
Silent treatment

Nian Jiezhen frowned deeply, "We're not even married yet."

"Yet." Ren Shiyuan said with a grin.

She sighed heavily, "You don't have to leave the work you always wanted just for me."

"I'm also doing this for myself."


She appreciated how devoted Ren Shiyuan was towards her. She was happy but... With him showing such devotion to her... It also made her want to give the same devotion to him. It's just... she wasn't ready.

The only thing she could do was...

She walked back to him and smiled a bit, "Go, take a bath. I'll prepare dinner for us."

"It's still early."

"Then I'll prepare dinner later. You should still go for a wash, you stink."

He frowned, "I never stink. Even my fart smells like flowers."

She laughed lightly, "Yeah right." She made him turned and she lightly pushed him towards their room. "Go."

"What's this all of a sudden? I can go for a wash later." He pouted.

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