
Love Again

"What the hell, man. Why didn't you tell us?" Miyagi demanded.

"Now, now. He was in shock," Nakamura said soothingly before giving Kaoru a meaningful glance. "He's right, you know."

Kaoru winced. "I'm sorry. It happened so quickly. I just…"

Miyagi grunted, "It's okay. We're just worried. You're alright now so that's what counts."

"Thanks for visiting me." Kaoru smiled gratefully.

"Don't mention it. Nice room by the way," Nakamura said dryly.

"It's too much, isn't it?" Kaoru was sheepish.

Miyagi snorted. "At least the rich boyfriend is useful for something."

"I thought you like him?" Kaoru queried.

"Oh, we do." Nakamura let out a defeated sigh. "We didn't want to but we couldn't help it."

"Arrogant ass. But he takes care of you so we'll be nice."

"You're acting like his mom."

"Shut up."

Kaoru giggled and flinched at the jab in his chest.

"Shit. It hurts, huh?" Miyagi said quickly.

"It's nothing. Just a temporary side effect when I laugh," Kaoru assured him.

Nakamura punched Miyagi's arm with a glare. Then he asked Kaoru, "When are you getting discharged?"

"Likely next weekend. I just need to come back for check-ups," Kaoru answered.

"Let us know if you need help with anything."

"The boyfriend gonna pick you up?"

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"Probably him wanting to kick us out."


"I'm not that rude," Keigo drawled as he sauntered in. "But if you don't mind…"

"Yeah, yeah." Miyagi rolled his eyes. "We'll get going."

"Take care of him," Nakamura provided a friendly reminder.

Keigo was affronted. "Of course."

The duo laughed and said their goodbyes.

"Good friends," Keigo commented once they left the room and sat down on the bed.

"They are," Kaoru agreed.

Keigo glanced at the flowers and soft toys in the room. A couple with accompanying notes which were more than friendly. "I see that you also have fans from work."

"They're just being nice," Kaoru protested.

"Offers to cook for you? Or to accompany you at home?"

Kaoru blushed and mumbled, "They know that I'm with someone."

"Persistent." Keigo seemed amused. "But no matter, I know that you are mine."

"Yes," Kaoru whispered since there was no need to deny it.

Keigo's smile was knowing and fierce. He leaned closer and caged Kaoru.

"Move in with me," he demanded. "Let me take care of you."

"It's not a choice, is it?" Kaoru asked.

"It isn't," Keigo noted emphatically.

"I'll take care of you too," Kaoru said earnestly. Then he realized the condition that he was in and felt stupid for saying that. "Not that you need..I just.."

"Do that," Keigo said with a voice so tender it made Kaoru yearned.

They stared at each other.

And met in a kiss.


Another two weeks passed after Kaoru's discharge before they went over to pack up his apartment. His recovery was going nicely and fears of infection had not come to fruition. The pain which had bothered Kaoru during the first week subsided as well.

Almost too good to be true but Keigo wouldn't turn his back on good fortunes.

Packing turned out to be an efficient process since Kaoru's valuable possessions were few.

Keigo surveyed the boxes and remarked, "You wardrobe is minimal."

Kaoru folded a jacket and teased, "Compared to yours?"

"You haven't seen Takumi's," Keigo retorted and sealed a carton.

"He's a model," Kaoru chuckled.

"And I like to look good in well-made clothes," Keigo said evenly before casting him a sly glance. "But you look best without any, baby."

Kaoru threw a scarf at him and admonished, "You!"

"Fine, I'll behave," Keigo caught the scarf with unrepentant laughter. Then he asked, "Are you tired? Should we take a break?"

"I'm fine. I've been resting for weeks," Kaoru assured him.

"As you should."

"You didn't even want to let me out of bed. Although the doctors recommended light exercise."

"Keeping you in bed? What makes you think it's only when you're recuperating?" Keigo flashed him an innocent grin.

"Keigo! Behave!" Kaoru flushed.

Adorable. It only encouraged Keigo further.

Keigo was going to demonstrate how badly behaved he could be when his phone rang. He checked the screen.

"Damn it. Let me get this," he sighed and stood up. Kaoru nodded and gave him a sweet smile.

The call didn't last long. Just one of his executives who needed directions for a meeting the following week. Keigo gave his instructions and typed out a quick email.

He was heading back to Kaoru's bedroom when an opened carton on the coffee table caught his eye.

Sketchbooks and stationeries. Kaoru finished most of his work in digital format nowadays so these were likely his own.

Curiosity snagged him. Keigo picked up a book and leafed through the pages.

A myriad of subjects ranging from animals, sceneries to inanimate objects. One subject repeated throughout with consistency.

Sketches of him in various profiles. Frowning with concentration at work. A satisfied expression when something went well.

Probably drawn from memory with astonishing accuracy. Kaoru even managed to catch the confident smirk he knew he had.

Keigo smiled and shook his head in wonder.

"Keigo, is everything okay?" Kaoru called out with concern.

"Yes. Just done," Keigo replied and placed the sketchbook back into the box. "When are the movers coming tomorrow?"


The sense of wonder continued as Keigo leaned against the wall and watched Kaoru in what was now converted into his work space. The room had a good amount of natural light with its big windows and was across from Keigo's own study.

It was like watching Kaoru put a magical touch to the once sterile room. The shelves are lined with books and a few pictures of them. A few potted plants sat on the windowsill. Neat stacks of sketchbooks sat on the desk, next to a laptop. A colorful clay jar contained a variety of pens and pencils. The art desk held a rough sketch of a scene for Kaoru's latest project at work.

Kaoru was too focused on unpacking to notice him.

Keigo smirked and crossed the room quickly to hug his waist from behind.

"Keigo!" Kaoru yelped in surprise.

"Stop for a while. You've been at it all afternoon," Keigo murmured into his ear.

Kaoru put down a box of stationeries he was holding. "I still have more to go."

Then he added shyly, "Thank you for letting me have the room. It's…I've never had a work space that's so nice. I just want to make it perfect."

There was a touch of disbelief in his voice.

"Idiot." Keigo tightened his hold. "It's your home too."

Kaoru ducked his head. "I suppose it's ours."

He turned around with a small, bright smile.

"Accurate and true," Keigo concurred wholeheartedly.

The light caught Kaoru's face in a lovely caress, softening his already gentle features. It was one of those moments where only simple words would do.

Keigo whispered, "I love you."

Kaoru's expression blossomed. "I love you too."

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