

" Open your eyes "

" open those eyes "

A world were power is everything and the weak is preyed upon .

[ Cave ]

[ Shaking ]

" hey bro the ground is shaking "

" we have to flee I fear that a dangerous monster might have awoken "

" But bro this might be are chance "

" insolent would it be worth our lives "

[ The older man slapped the younger]

" I'm sorry brother "

" let's leave "

[ explosion ]

[ both brothers were strucked and was sent flying ]

[ 1 hour later ]

the older man gained consiousness he looked around and found he's younger brothers shiloutte .

the older man stood up .

" who are you "

[ a voice spoke before the older man , the older man turned his face towards the voice and fear was written on his face ]

[ a young man with both appearing face and body appeared before him , but what made the older man fearful was the aura being emitted by the young man . ]

" This kid is a monarch no maybe even more ."

[ the older man could not help but be shocked , as the young man's power was unbelievable ]

" greetings senior I am Zhu Shui may I ask for seniors name "

" I am "

[ " what's my name again ? "]

" I am Ren Cheng "

[ makes up his own name ]

" greetings senior Cheng "

" hey wake your brother up "

[ Zhu Shui hurriedly woke his younger brother ]

" brother "

" wake up idiot " [ the older brother said ]

[ after Zhu Shui explained a few details the younger man stood up and greeted Ren Cheng ]

" Greetings senior I am Xiang Shui "

[ Ren Cheng nodded his head ]

" can you accompany me back to your city ? "

" this " [ Zhu shui tought for a while ]

" Very well , we better leave if you have nothing to bring we could get going "

[ Ren Cheng nodded ]

" one more thing I hope you keep my identity a secret .. "

[ Zhu Shui and Xiang Shui nodded ]

afterwards they rode a carriage heading back to the city .

along the way monsters often attack , but Ren Cheng easily disposed of them while zhu shui and xiang shui collect the beast cores from them .

" brother this cores mostly belong to grade 7 monsters "

[ Xiang Shui gulped as ge examine the beast cores , grade 7 beast cores are highly sought out and there price is very high .

[ grade 7 monsters = king realm cultivators ]

[ zhu shui looked at ren Cheng like a monster " what power he easily slaugthered king realm monsters like it was chicken .. "]

[ Human City ]

the human city comprises of 4 different cities . Outer , middle , inner and the imperial capital .

the outer comprises of the common folks the middle city comprises of the blacksmiths , merchants the inner city comprises of the nobles and high ranking officials as well as cultivators while the imperial city comprises of the royal family .

[ the carriage stopped at a inn ]

" Xiang Shui accomodate senior Cheng to a room "

[ Xiang Shui nodded ]

" senior Cheng please follow me "

Ren Cheng was lead to a small room it has a bed and a bathroom .

" senior cheng if this room does not fit your taste I can ask for a much better room "

[ Ren Cheng : " no need this room is enough " ]

afterwards Xiang Shui headed back down .

meawnwhile on the 1st floor

a young woman can be seen talking with Xiang Shui

" Brother Shui who is that young man ? "

" Xu Fang don't call him young man we adress him as senior and you should to alright . "

Xu Fang : " but he looks so young "

" looks can be decieving .. I "

[ Zhu Shui arrived " Xu Fang take good care of senior Cheng "

[ He looks at Xiang Shui " stop talking and bring this cores to be sold off . "

" Brother Shui all of it ? "

" umm yes maybe talk with Pali auction house and find a good price . "

Xu Fang was surprised " Brother Shui are those beast cores , but why is it so shiny ? "

" This are high ranking cores on how we got it we were just lucky "

Xiang Shui hurriedly left with the 20 plus beast cores .

Ren Cheng arrived " Are you selling those cores ? "

Xu fang and Zhu Shui shocked


Next chapter