

Keigo observed Kaoru carefully and found that he was hoping very much for an affirmative answer.

Absolute stillness.

"A compensated arrangement," Keigo clarified. "Limited time. Negotiable fees."

"It's not possible," Kaoru's voice was small but tight.

"Which part?" Keigo inquired.

That caused the other man to turn around sharply. "Do you enjoy this? Buying someone?"

Certainly, those dark eyes flashed with anger. Keigo deserved that. However, he also saw a tremble in those hands and a quiver on those lips.

Hurt. Beneath the anger, Kaoru was hurt.

Keigo answered quietly, "No. Frankly, I don't usually need to pay to get laid."

"Then why are you doing this?" Kaoru choked out.

"It seemed practical," Keigo mused. "I'll pay very well. I don't cling. You may even enjoy it, I promise."

Now, those dark eyes were staring at him as if he was mad.

All Keigo knew was that when he arrived at the club and witnessed the scene with Ijima, he didn't want anyone else touching Kaoru.

Perhaps he WAS mad.

"You are the most arrogant person I've ever met," Kaoru told him in disbelief.

Keigo let out a laugh. "So I've been told. But at least I am honest."

He leaned forward and murmured, "Let's try it. Stop if we get bored. Or you've made enough cash. Or one of us falls in love with someone else. Either way, it's fine with me."

Kaoru looked away. "I-I can't answer you right now. It's too much."

Keigo straightened himself. He was close to winning Kaoru over. One shouldn't push too much.

"Meet me here tomorrow night at ten." He handed Kaoru a card. "The room will be booked under Yamane."

Kaoru took the hotel card mechanically. "I haven't said yes."

"If you come, then you have," Keigo whispered and before Kaoru could protest, bent down and stole a kiss at the corner of his lips.

Kaoru gasped and covered his mouth.

Keigo gave him another winning smile and walked out of the room.


The card in his hand seemed to stare at him accusingly.

Kaoru had been too flabbergasted to react to Wada's proposition. He couldn't understand why he wasn't furious. He should be ashamed not to have declined immediately.

It could be that Wada was so direct about it. He didn't make it sound like it was anything else other than what it was – pure compensated sex.

It could also be, Kaoru admitted in the far corner of his heart, that he was captivated. It was difficult not to be by someone like Wada, when his own life was so dire and small.

"Pathetic," Kaoru whispered to himself.

He didn't really think about it the night before, focusing on finishing his shift and avoiding Ijima. Wada had stayed for a short while at the table which was celebrating before departing.

Kaoru had collapsed in bed and gone to his day job at a clothing store. He was adamant not to consider the offer less he be even more tempted.

Now, when the last of the sunlight disappeared into the late evening, he sat alone in his tiny flat, unable to avoid it any longer.

It could potentially mean quitting one of his jobs. It might go a long way to pay for his parents' debt and his own medical bills.

With that, could he regain a bit of his life? Was the cost too high to pay?

What was the cost, really? Just physical interactions. As long as Wada was not cruel, was it that bad?

"No." Kaoru shook his head and drew in a breath. He stood up from his bed and went to boil some water. He was going to make tea, go to bed early and forget that it all ever happened.

He filled the water.

The room went dark.

An electricity blackout.

Kaoru was fixed to his spot like an idiot, kettle of water in hand, in near darkness. He put the kettle down and his palm clasped over his heart.

Somehow, for reasons unknown, this shattered him into pieces.

Kaoru felt tears in his eyes and before he realized it, he was gasping for air to prevent a descent into uncontrollable sobbing.

He couldn't even boil water.

After he managed to calm down, he fumbled back to his bed and found his phone.

He picked up the card and his coat.


"The guest is waiting for you!" the cheerful receptionist exclaimed when he asked to see Mr. Yamane. "He's in Room 3510. It must be so nice to see an old friend! My colleague will escort you to the lift, Mr. Aihara."

Kaoru mumbled a thanks and was led to the lift, which he had to himself.

He didn't know what to expect. Would this be a joke at his expense? He had half expected for the receptionist to tell him that there was no guest registered under that name.

The lift seemed to arrive at the floor within seconds.

At the end of the corner of a long corridor, Kaoru stood in front of the door. Room 3510.

There must be a way to steel himself from what he was about to do.

"Limited time," he whispered to no one in particular.

He rang the bell.

Wada opened the door immediately. Kaoru was almost startled by those blue eyes piercing him with the accompanying question.

"Are you here to negotiate?"

"Yes," Kaoru replied.

Wada grabbed his arm and hauled him into the room, which turned out to be a suite.

Kaoru saw a coat flung over the couch carelessly. A bottle of wine opened on the table with a half empty glass.

When they faced each other, the conversation which followed would be so bizarre he didn't have time to think.

"Here," Wada picked up an envelope from the table and gave it to him. "Is this agreeable?"

Kaoru opened it and read the set of numbers, scribbled in a bold handwriting. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't even have a ready figure when he came here in a moment of weakness and impulse.

He nodded.

"Likely once a week when I am in town."

"Not in the day. I-I need to work," Kaoru returned.

"Cash only."


"We don't sleep together."

"You have to give me some notice."

"Call me Keigo."

"If you want me to."

"I want discretion," Wada said, serious and unyielding. "You?"

"Stop if I tell you to," Kaoru said the first thing which came to his mind. The most important. He didn't want to be hurt more than he already was inside.

Wada softened his gaze slightly. "Agreed."

"Agreed," Kaoru repeated quietly.

"Good," Wada commented before pulling Kaoru against him.

Lips crushed. Bodies melded. This time, there was no hesitation.

Next chapter