

Chapter 76 The Second "Xueqing River"

  In the dim, swaying carriage, Yu Xiaoyu opened his eyes in a daze. He felt his body shaking, and from time to time the ground bumped, turning him upside down.

  Looking in, it was pitch black in front of me, and I felt a dense feeling when I started to touch it. For the first time, Yu Xiaoyu thought, I was abducted?

  Yu Xiaojiao, who was covered in a sack, had already awakened. He didn't know where he was going to be sent. When he was about to shout loudly, there was a crisp sound from his neck. His eyeballs turned white and he continued to pass out.

  "It's really troublesome, just kill it."The man in black sitting in the carriage kicked the sack impatiently.

  "This is something arranged by the young master, we just need to do it."

  The person in charge of escorting Yu Xiao 'an was a soul saint. According to Qin Yang's instructions, they were about to take Yu Xiao 'an to Tiandou City. In the coming days, the dungeon will be Yu Xiao 'an's last destination.

  At the same time, inside Shrek Academy.

  After getting the master's answer, Xiaowu stepped back a few steps, her face was embarrassed, obviously unwilling to do so.

  In this regard, Yu Xiaogang said again: "According to my investigation, soft-boned rabbits can generally give birth to 6 to 8 nests a year. They have a very strong reproductive ability. They can breed once in about two months. If properly nourished, rabbits can even give birth to one litter a month.With such a rapid reproduction rate, it is no wonder that they will become a food source for the rest of the soul beasts."

  As soon as these words came out, Xiaowu's face turned whiter, she gritted her teeth, clenched her fists for a moment and then let go.

  What the master said is true, and the true can no longer be true.

  "For the next few days of the college, there are only these soft-boned rabbits who have to suffer."The master finished.

  Oscar asked, "But...will anyone come to buy our rabbit meat?""

  This is a problem. There are ways to make money, but no one buys it. No matter how many soft-boned rabbits you kill, it's useless.

  Mentioning this, Yu Xiaogang smiled and pointed to Shrek Seven Monsters and said, "You are the best golden signboard. Don't forget, the name of Shrek Seven Monsters has long resounded in Soto City.As long as you are under the banner of Shrek Seven Monsters, you are not afraid of having no guests.

  Okay, let's go back and prepare. We will catch a batch today, and then make another batch tomorrow. We will officially set up a stall the day after tomorrow."

  As soon as Yu Xiaogang had explained everything, he beckoned everyone to go down and prepare.

  Shrek's seven monsters scattered in a hush, catching and catching, burning and burning, Dai Mubai picked up the snow-white dagger and waved it in his hand. Although he was born in the royal family, he had never done this kind of work, but thinking back to the days when there was no meat to eat, Dai Mubai still bored his head and worked hard.

  As for Ma Hongjun, he first went to complete the ten-lap round-trip run ordered by Yu Xiaogang, and his talkative problem still hadn't been fixed.

  Oscar went to prepare firewood and the ingredients needed for "One Hundred Ways of the Soft-boned Rabbit".

  Tang San looked at Xiaowu who was upset, and he decided to do a thought work for Xiaowu first.


  In Tiandou City, Xueqinghe lives.

  "Hahaha!"Xueqinghe laughed loudly and gave Qin Yang a thumbs up, "You are too damaged, this is to kill the rabbit alive, hahaha!"!!"

  "You can't blame me. Who made Tang San want to kill me? At present,'yu Xiaogang' is officially put into the Shrek Academy lineup. There will be undercover and troublemaking work for a long time. This is a long process."Qin Yang had planned everything a long time ago, so he waited for it to be implemented.

  "Not bad!Not bad!I am very satisfied with this good show."

  Xueqinghe really didn't expect Qin Yang to have such a destructive move. Imagine a person who can monitor Shrek Academy at any time, and even the title Douluo is difficult to identify, destroy it, and report all information anytime, anywhere. It's extremely scary to think about it.   

  Xueqinghe looked at Qin Yang and couldn't help but smile.

  "Sister, have you ever thought about returning to normal life?"Qin Yang asked suddenly.

  Xueqinghe was startled slightly and said, "What do you...mean?"

  "My sister once said, you have been lurking in the Tiandou royal Family for so many years, and you have never thought about living your own life."

  Xueqinghe probably read Qin Yang's meaning.

  "I understand what you mean."Xueqinghe smiled and said, "It's nothing more than letting me return to a normal life. In fact,... I also want to live the life of an ordinary girl, strolling the streets, eating food and traveling to Douluo Continent with people in love, but..."

  Xueqinghe stopped talking, and then sighed softly: "My sister is the young master of Wushun Hall. I have my own mission. My sister also has involuntary times. For the overall situation of Wushun Hall, I must make sacrifices."

  Hearing this, Qin Yang nodded silently, and then said, "Sister, you point the mouse in your hand at yourself, press the right button to copy, and then paste the original copy to try."

  Although Xueqinghe didn't understand what Qin Yang was thinking, he still followed Qin Yang's instructions and right-clicked on himself. Sure enough, there was the word "copy". After clicking, drag the white cursor in front of him to point at the "copy body", and finally, paste.

  I saw the white light flickering at the scene, and "Xueqinghe" had clear eyes. He moved his limbs stiffly, a little uncomfortable with his body. Then, in Xueqinghe's surprised eyes, "Xueqinghe" bowed slightly to him and said, "Meet the deity.""

  "This..." Xueqinghe was obviously frightened. He looked at Qin Yang and asked, "Brother Yang, he is..."

  "Sister, don't panic."

  Qin Yang patiently explained: "The original clone had only instinctive reactions. He had no thinking and could not think. He was just a puppet at the mercy of others.

  But now this clone, especially the one copied by my sister based on herself, he now has all your memories.In other words, he is your shadow, and he only follows your orders, without any second thoughts."

  Xueqinghe faced Qin Yang again, and there were too many surprises for him today.

  "What if one day he doesn't listen to my orders?"Xueqinghe asked the key question.

  In this regard, Qin Yang expressed no panic.

  "The final interpretation is with me. Once such a problem occurs, my sister can destroy it at will.But I can guarantee that the characters copied by me will never mutiny, because their ultimate power of life and death is in my hands."

  After Qin Yang explained, after dispelling Xueqinghe's concerns.

  Xueqinghe asked many more questions about his life. In order to prevent foolproof, Xueqinghe had to do so.

  "Amazing!He knows everything!"

  Xueqinghe was convinced. No matter what question he asked, the "Xueqinghe" in front of him blurted out instantly, without any omissions.

  "You have only one task: to be the prince of the Tiandou Empire."Xueqinghe's voice fell.

  I saw that "Xueqinghe" bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Yes, the deity."

  (End of this chapter)

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