Its the first day of school. You enter your class and introduce your self.
"Hello my name is Luna Walker and i hope we will be great friends!" The class is whispering about you, you felt pretty akward you head to your chair but you froze from the sudden scream by Mr.Lea "QUIET! So lets get started" the class sighs, you sit down on your chair.
Few minutes later
Mr.Lea "Okay class dismissed" you walk out of the class and head to the bathroom you stumble on something but you manged to pick yourself up and go into the bathroom, you look into the mirror and say "hmmm im going to fix my hair!" You then fix your hair, your brush falls you pick it up and put it back in your bag "my hair is all fixed! Time to head out" you go out of the bathroom.
You head to second period but something made you feel uneasy about the school, you arrived in class [hmmm everyones clothes seem different maybe they changed meh i'll just ignore it] Ms. Brooke "Okay class time to learn about Magics!"
You were in sudden shock [I thought this was history class!?]