
Chapter 15

-Bridge, Archangel-

As Ryu and Mu went down to the hangar, the bridge was frantic with activity. Murrue had returned to the bridge when the alarms began, she was greeted by Natarle who had a grim expression on her face.

"Report, what's happening?"

"The 8th patrol group has fallen under attack, they're reporting a Laurasia-class ship attacking from their flank, and another approaching their front, it's a Nazca-class. They're also under attack by mobile suits, the stolen G-weapons, Buster, Duel and Blitz but they're holding back, confirming their last transmission, we've determined they're some sort of elite force."

"Creuset's team?" Murrue repeated with surprise.

"It seems like it captain." Natarle stated as the bridge crew returned to stations.

As she had feared, a large group of ZAFT ships were approaching the 8th Fleet. Enough to match against Halberton's forces. It was almost flattering that they would send this many ships to try and break through to stop the Archangel. So long as you forgot all about the casualties that would follow. And she was very sure that there would be many casualties that would follow in the coming battle. Upon seeing the numbers against them, she had hailed the admiral in order to add in the Archangel's assistance. And was flatly denied.

"Sir, we can't let you face them alone. Not for us."

Halberton's firm gaze was fixed on the acting captain. "My order stands, Leiteunant Commander. Do not engage. Your mission is to see that ship to Alaska. No further arguing."

With that, the connection was severed on his end, leaving Murrue and the bridge crew to look at the formation of Alliance ships that were acting as a shield against ZAFT.

Murrue sat in silence, mind wandering from one thought to the next. Strategically, we probably would only get in the way. She looked forward at the amassed ships. I'm sure Kira got his discharge papers. So we're short one pilot, leaving only Mu and Zero. His machine may be strong but even Zero couldn't be that much of a game changer. Not to mention the Archangel itself wasn't fully prepared for enemy engagement of that number. And the civilians who acted as part of the crew were gone too, leaving them effectively with less than a skeleton crew. Her fist slammed on the arm rest to her left. "Damn it."

"Ma'am?" Natarle asked, looking up to Murrue.

"Just this overwhelming feeling of being useless," she said, eyes focused ahead. But her focus turned to the bridge entrance upon hearing it open. What came through she did not expect. "You?"

"Sorry we're late," Miriallia said as she made her way to her station in full uniform. Tolle and Kuzzey were right behind her and they too made their way to their stations.

"Yea," Tolle said with a grin. "Got stuck in traffic."

Kuzzey from his spot rolled his eyes.

Murrue looked at them all as they were quickly getting settled in for the operation. She couldn't help the smile on her face. A smile which quickly disappeared. "But why? You were given your discharge papers. You could've left with the rest of the civilians."

"We felt this was more important," Miriallia said. "Can't sit by while the war goes on around us like nothing is going on . and when Flay volunteered, we couldn't just leave her by herself."

Murrue's eyes widened. The Allster girl enlisted? When did that happen?

Murrue watched Kuzzey and Tolle nod their heads. She bowed her head, eyes closed. "I can't thank you all enough…"

"No problem," said Miriallia as she settled in at her station.

Sai's voice rang out from the CIC. "There are 12 Nazca-class heavy cruisers, 12 Laurasia-class, and holy shit !!1 Pangea-class supercarriers. Detecting mobile suit launches…okay, this is a nightmare"

Murrue would have reprimanded him for his word choice, but the tone of his voice was one of complete shock. "What is it?"

"There are over a hundred mobile suits, including the prototypes!"

"That many?" said Murrue. Turning towards the forward viewport, she could see bright pinpricks from the machines' engines. I knew that amount of capital ships had the potential to carry over a hundred machines, but I would've thought they'd hold some in reserve.

Her brow furrowed in concentration. If they're launching their entire force right off the bat, then their commander is using a blitz attack. They'll smash right through the forward lines and make a beeline for this ship.

She was tempted to call Zero and ask him to launch right away, but held her tongue. The Drake-class ships should be able to thin out some of the enemy numbers, and if the ZAFT capital ships move to engage the forward screen they'll come under bombardment from our battleships.

She took a deep breath, calming herself. "No need to get worked up yet," she whispered. If the escort ships and the mobile armors could work together and use overlapping fields of fire, then they had a chance to repulse the mobile suits. In fact, that's probably the Admiral's strategy.

Under other circumstances she might have admired it, but then she remembered what Zero had said. "With the four prototypes in their arsenal, they'll cut through in no time. Halberton has underestimated the power of those machines"

Zero's right, she thought, the admiral is treating the prototypes like their just another group of GINNs, or CGUEs at most. However, she knew that with their unique weapons and capabilities, those four machines could throw conventional tactics right out the window.

