
Teens Without Direction

Author: GeekyCryBaby
Ongoing · 45K Views
  • 12 Chs
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Morgan being the new girl, Victoria being the quirky step/best sister, Jason being aloof/handsome love interest and Gabe being small/adorable know it all, all have to survive high school while dealing with a enemy by the name of Stacy Birch and her little minions.

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Chapter 1Episode 1

"Ugh! Why do we have to move here again?" A girl with a black messy ponytail asks as she groans sitting in a moving car. She had a white crop top on with a jacket that wrapped around her black tights.

A older man next to her laughs. "Morgan, I promise it isn't that bad."

She rolls her eyes. "Dad why? Why her?"

He smiles. "Cause, she makes me happy. Don't you want your handsome dad to have love?"

She laughs a little. "Yeah." She stares out the window.

"Plus she has a daughter around your age. So you won't be alone going to high school." He pats her shoulder.

"Still.." She stares out the window groaning as she watches the passing houses.

They reach a beautiful house. It was a 50s style home. Two floors with a bright yellow door.

"We're here." Her dad smiles as he pulls over to the sidewalk. He shuts the car off. "Listen.." He sighs. "Be nice." He looks over at her. "I know how you can be and I know you don't like new people but please for me. Just this once be nice to them. Lindsey really likes me and I like her too." He clutches his hands on the steering wheel.

She smiles at him. "You really like her huh?"

He nods.

She kisses his cheek. "Don't worry dad. I promise I won't do or say anything."

He smiles at her. "You know sometimes you are my favorite daughter in the world."

She laughs. "I'm your only daughter!" She gets out, shutting the door behind her. She takes in the nice house and neighbor hood. "Wow."

"I know!" Her dad shuts his side of the door. "Lindsey is loaded. She came from nothing to something." He goes to the trunk.

"I can see that.." She sighs crossing her arms.

*Inside the house*

"Victoria if you don't-" A woman with short brown hair yells up the stairs when a girl runs down them. "Wow.." She looks at her.

The girl smiles big. Her strawberry blonde hair down to her shoulders. She wore a jacket with tank top. Her skirt being polka dot.

"Vic?" The woman crosses her arms. Staring at her hair.

Victoria smiles big. "I'm dressing up for them!" She goes to the door but the woman grabs her arm.

"No. I mean the hair." She points to Victoria's hair.

Victoria laughs. "Oh this? I'm going for a new look!" She twirls around.

The woman laughs.

"Mom stop!" Victoria stomps her foot. "I am!"

Her mom smiles. "Sweet-y I know. I think its nice for a change." She goes to the front door. "But don't change too much. I still want you to always stay nice."

Victoria laughs. "I'll always be your little girl." She hugs her mom.

Morgan's dad walks in. "Lindsey!" He goes to hug Victoria's mom.

Lindsey laughs. "Seth. I'm happy your here." She looks around. "Where's-"

"She getting her bags." He smiles.

"I'll go help her!" Victoria walks past them. She heads towards Morgan.

"Awe look at them." Seth wraps his arm around Lindsey.

"Hi!" Victoria waves at Morgan as she approaches her.

Morgan laughs. "Nice hair" She pulls out a bag but the handle rips. Causing it to open. Clothes falling on the ground. "Shit!" She bends down to pick them up.

Victoria sees Morgan's thong showing.

"Hey girls. Need any help?" Seth walks over.

Victoria stands between him and Morgan. "Everything's fine!" She smiles.

He nods. "Okay" He walks back up to the house.

She lets out a sigh.

"Thanks." Morgan laughs as she finishes picking up the clothes. "He doesn't know yet and nor do I want to tell him."

Victoria smiles. "It's fine. Just trying to save you from embarrassment."

Morgan sets the bag to the side. "Well still thanks." She smiles at her.

"My mom wants me to wear more things like this. Rather than, in her words, dress like a little girl." Victoria laughs.

"Yeah. My dad is the opposite." Morgan closes the trunk. "I'm his little girl."

Victoria picks up two bags.

Morgan grabs the broken one. "Well it was nice meeting you."

They walk up to the house.

Morgan looks at the house. "Very.." She takes a deep breath. "..clean."

"My mom's a clean freak." Victoria laughs. "Oh! I forgot to say my name!" She turns to Morgan. "Names Victoria. But you can call me Vic for short."

Morgan smiles. "Morgan."

"Girls!" Lindsey walks in. "I'm making spaghetti for dinner and brownies for desert!"

"Yummy!" Lindsey smiles.

Morgan nods. "Thanks.." She walks to the stairs.

"Oh let me show you to our room!" Victoria runs up the stairs with Morgan's bags.

"Our room?" Morgan looks at her dad.

He quickly darts to the kitchen.

Morgan walks in her new bedroom. Bunk beds sits on the right while a futon is on the other side. Fluffy pink and blue pillows lay on it.

"Sorry. I know it's not quite your taste but it's-" Victoria leans on her desk.

"It's fine.." Morgan cuts her off. She sets her bags next to the door. "I'll take the futon if that's okay."

"Oh! Yeah that fine!" Victoria laughs. "It's soft!" She moves her hand over it.

Morgan groans. "Yeah.." She sits on the couch.

"Tomorrow I'll introduce you to my friends. They are both boys but don't be alarmed. They are harmless." Victoria sits beside her. "Also Jason may be a problem."

