
Presents and Surprises


"Good work, man!"

Kaoru mumbled a shy thank you as their glasses clinked. They were steadily finishing a bottle of sake and trays of takeaway sushi at the dining table in Miyagi's new apartment.

"The author is famous, right?" Nakamura asked. "You must have really impressed him."

"We're just relieved that he liked the final product," Kaoru confessed.

It was a commission from a famous poet who wanted an art book to accompany his latest collection at the last minute. Kaoru was put in charge of the project after the client cited an example of a previous book cover which happened to be his design.

It was also his first big assignment after returning to work. Together with the project team, he pulled tireless hours in the last month to meet the tough deadline.

To say that he was nervous would be an understatement. He was also sorry to have to postpone the trip to the springs which Keigo planned for them.

But Keigo, in his typical fashion, voiced an unequivocal confidence in Kaoru's ability. The faith and sureness in his manner gave Kaoru the push and determination to succeed.

Kaoru couldn't help but sneak in a very tiny element in the artwork for one of the poems. It was his own little secret. He couldn't wait to show it to Keigo once the book was published.

"Did your colleagues celebrate?" Miyagi queried.

"We went for karaoke yesterday," Kaoru said. "I thought this dinner was for your new home!"

Miyagi grinned. "Might as well drink to all the good stuff together."

Kaoru took another look around the apartment, noting that it was surprisingly neat and organized for Miyagi, whose last flat was so messy that the trio made a conscious decision never to meet there.

He teased, "Did you tidy up before we came over?"

It was a lighthearted comment but he noticed that Miyagi shifted uncomfortably in his seat and mumbled, "Yeah. Uh, I just moved in anyway."

Nakamura changed the topic swiftly. "By the way, you mentioned that the problem with the stupid article is sorted?"

Kaoru was puzzled but he replied, "Keigo resolved it. I think it won't be an issue now."

He didn't want to explain Keigo's solution, which was by all accounts, excessive.

"He must have been pissed off," Miyagi sniggered.

Kaoru admitted ruefully, "Yes, he was."

It was heartening that his friends had graduated from acute suspicion to overwhelming support when it came to Keigo. They didn't even question if there was an ounce of truth in the picture with Takumi.

Nakamura chuckled. "The assistants in my lab were mooning over his picture."

Kaoru was going to tell them about his own colleagues when he suddenly realized, "About your lab, it's not too far from here, right?"

"It-it isn't," Nakamura stammered.

Kaoru turned to Miyagi and commented, "And it's quite close to your café too!"

Nakamura stood up abruptly.

"The bottle's almost finished. Let's open the one you brought."

Kaoru was startled.

He excused himself, "Ah, can I use the bathroom?"

MIyagi nodded profusely. "Yeah, sure."

He went to the bathroom and while washing his hands, he thought about the atmosphere just now. Something was odd today. Perhaps he was overthinking but he felt as if he was missing a Very Important Point.

Kaoru nearly tripped when he emerged from the bathroom.

Miyagi and Nakamura were standing next to the fridge. Miyagi's hands wrapped around Nakamura's waist from behind as the latter held a bottle of sake. He kissed Nakamura's neck.

"Stop it!"

"It's just a hug!"

"How are we going to break it to him?"

"Just tell him!"

"You tell him!"

"No, you-"

It was certainly a shock. Kaoru never saw it coming.

Then again, perhaps the bickering throughout the years came from a certain place.

This explained the tidiness of the apartment. Nakamura must have instilled rules. The scientist among them was fastidious. It also placed the earlier awkwardness in new light.

Kaoru wanted to burst of laughing.

"You can both tell me," he interrupted them gently.

They jumped apart with alarming speed. Nakamura almost dropped the bottle. Two sets of eyes froze upon him.

Kaoru folded his arms and smiled expectantly. "Well?"

"Shit," Miyagi croaked.

Nakamura groaned. "Sorry. We, uh, we were trying to…"

Miyagi, usually so loud, was uncharacteristically silent.

Kaoru tried very, very hard not to show his amusement at their discomfort.

"We..it just happened and…" Nakamura began.

"Screw it," Miyagi muttered and declared. "We're dating and fucking. Happy?"

Nakamura turned to his now boyfriend with an incredulous glare and a beet red face.

"Congratulations!" Kaoru finally gave into his laughter. "Goodness, you both surprised me!"

"You idiot! Why did you say that?" Nakamura smacked Miyagi's head.

"What? It's the truth!" Miyagi protested.

"Yes, but that's not the point!"

"Baby, that is the only point," Miyagi said slyly.

"Aihara, help me out here!" Nakamura stormed over and demanded.

