
Cass's Secret

"Sir," Hugo turned and noticed the two generals he had met before, "Shinska wants to see you, to talk about the passing of the torch."

"Bring me to him," He said, "Omega follow me."

"Hugo," He said weakly, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"I have honor, I don't kill the defenseless."

"I ask you to keep these people safe."

"I will," He said, "Don't worry, I have an idea, I don't know if you will accept."

"What is it?" He pushed the words out of his lungs, "I think that I can grant you a favor."

"Walk with me outside, in front of the people, they adore you, it will help me help them. Then we will meet with my generals and your partner for the governing of Noxus in the Bilgewater empire."

"I think you will do more carrying than helping, I accept," He said as the doctors helped him up. They walked out of the palace, Hugo was lifting his weight and he slowly moved his feet. The crowd cheered when they saw Hugo helping Shinska walk. One down, three to go. They walked until the gates of the city. A horse and carriage was waiting for them. Hugo lifted Shinska into the back and Omega climbed in the front.

"Son, I think you did the right thing not to kill him, excuse my poor judgement."

"Who is he exactly?"

"He is my father," Hugo laughed as the started moving, "I left your city in the hands of my generals, they won't harm it, but they will help re-establish order, it won't be simple but-"

"I think we can do it," Shinska said, "My father told me that before he died, that ruling without him will be hard but that I could do it."

"Have a safe trip back!" Shinska called from the dock, "Hopefully this relation between Noxus and Bilgewater doesn't worsen!" Hugo waved as the ship left. He sat down and leaned back.

"Happy this is over?" Omega asked, "They surrendered and now we can look to other empires."

"Let's just wait a little, I would like to see my daughter grow up and be with my family, I am not a machine," He sighed, "I wonder how Cass and Nami are doing."

"Sona sent me a letter about that," Omega said after taking a drink, "Nami started school a year early, something about her being too smart for her level."

"Really?" Hugo said laying back, "That's my girl."

"Aside from that nothing much has been happening in the city aside from us missing the festival of the seas again, Cassidy had to open it, again, and Sona said that she is exhausted, don't know why, but she is."

"I'll have to do things for her when I get back," Hugo laughed, "At least the war is over, Undritch and Shinska will be in charge of governing the lands of Noxus, but they don't have all the power, that, I have," Hugo laughed and took a shrimp from the plate, "I haven't been this happy since Nami was born, the war is finally over, we can go back and I have to make an image for my election win in two years and make sure to keep the entire empire together."

"Hasn't Cassidy sent you any letters?"

"No, I don't know why, I sent her one, but no response," He shrugged, "It's only been 8 months, I don't know why, maybe she has been busy."

"Oh fuck! I forgot to show you this," He said grabbing a letter from his bag, "This is why she hasn't been sending you any letters."

Hugo looked at him weirdly, "Is it bad?"

"No, at least for her, she is happy about it."

"What do you mean?"

"For fuck sake, open the letter."

"When did you get this?"

"5 days ago, that's why I didn't want your fucking duel, but I forgot about it since."

Hugo opened it and began reading. He looked up at Omega with a smile on his face, "Is this serious?"

"Yep, it is her hand, and she clearly seems happy about it," Omega said as he took a drink. Hugo leaned back smiling and stared at the sky. I thank you, all powerful creator, for the luck you have given me.

The boat docked the next morning. The entire island had heard the news and knew that the war was over. They cheered as the soldier walked down and reunited with their families. Hugo walked down from the ship with Omega at his side. He noticed Sona and Nami standing at the front of the crowd. Where is she? He walked down and Nami ran up to him and jumped into his arms. Omega embraced Sona. Hugo lifted Nami and walked towards them.

"Where is Cass?"

"In your house, she is laying on your bed, she didn't have the strength to walk down here and stand here for an hour waiting for you, but she is fine."

"I should go see her," He said, "Maybe we can have dinner together to celebrate?"

"Depends on Cassidy, but if we can, yeah, for sure," She said as they left, "Oh, the nurse is with her, since I wasn't there to care for her," The crowd parted as he walked towards his house. He walked a little up the path before turning around to face the crowd.

"People of Bilgewater! I have returned like I said I would! But this time, there is no more Noxus! There is just Bilgewater!" He shouted with Nami in his arms, "I came, I saw and I conquered!" The crowd exploded into cheering and applause. He saluted them and they saluted him. He turned and hurried up the path. He opened the door and saw Cassidy lying on the bed. He put Nami down and walked to her side. Cassidy's face showed how tired she was. He knelt next to her and held her hand.

"You are back," She said softly, "I knew you would be back."

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, fine, much better now that you are here," She sighed, "Sorry I didn't send you a letter to tell you, I didn't want you to worry and come back without being sure you would stay, here with us."

"Don't worry about that," He said shaking his head, "The important thing is that you are fine and clearly you were taken care of. When will she give birth?"

"If everything goes well, in a week or two, but it could happen anytime before, or a little after," The nurse said, "But don't worry, it will be fine."

"Thank you," Hugo said as he got up, "I appreciate what you did for us."

"This is my job," The nurse smiled, "I do this all the time."

"Can you know if it is a boy or a girl?"

"No, but I know that it isn't twins, by the size."

"Okay, well I guess the creator wanted to keep that a surprise until the end," Hugo laughed, "Whatever it shall be, I will be happy, I assume you too."

"Of course, why wouldn't I," Cassidy said, "Can you help me sit up?"

"Sure," The nurse said as she helped her sit up and got up, "If your back hurts, tell me, I will help you down, I will be just outside, to leave you two to your little moment"

"Thank you," She said softly, she tapped the bed, "Sit down next to me, I haven't seen you in what seems like an eternity."

"It's been exactly 253 days."

"You kept count?"

"Of course, it was 253 days too much," He kissed her cheek, "I wonder if our child will have things like you, what do you think?"

"I don't know, but that would be cute," She leaned her head on his shoulder, "At least you will be here, with us."

"Of course, would you want to have dinner with Sona and Omega?"

"Yeah, I think that would be fine, I think I would like that," She said softly, "But I can't really prepare anything."

"Don't worry, I will do that."

"You're sweet, thank you."

"How has Nami been at school?"

"She says it is too easy, but she prefers it," Cassidy explained, "She already finished the workbook, she moved on to the 9th grade one recently."

"Won't it be a problem for her? You know, being so ahead?"

"Maybe, but for the moment," She paused, "She should be fine."

"Are you okay? Do you want to lie down?"

"Yeah, my back hurts, I am not built strongly."


"Yes Catp'n?"

"Could you show me how to lay her down? Or to help her lie down?"


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