"Hmm." Morgan looks around the room.

"I dated him. It was years ago when I was 7 and he was 8. So now we're best friends. It was so long ago." She looks over at Morgan who was not listening. "If you want I can go.." She stands.

Morgan looks at her. "Oh. Sorry." She sighs. "It's just been a lot. That's all." She smiles at her.

Victoria smiles back. "Good!"

*At dinner*

Seth and Lindsey set down the plates and food. Morgan and Victoria sit down on opposite side of the table.

"It smells delicious." Seth says smelling the spaghetti.

Lindsey sits on the end. Opposite of Seth who is sitting on the other end.

"Thanks mom!" Victoria smiles at her mother.

"Well I had help from Seth." Lindsey winks at Seth.

He smiles at her.

Morgan gets some spaghetti. "Thank you."

"Oh it's alright." Lindsey smiles at her.

Morgan takes a bite.

*In the morning*

Morgan groans as sunlight shines in her eyes. "Ugh" She waves her arm over her face.

"Oh good. Your up." Victoria brushes her hair.

Morgan sits up on the futon. "What time is it?"

"5." Victoria sets her brush down. "We don't have much time left. We need to catch the bus soon."

"What time does the bus come?" Morgan throws off her covers.

"At 5:30" Victoria smiles at her.

"Oh good-y!" Morgan mocks her while walking out.

*At the bus stop*

Morgan leaned on the stop sigh. "I thought you said the bus would be here-"

"It's late. It always is on the first day back to school." Victoria sighed as she looked down the road.

"Great!" Morgan sighed.


Morgan and Victoria both looked down the road to see two boys running at them.

"Oh! That's Jason and Gabe!" Victoria waves at them. "Hey guys!"

Morgan looks at them.

Jason's hair was shaggy and long. His dark blue eyes showed through his dirty blonde hair. He wore a shirt with "always a nerd" on the front. Gabe on the other hand had short dirty blonde hair. He had light brown eyes. He also wore a tie with his white shirt that tucked in his very straight pants.

"Hey guys!" Victoria smiles at them when they stopped in front of her.

Jason was very tall. "Sup." he smiled at her but looked at Morgan. "Damn.." He blushed hard.

Gabe laughed at him. "Dude." He hit his arm.

"Huh?" Jason looked around confused. "Oh...sorry"

Morgan nodded at them. "Hi.."

"Jason? You okay?" Victoria laughed.

"Yes! Why?" Jason was still blushing. He stared at the ground.

Morgan smiled. She heard honking. "Bus" She stood up straight.

*First period*

Everyone was walking into class.

Morgan sat next to Victoria, Jason and Gabe in the middle of the classroom. "So this is Wester High?" She sighed. "Thought it would have more students." She leaned back in her chair.

"Well they just opened up a new high school for the richer kids. So the rest of us are stuck her until they don't need us anymore." Gabe put his text books on his desk.

Jason had his head in one of his hands. He stared at Morgan. "You're so pretty.."

"What?" Morgan looked at him.

"Um nothing!" He quickly faced forward.

Victoria rolled her eyes smiling. "He likes you."

"Hey!" Jason hit her shoulder.

She laughed. "Oh what? It's true!"

Morgan smiled. "I'm flattered but I'm not looking for a boyfriend." She leaned forward. "Just here to get school over with so I can move to New York."

"Why there?" He asked curious.

She shook her head. "Um just forget I even said that.." She pulled out her text books.

He nodded. "Got it.." He looked at Victoria. "So..." He smiles big at her. "How was the date?"

Victoria blushed. She kicked his leg. "Shut it!"

He laughed. "What? I was just asking!"

Morgan looked at them confused. "Date?"

"Its nothing!" Victoria looked at her crazy. "It's..nothing.." She sighed.

"Okay.." Morgan leaned towards her. "Now I NEED to know."

Jason winked at her.

Morgan smiled. "Come on! Spill"

Victoria groaned. "I went on a date with Will."

"Andd whose Will?" Morgan looked at Jason.

"A boy in her math class that is in love with her" He laughed.

"Ugh!" Victoria put her face to her desk.

Morgan sat back. "Understand. I promise not to ask any more questions."

"Okay shut it!" A man in a messy dress shirt walks in. His hair was uncombed while stains went across his shirt and pants.

"That's our teacher?" Morgan looked at them.

"Yeah..." Jason looked at him. "We heard about him in middle school."

"They say that if you look at him in the eyes that you'll sell your soul to the devil!" Gabe whispers to them.

"Okay then." Morgan looks at the teacher.

"Today we will learn about-"

A blonde girl with a hot pink dress and heels walks in with two other girls on either side of her.

"Oh Miss Birch. I'm happy to-"

"Save it Deck. I'm not here to listen to you!" She growls at him. She walks to a girl in the front row. "Move!" She puts her hands on her hips.

The girl quickly moves.

Miss Birch sits down. "Better." She smiles at the teacher.

"You know you can't have your-" He looks at the other two girls on either side of her.

"Girls. Go" She waves them away.

Both girls walk out of the class.

"Happy?" She rolls her eyes at him.

"Much" He sighs as he turns to his board.

"That's Stacy Birch." Victoria whispers to Morgan. "If I were you I wouldn't talk to her. Shes a bitch"

Morgan nods as she stares at Stacy. "Got you"

Stacy messes with her nails.

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