
I will be fedddd by beauty

Hyung is one of the scientists in the compund where the beauty was being experimented on.

He was one of the first who got touched by the beauty and also one of the first who died due to overeating.

When he was alive he was on the team who was in contact with this beauty the most. He was the one who is the lackey of he research team, getting samples, touching the beauty with his gloved hands and feeling the soft skin which is shining bronze, teeth colored silver, eyes colored gold. When they wanted to dissect this dead being they could not do so as every incision they make heals in a matter of seconds and when they use clamps to make the wound stay open the skin overpowers it and it closes so they can only get small samples from here and there slice a small skin of and new ones take over it. They wanted to slice a big part of the being but they could not get through the bone as all the tools they use could not cut the bone. This seems to be a body of a supreme being and Hyung's job is just to get samples here and there. For a young man, whose hopes and dreams are soaring; getting an opportunity to get inside an exclusive team to study an otherworldy creature is an opportunity but this opportunity made his dreams wind down as a lackey getting samples, making coffee with 35% sugar and 60% almond milk and washing clothes are a common thing that he does inside the compound. What he does though while getting samples is complain to the corpse while massaging the said corpse as gentle touches seem to stimulize the cells in its body.

He talks and talks and talk with the beauty about school where he graduated with honors, his workmates now, his family and anything under the sun.

When the beauty woke up from "death". It thought that the scientist in front of it was the human who always talks to it but it was not. The beauty touched lots of people inside the compound until it found Hyung. Hyung was the last person it touched.

The study continued until after a couple of days and the symptoms manifested. Hunger. Endless Hunger. Other scientist who was not touched wanted to fix their teammates but could not do so, they do not want to get near the creature who did this to them. They also could not kill it.

The 'virus' as what the scientist believes stimulates the cells to continue functioning. It needs a person's life energy at its lowest to combine to other cells and make their organs fail until only the heart and brain(slightly) function. The brain makes it desire food and recognize what needed to be eaten the heart burns the energy and supplies it to the whole body. Other organs are eliminated and used as energy to make the body more resilient and flexible it converts the nutrients on the other organs and adds it to the bones and muscles to make the zombies stronger.

If the zombies do not eat it will burn the nutrients in the fat, the muscles and makes the zombies smarter and lets them find a way to eat like eating their clothes when locked up or eating plants, roots or electricity. Zombies die if they do get hit in the brain as it would not lose the control system of the body, unless you hit a zombie in the brain but continue feeding them. A dead zombie's body would petrify then would shrink until it becomes a stone-like shape and a diamond-like sheen. This is a nuclei. Superhumans are also the same but since they are superhumans who gained extra abilities, they have bigger nucleis their abilities are extra energy refined by the stone and they get other colors than the zombei's diamond sheen.

Hyung is a smart zombie and does not eat the nucleis as per the beauty.

Even as a zombie, Hyung is in contact and talks to the beauty. He was asked by the beauty not to refine the nuclei of any being. Hyung sometimes gets tempted in eating the nucleis as it looks like it is has a bunch of energy but the beauty only shows its hand to Hyung and he follows it like a puppy to an owner.

The beauty actually offers food to Hyung. It cooks. When it cooks, it drops a turquoise colored blood in the food it feeds Hyung. It also feeds Hyung by the hand.

This beauty does not have a gender. It does not have a reproductive system like humans, it might look like a human but it is not. What we know is that this being favors Hyung a lot.

The beauty still takes care of Hyung and continuesly feeding him blood until, Hyung evolved.

He became smarter and regained his memories.

Will he leave the beauty now?

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