
Day 15


'I've decided to notify you on the current news. So far, Sujin has gone back to Japan to continue his studies, Mum and Dad have gone to visit Aunt Matilda, who lives in the UK and the class monitives of my class (including me) have completed the theme of the stall we are going to host in our school festival.

Other than that, the fine dust has yet again struck Korea and all mothers of young children have been advised to keep them inside for their own safety. Also, one of the students in our school's kyudo team has fallen ill and they need a replacement...which they had found on the same day they had given out the notice and do you want to know who it is? Yep. You've guessed it...it's me...


I sigh as I trudge over to the Kyudo Club. I've tried Kyudo before, in elementary school, but it was only a taster. Now, I have to master it in under one month!

Turning the corner, I spot the doors which lead into the dojo and pick my pace up to arrive sooner (I didn't. I slowed down so it would take longer time for me to reach the doors.).

As I approach, the doors slide open and a student slips out. It's a third year!

He has dark, royal blue hair, cocoa brown eyes, peachy clear skin and the Kyudo outfit/uniform which I forgot what it is called. He also bears a bow and arrow in both of his hands with a glove grabbing hold of his right hand.

Suddenly, his attention drifts to my presence.

"Are you the replacement for Mun-hyuk?" The guy says, in a deep yet angelically soothing voice.

"Y-Yes. I am." I manage to say.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Chinjung." He extends his arm towards me.

I take his hand and shake it proudly.

"You should come in. Practice is about to start."

Nodding, I follow him inside and feel the warmth of the blazing sun on my 36.8 degrees celcius skin.

"Mr. Fuyugake."

"Hmm?" A man, in the same unifrom as the rest members, hums. His eyes are deep and meaningful and his bodily features are at their optimum maturity (i.e he has a lot of muscles).

"Ah. You must be Park Jin-Su, am I right?"

"That's right." I answer.

"Well, glad to meet you. I am Fuyugake-san and I just transferred from the boys high school Kyudo Club in Osaka, Japan. I heard you had done Kyudo before?"

"A bit. I had a taster in Elementary school. However, I don't remember the technical terms for anything."

"It's alright. That's why I'm here to teach you."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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