

The Fierce Wild Boar of Douluo Chapter 21 The Battle Between Hunks-UU Reading Mobile Version


  The location of the Weevil Sect is located not far from Tiandou City.

  And the Weevil Academy is not far from the sect,

  Weevil Academy

  Douxuntai Viewing Place

  On a super huge chair. Sitting with such a person, the height of this person is visually estimated to be at least two and a half meters or more, and sitting there by himself is like a mountain of meat. The skin is dark, and the big eyes are like copper bells. There seemed to be a special layer of light on the dark skin. Sitting there as a whole person, it gives people a very powerful feeling. His beard and hair are all white, and he looks at least 70 years old.

  This is the patriarch of the Weevil Sect, the principal of the Weevil Academy, and the celestial Hu Yanzhen.

  Hu Yanzhen looked at Gudouluo and Ning Fengzhi, who were sitting next to him, thinking about the true purpose of their coming today.

  "Come to learn and communicate? It can't be that simple. "

  "It stands to reason that the Qibao Liuli Sect supports the Tiandou Empire. On the other hand, our next four sects are closely related to the Wuxun Hall. Although they are not affiliated, they are definitely connected with the same qi. "

  "The relationship between our two sects is not very good, so there must be a deeper meaning this time.

  Does it represent the Tiandou Empire to show its power?

  or? "Hu Yanzhen speculated

  At the same time, he said to the person next to him.

  "All the clan members will be on guard for me,"

  Fighting Spirit Platform

  pong! A yellow figure was hit by a wild boar more than three meters long and fell off the fighting spirit platform.,

  "Hu Yanxiu, defeat" the referee said.

  "This kid in Qibao Liuli is the soul sect at such a young age. It's terrible"" Everyone exclaimed.

  Hu Yanxiu's 39th-level soul deity is also regarded as an excellent student in the Weevil Academy, but he didn't expect to be defeated so soon.,

  Hu Yanxiu had three points of shame on his face, six points of regret and one point of fear.,

  He underestimated the opponent too much, and despised the enemy too much. He was directly taken away by the opponent's one or two soul skills, he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong.

  Hu Yanzhen waved his hand and called the person next to him and said, "Go, tell Ali to go up and tell him to be careful." "

  After a while, a brother came on stage.

  With every step of "stepping" up, bursts of dust are stirred up on the ground.

  This person is over two and a half meters tall, with black hair, shaved on both sides, only the middle hair is combed into a strange ponytail, dark skin, and probably weighs at least five hundred kilograms or more.

  The elder brother, who was extremely tough, took a step forward, opened his legs, and the ground on the playing field thundered twice, shaking violently.,

  "The president of the Student Union of Weevil College, Hu Yanli. The forty-first-level defense system is the War soul sect. "

  The captain's voice was hoarse, and the fat on his body seemed to tremble slightly with his voice.,

  The pig fairy slowly retreated to Meng Tao, and Meng Tao re-introduced it.

  "Disciple of Qibao Liuli Sect, Meng Tao, Level 41 Training Pedigree War Soul Master"

  "What the hell is this training family? "Hu Yanli thought.

  "This size is too terrifying, this meat mountain doesn't seem to be easy to fight! But as a hunk, how can I be afraid of him? "Meng Tao thought.

  False hunk: handsome appearance. Strong muscles. One meter eight in height.

  The real hunk: the rebellious little eyes, the two-meter-five big man, all tendon flesh.

  "Possessed by the martial soul. "Hu Yanli called

  The body, which was originally extremely majestic, swelled again in the burst of martial soul possession, and some loose fat was quickly tattooed and turned into exaggerated and terrifying muscles. A layer of dark yellow stratum corneum appeared on the surface of the skin, shining with a metallic luster.

  What makes them look even more non-human is that their noses are also extending and lengthening at the same time. At the same time, their upper lips are turned up, and their two fangs grow a full foot. Two yellow and two purple soul rings slowly emerged.

  "It's really the devil of Meat Mountain! Then let me try your power. "Meng Tao's voice just fell.

  A silver-gray light quality appeared on one person and one pig, and at the same time the second soul ring lit up.

  Sudden tooth movement

  The pig fairy rushed forward with lightning speed.

