
Helpful Suggestions

As the summer went on, their pattern of texting during shooting days and doing relaxing things on her days off continued. Justin was exposed to a lot of new movies he had never seen on the days Emily was too tired to go out.

When she felt up to it they tried out new restaurants or slowly checked off items from his list of potential date ideas, carefully avoiding anything involving physical activity until Emily begged him to go rollerskating with her. It had been another long week for her, so how could he say no?

Justin slowly made his way around the rink, trying desperately not to fall over, as Emily literally skated circles around him. Eventually, she got bored of skating alone and insisted on skating with him.

Despite being nearly a head shorter, she acted as his anchor and he gripped her hand tightly so he wouldn't fall over. She wasn't able to go anywhere near as fast as she was capable of own her own but she didn't seem to mind.

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