
Book Two: Chapter Thirteen: Rumiko vs. Kin

Last time, Kazuki informed everyone who was going to get attacked next. Rumiko was told that she was going to be attacked first.

When everyone went to lunch, Rumiko saw a sword slash coming towards her. Rumiko was spurred into action. So that kid was right. Rumiko replied. Their swords tapped. I have never seen that sword before. I replied. Well, I am not surprised; she uses that sword unless the enemy is considered a major threat. Well, there is something about that sword that is strong, but the backlash power of Kin was thrown out the window. Rumiko shook his blood off the sword. She then sprinted towards Kin. He dodged Rumiko's attack. I see you really went up against her. Ryu replied. None of your business. Kin replied. You are really crazy about doing that. Ryu replied. She wasn't given the name Princess of Carnage. Oh, I forgot that name is one of those nicknames you've never heard of. Ryu replied. I don't care; she stopped my sword, and no one has ever stopped it. Kin replied. Don't you dare run away from me! Rumiko yelled. Who said I was running away. Light of the Imperial Goddess! Kin yelled. Rumiko was hit by that attack, sending her flying. Don't get your hopes up, Kin. She is coming back. Ryu replied. She is giving off an immense, hellish aura. Aoi replied. I wouldn't be surprised if she fought him with almost everything she had. Katsu replied. What do you mean? I asked. I wouldn't be surprised; her powers are based on Callum, The Dragon King of Ira. She suppresses her urge to kill by summoning those swords. Tomoe replied. Are you serious? I heard she was half dragon, but I didn't believe it. I replied. Let him have it, Commander Vestia! Irina yelled. Rumiko walked out of the smoke in an unfamiliar transformation. She wore a crimson tunic with a black obi and a golden rope around her waist. She had two splits on both sides. She wore black stockings and brown sandals. Her hair turned crimson, and so did her eyes. On her left arm was the Ira symbol, and in her hands, were two duel blades. So that is the infamous form you are known for? Kin replied. Kin and Rumiko were clashing, and everyone was shocked to see Rumiko Vestia, Princess of the Dragons, in action. Rumiko was slowly overpowering. Cosmos appeared. Kin, you don't look that good. The Princess of Carnage is more than she seems. Get back here. Rumiko yelled. Rumiko slashed her swords at the same time, but Ryu stopped it. I can't let you kill those kids as much as you loved to kill me. He bounced her attack right at her. Then, you didn't see this coming. Rumiko replied. You see, in this form, your attacks won't phase me as much. After all this Dragoness Form, well, one of three anyway. Rumiko replied. Stop arguing with the Princess of Dragons. She might look harmless, but she is almost on the level of her father. One of the great Dragon Kings of the Seven Deadly Sins. Kuroyuri replied.

Rumiko's transformation burst into flames. Your power is amazing, Commander. Irina replied. Thanks, but that wasn't my strongest transformation. Rumiko replied. Are you serious? I asked. Yeah, my last transformation is my strongest, but I really can't control it, so I don't use it. Rumiko replied. You are so powerful, and I never imagined you could be so powerful. I heard rumors, but seeing it up close is amazing. Kazuki replied. Kazuki, are you low key fangirling right now? Chihiro asked. Shut up. Kazuki replied. Leave him alone; he is amazed at all the power she has but hides it. Well, Tomoe has witnessed her power on multiple occasions. Katsu replied. Yeah, I have seen all forms, and the last one was more terrifying than this one. Tomoe replied. Rumiko walked over to Tomoe and passed out in his arms. Rumiko! Ally yelled. Commander! Irina yelled. She is just fine; that level of transformation tires her out. Enough rest, and she will be good as new. Tomoe replied. Tomoe looked at her with a sad face. Then Rumiko says, I won't transform into that monster again. Rumiko muttered.

What could this mean?

Does Tomoe have a little crush on Rumiko?

Stay Tuned for next time!

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