  Press down on the front legs. With the help of the explosive power of his legs. The whole body bounced. Two cold teeth slammed into Hu Yanli's chest.

  The first soul ring on Hu Yanli's body shone at the same time, step by step, calmly stepping out.

  Under the action of the first soul ring, the dark yellow keratin on the body of this meat mountain has an extra layer of crystal color, and the body seems to be covered with a layer of enamel.,

  At the same time, cross your hands to protect your chest.


  The teeth of the cold air hit the arms of the cross guard.

  The two are evenly matched.

  "Ho" Hu Yanli shouted lowly, and the second soul ring appeared with a bright light. The strength of the whole body was increased, and his hands suddenly spread out to both sides.

  The pig fairy snorted and fell backwards on all fours.

  "Rushing" The trotters made a sound of rubbing against the ground.

  Hu Yanli clenched his fists with both hands and leaned against the outside of his arms, shattering the ice formed by the cold air. After that, he raised his right hand back and smashed it at the pig fairy's head.

  "Threatening roar" roared at each other with a huge roar,

  However, this threatening roar was really useless, and his huge fist swung towards the pig fairy.

  "Tong! "


  The pig fairy let out a scream and fell back tremblingly.,

  "It's useless to threaten and roar, isn't it? Does the other party have that soul bone now?"

  In the original work, at the National Senior Soul Master Competition, Hu Yanli used his soul bone, although Hu Yanli did not use the skill of soul bone here. But the mental power improvement brought about by the head soul bone allowed him to resist the first soul skill.

  "I thought the other party might have to get it later, but I didn't expect it to be available now"" Meng Tao thought.

  Pig Xian shook his head and tried to wake up.

  "The third soul technique kills" Hu Yanli locks the pig fairy. Rise in the air,

  To kill, the opponent must be within ten meters of the performer's body. Once he is locked by his soul skill, then the opponent's feet will temporarily lose the ability to move, and he can only choose a hard block.,

  Looking at the Hu Yanli that was about to fall from the sky, Meng Tao's brain was thinking quickly.

  "1 is to deal with the defensive form of the Arrow of Bravery of the third soul technique

  2 Is to take back the martial soul directly, and then look for opportunities."

  "If you use the Arrow of Bravery, although it may cause damage. But the damage he suffered was even more serious. With his huge body falling from the sky, coupled with the action of his own soul power, the pressure that can be generated can be imagined.

  So I can only use the second plan

  then. . . . . .

  There was no time to think about it, he was about to hit it. "

  At the moment when Hu Yanli was about to hit the pig fairy, it was a close call.

  "The pig fairy is back! "

  The pig fairy turned into soul power and returned to Meng Tao's hands, and at the same time felt a little dizzy in his head.

  Boom----, a terrifying depression was abruptly smashed out of the ring. Hu Yanli's huge body was almost completely embedded in the ground, and the cracked traces were centered on his body and instantly spread to every corner of the entire ring. Corner. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this crushing kill is.

  "Taishan's pressure on the top is really well-deserved. "Meng Tao thought, gritted his teeth and tried to overcome the dizziness from his head, and began to run, distancing himself from the opponent, keeping more than ten meters at all times.

  Meng Tao was standing in a relatively flat position at this time.

  "Come out, pig fairy! "

  The pig fairy came out again, and because Meng Tao shared the pain, the pig fairy looked a lot better.

  "The fourth soul skill of the pig fairy, frozen for thousands of miles," Meng Tao shouted loudly.

  Most of the soul power in his body was consumed, and the cold air spread from the pig fairy's feet. A layer of ice is formed close to the ground.

  "The pig fairy released towards the depression" more soul power radiated from under his feet.

A thick layer of ice formed in the depression,

  One person and one pig panted, and there was not much soul power left in their bodies. Under the action of the solid-state soul power, it is running rapidly, absorbing the power in the heavens and the earth, and restoring the soul power. This is the powerful effect of the solid-state soul power, which is extremely resilient.


  The ice on the depression exploded. Hu Yanli came out, panting.

  Compared with Meng Tao, Hu Yanli looked much better.

