

The Emperor stared at the shy blushing Lei Xing, who was avoiding his gaze with a smile plastered on his face. He remembered telling her that night not to come to him dressed like this anymore unless she was trying to tempt him. It was one thing for him for her to just let him take, but it was a whole different thing for her to offer herself to him like this. This was her accepting him and as he had always wanted, this was her completely and willingly giving herself to him.

After a while of the Emperor just standing there, lightly holding her hand and making no moves or showing any indication...to do something, Lei Xing glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow.

{...Um, proceed?⚆ _ ⚆)...No? Okay, let's just stand here and play statues then -_-)'...I should say something...Like? I don't know! Let's just move this along! >_<) ...}< em>

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