Kaoru shook his head as they converged at the table again. He was so happy for them as he listened to their bickering, though now laced with fondness and affection.

Some things never changed.


They finished later than they intended to since the pair spilled out everything that had happened unbeknownst to Kaoru. He messaged Keigo to let him know that he would be late because of the surprising turn of events.

"God, I feel so much better now. I've been dying to tell you," Nakamura confessed.

"You should have! It's happy news!" Kaoru chuckled.

Miyagi rubbed the back of his neck and admitted sheepishly, "We're kinda shy about it."

It was awfully sweet.

Keigo's reply was short. 'Have fun.'

He also insisted on picking him up.

Later, Miyagi walked him to the bottom of the apartment block while Nakamura stayed behind to finish washing the dishes.

Keigo stood next to the car parked on the side of the street.

He smiled and handed Miyagi an elegant paper bag which contained what appeared to be a bottle.

"For your new place."

Kaoru detected a hint of mischief in Keigo's smile. He was up to something.

"Thanks," Miyagi said.

"Enjoy it."

Kaoru was suspicious but he kept it to himself as they said goodbye to Miyagi.

He only questioned Keigo once they got into the car and Keigo drove away.

"What did you get him?"

Keigo glanced at him and replied easily, "Champagne and something useful."

Kaoru's face must have indicated doubt since Keigo laughed.

"It's just something for the kitchen," he explained and then added, "Are your thoughts straying, my dear?"

"No, of course not!" Kaoru mumbled quickly.

"What happened with those two?" Keigo sounded amused.

Kaoru relayed the short version of the tale. "Miyagi couldn't stay together with any of his ex-girlfriends but he kept trying to set Nakamura up with someone. Then one day, they went for a double date which didn't end well. They started drinking at Nakamura's flat and um, one thing led to another."

"Alcohol. An efficient enabler," Keigo pronounced.

"They ignored it for a while...but Nakamura finally had enough. He told Miyagi that since all his relationships have been failures so far, he might as well try it out with Nakamura," Kaoru concluded the summary.

"I'm impressed," Keigo remarked. "He didn't strike me as someone who is so forward."

Kaoru didn't think that there were many people who could compete with Keigo in terms of aggressive pursuits.

He repeated Nakamura's theory, "He said that it's no different from an experiment. With the correct tests, you will be able to find conclusive results."

Keigo's tone indicated that he was being incredibly pleased with himself. "Well, it's good that he likes experiments."

Before Kaoru could inquire, he continued, "We need to celebrate your book too, Kaoru."

"It's not my book," Kaoru corrected him.

"It contains your art so it is partially yours," Keigo asserted. "What would you like?"

He hasn't given up on or gotten over the idea of a gift.

Kaoru smiled. "You took me out for a nice meal already."

"That doesn't count," Keigo said emphatically.

Kaoru was earnest when he reminded Keigo, "You're also taking me to the springs."

The other man sighed dramatically. "Oh, Kaoru. We must fix this."

"There is nothing to fix!"

"We'll discuss this when we get home. You need to be inspired."


The following weekend, on a fine Sunday morning, Kaoru received divergent reviews of Keigo's present on his phone.

Miyagi: Thank your man for me. *winks*

Nakamura: Pervert! Bastard!

Kaoru sat up in bed.

He held the phone up when Keigo materialized from the bathroom.

"Keigo, why am I getting these messages?"

Keigo came closer and read the screen.

A smug look and an elegant shrug. "Nakamura is overreacting."

As usual, he wore little else other than another towel hanging low on his hips.

Kaoru was determined not to be distracted. "What was it?"

Keigo was heading to his wardrobe but doubled back and climbed into bed, straddling Kaoru.

The towel was unraveling slowly. Kaoru kept his eyes fixed firmly on Keigo's face.

There was a knowing and sensual glint in Keigo's eyes.

Kaoru's breath hitched.

"Just an apron. A sensible, practical housewarming gift," Keigo told him evenly. "I suppose Miyagi was more imaginative than I thought."

Despite himself, mortifyingly so, a sweep of plausible scenarios cascaded through Kaoru's mind. He flamed.

Keigo's hand reached up and held his chin firmly.

"You look unbelievably cute in one. Have I ever told you that?"

"We-we should get breakfast," Kaoru whispered.

Keigo smirked.

Kaoru regretted his choice of words immediately. Why did he have to say that? He wanted to smack himself. He wanted to pull up the covers and hide.

It was evident what Keigo's intentions were.

It was also a losing battle. His feeble attempt at resistance made him wonder why he even tried.

Keigo's smirk widened. He pulled him in.

Kaoru's last coherent thought?


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