  At the beginning of the game, it seemed that Meng Tao was at a disadvantage.

  Do you want to start to be deflated after obtaining a new soul skill?

  . . . . .

  On stage

  Hu Yanzhen laughed loudly, "It deserves to be my good grandson, hahaha, it's amazing."

  Ning Fengzhi looked at the audience with a calm expression and said" "Master Hu, the game has not yet reached the last moment, not necessarily! "

  But the heart is not as calm as it seems. "Xiao Meng, you have to cheer! "

  Hu Yanli's whole body's soul power surged and shook the ice on his feet, and he walked towards Meng Tao step by step on the ice, saying

  "Your soul skills are good, but you still can't control me." Meng Tao, who was panting in front of him, gradually became calm. Hu Yanli knew he was going to win.

  "The arrow of the third soul skill,"

  Several burrs rushed towards him. Hu Yanli raised his arms to block it. At the same time, the last soul ring lit up, and the body of the body gained a layer of luster.

  "Ping pong Ping pong" made the sound of burrs being bounced back by the flesh on the field.

  15 meters

  14 meters

  13 meters

  The glitch stopped suddenly,

  "Look at my last blow to kill"" Hu Yanli said.,

  And doing the final sprint.

  Suddenly Hu Yanli felt a chill all over his body and couldn't move.,

  The turnaround has appeared! !

  He is not a knight, and this kind of thing will not happen to him if he is deflated.

  There was solid ice on Hu Yanli's body, and it quickly spread to his whole body, and Hu Yanli was ready to shake it away with force. But I found that I couldn't help it. He wanted to use the power of the soul bone to break away. But I found that I couldn't use soul power.

  "What's going on? "Hu Yanli was furious,

  Meng Tao's arrogant voice came from the front.

  "I want to know, you admit defeat! "

  "Admit defeat, impossible! Your attack alone can't break my defense. "Hu Yanli said.

  Suddenly Meng Tao smiled, "Your defense is indeed very strong, but there is a limit. The defense in at least two places will not be strong. "

  "The pig fairy attacked his chrysanthemum"

  Hu Yanli opened his eyes wide.

  Pig Fairy's eyes were wide.

  "Humph humph? Humph, humph" (attack his chrysanthemum with my teeth? I don't want it)

  "Even if you attack, I won't give in. "Hu Yanli said in a trembling voice.

  "Well, then I can only use the other way to heal him. Pig Fairy Taishan Meteorite fell. "

  The pig fairy on the field suddenly disappeared, UU read www. uukanshu. com In the next second, the pig fairy was crushed down from the air.

  pong! The pig fairy's huge body pressed on Hu Yanli.

  Hu Yanli fainted like this.

  Ning Fengzhi still smiled slightly and said

  "I said, I don't know the result until the last minute of the game. Patriarch Hu will have the opportunity to come to the door for advice in the future. "

  Hu Yanzhen's face stiffened

  "Meng Tao, let's go"

  Meng Tao on the stage bowed his hand and said, "If you are offended, you will have the opportunity to learn from each other again in the future. "

  Hu Yanzhen sent someone to take a look at the injured Hu Yanli and found that the problem was not big, and then checked everywhere and there was no problem.

  "Is the other party really just here to learn from each other? impossible. I want to report this to the Wuxun Hall quickly. "Hu Yanzhen thought

  On the other side of the carriage

  Bone Douluo said, "Didn't you say last time that the mark left by the frozen thousand miles is only useful for people with weak soul power?" That kid is the same level 41 as you, how did you freeze? "

  Meng Tao smiled and said, "My fourth soul technique is frozen for thousands of miles. When someone steps on it, it will have the effect of freezing their legs on the opponent. A mark will be left after that. When he walks around within the range of my skills, the cold will slowly enter his body. Slow down its speed and let its soul power release weaken.

  Since the cold air is released from the inside out, Hu Yanli's defense does not work, and the quality of my soul power is higher than his. This is the reason why it works. With a trace of solid soul power, I will not only recover much faster, but also recover much faster.,

  And the moves of soul power release will be much stronger, which is why I froze him. "

  "Hahaha, brat! Well done. "

  Bone Douluo said happily.

  Of course, I'm a hunk!

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