

"Your mother is going to come here?" 

When Ren Shiyuan saw Nian Jiezhen's worried face, he ended up chuckling. "Don't worry, my mother will surely like you."

"Right..." As if she was going to believe that.

"What kind of person is she?"

"My mother is kind and gentle. She kind of resembles your mother's personality."

"Ugh..." If his mother was going to be like her mother then it was going to be troublesome... right?

Ren Shiyuan chuckled, "Here, drink this." He handed her bottled water.

"You should sleep after this. Sleeping late is bad for your body and the baby."

Nian Jiezhen rolled her eyes, "You worry too much."

Was she going to deal with this side of Ren Shiyuan for 9 months? Ah... He's going to test her patience...

"You know, I think we should tell your parents about us." Ren Shiyuan suggested.

Nian Jiezhen wasn't against of that idea since she knew that sooner or later, she would have to tell her parents.

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