

"She no longer regards us as her friends so stop going to her. She'll keep ignoring you, I know my sister ..she's stubborn and sometimes senseless."  Min-ho said irritatedly, before grabbing my hands but I can't stop looking at the exit, I just couldn't believe she left with him again and today.

"She's not senseless Min-ho so don't call her that, she's just, she's just corrupted by that Woo-bin." I said angrily while still looking at the exit doorway, debating whether to go to Inna and talk her out of whatever Woo-bin fed her, or go there and fight Woo-bin.

I think the reason why I'm so angry is because everyone knows who Woo-bin is, he's a player and he doesn't love Inna, he even makes this very obvious to her but like Min-oh said, Inna is very stubborn and sometimes she tends to act a little reckless, she wasn't like this five years ago ..she changed when Woo-bin came back to Mandir.

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