe looked terrified. What is wrong with you Tomoe? Katsu asked. I don't know why but I am getting all kind of angry Rumiko vibes. Tomoe replied. We should make it back. I promised my parents I would eat dinner tonight. Mizuki replied. Aren't you going to..? Kagami asked. Nope. She started putting all the pieces together. Mizuki replied. Kagami and Mizuki turn around and wave bye. They walked through the portal. That girl looked like Rumiko but has Tomoe's eye color. Ally replied. So my hunch was right. Rumiko replied. How did you come to that conclusion so quick? Ally asked. The Goddess of Chains is a name given to a goddess or female warrior associated with divine creatures like Hakuren the Superbia Queen. Rumiko replied. Why do you think Hakuren is a female? Tomoe asked. A hunch. Rumiko replied. For example, Kaoru is known for how she takes down her opponent. She was given the nickname Shurahime. Poppy replied. We don't talk about that story anymore. I replied. Aoi looked curious. I will not tell you, Aoi. I replied. Rumiko was lost in thought. Is she still on your mind? Tomoe asked. The way she took down the monster is the way I would exterminate monsters. She used a holy Superbian Magic like she does. Rumiko replied. Yeah, her magic is based of the Byakko. Rumiko replied. Are you serious, the White Tiger? I asked. I am the Sword Empress of Ira, the *Vermilion Beast. Rumiko replied. I heard of how powerful you are but that level? Poppy asked. I am not big on gloating but it's the something like that for Tomoe too. Rumiko replied. That girl has a good head on her shoulders. She seems like a person who has a family who supports her and would never desert her. I'm quite envious of her in a sense. Rumiko replied. Rumiko smiles. Since our day of relaxation was interrupted. Ally replied. Do you really need to bring that up? I asked. So who wants to go back to our day drinking? Ally asked. Today has been stressful. Poppy replied. The owner directs them to a private lounge. In the distance Tiras changes to a waiter appearance. He changes out with Amir. Here you go ladies. Tiras replied. What happened to Amir? I asked. He I switched out temporarily. Tiras replies. What is your name? I asked. Tiras is my name. Tiras replied. Araluen walks over. Hey are you new? Araluen asked. My name is Araluen Wales. Araluen replied. Hey that guys is really sexy. It's from the face down. Poppy replied. Here are your drinks. Araluen replied. Lieutenant Oneiros got a little jealous. Oh, well drinking during the day is so soothing. Ally replied. It is but it's all about limits. Aoi replied. Are you challenging us girls? Ally asked. Not at all. Aoi asked. See you have stirred up Ally? I replied. Don't worry, I can shut her up. Aoi replied.

The tension runs high. Who will win the drinking game?

Stay Tuned.

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