A swarm of mobile armors rose to meet the incoming mobile suits, escort ships coming up behind them. Suddenly a veritable hail of cannon shots, missile contrails, and energy beams flew between the opposing forces, and explosions lit up the horizon. "It's begun," she said softly. All they could do now was watch and wait.

The crew watched as the space in front of the fleet began to fill with so many of the familiar mono-eyed machines.

"Ma'am!" Miriallia, looking back towards Murrue, concern on her face. "Unauthorized launch in the hangar bay!"

"What!?" It was too late as she took notice of Barbatos launching from the left, pausing, only to fly straight up and above the fleet, disappearing from view. "Get me in contact with Zero, now!"

"I can't! Our signals are being jammed… wait, their clearing up. But we can't get a fix on Barbatos. Its like he disappeared."

"That bastard!" Natarle shouted, grinding her teeth in irritation. Her sudden outburst had surprised everyone, and most were looking back at her angry expression. She slouched in her chair, head titled down. "He abandoned us."

-Bridge, Menelaus-

The battle had begun to rage, with ships in full range of beam weapons, the first volley of fire came from the ZAFT Nazca-classes breaking into a spearhead formation and lining to crack the defensive screen of Mobile Armor units, their tactic initially worked, until Halberton had them change to an inverted pattern, picking off mobile suits and ships in a deadly crossfire with a heavy focus on their ship support.

It resulted in the Nazca-classes at the front taking a beating, with 2 being sunk and 3 being damaged, they also managed to screen their mobile suits in a deadly crossfire, even the best of their pilots could avoid being shot from 6 different angles at once. It was a brilliant tactic that Halberton learnt from Japanese honey bees swarming a predatory wasp, it was costly, but it worked better than individually engaging enemy units.

Still the ZAFT Admiral that took action for the flanking unit took his defensive screen and launched a 3 prong attack in a staggered formation pattern, striking with the intent to break Halberton's screen try to overwhelm his forces. In this, the 8th Fleet's formation took a beating.

Halberton listened to the shouts of panic as ships exchanged fire, and crews suffered loss.


"CIWS engaging."

"Too many missiles."

"Look out!"

An explosion followed as one of the Drake-class took multiple strikes, its engines and starboard missile pod being destroyed before it exploded sending the ship careening out of control, secondary internal explosions followed as it drifted away with fires burning out from the starboard section, it wasn't long before someone vented the atmosphere.

One of the Nelson-class heavy cruisers managed to lay fire into the side of a Nazca-class, before dumping its entire missile battery into the ship, the vessel was consumed in a fireball which destroyed the vessel and sent its mobile suit escorts fleeing in all directions. That Nelson-class was then destroyed as several mobile suits swarmed the ship, heavy anti-ship torpedoes; beam fire struck the ship in various sections.

The vengeful ZAFT pilots drove a warhead through the ship's engine and detonated its reactor, the vessel exploded in a shower of fire as it went critical. Halberton couldn't help but watch as he saw another one of his subordinates go down in a deathly glow, he turned his attention to the main enemy formation, and he signalled to the com operator.

"Signal our flanking force, tell them to engage along the enemy's axis and strike against their carriers, and don't let them stop them from knocking those ships out." He stated clearly.

"Yes sir."

The flanking force suddenly pulled around in formation, while ZAFT was focused on fighting the main 8th Fleet, the smaller detachment of ships came around and struck along the exposed axis via the debris field. It was a smart move, intended to break the enemy's control quickly and allow them to get in and destroy the enemy's carrier support.

ZAFT had little time to react as they were suddenly under assault from the flank, mobile suits scattering to engage with the flanking force. They swarmed quickly to stop the detached force from getting into their formation, missiles and beam fire being exchanged. Mobile Armor units fired missiles striking 2 Laurasia-class and damaging a Nazca-class, but failing to get to the carriers.

A Drake-class sustained considerable damage as multiple beams struck its axis across the drive section and forward missile pods, detonating the explosive warheads and crippling the ship. It spun out of control as the air vented from the starboard section, and without the drives running to correct the ship's uncontrolled spin, it collided with another Drake-class which had been in formation.

The Zaft fleet Admiral that responsible for flanking the 8th fleet met Halberton's attack, making sure to whittle down their flanking force. It seemed like a futile gesture, trying to strike the heart of the enemy formation, but strangely enough, salvation came for their attack, a red high energy beam striking through the fleet's formation, gutted one of the carriers.

"What was that?"

"Sir, it's the Mercenary Mobile suit, it's followed in with the flanking force."

Halberton couldn't help but watch in surprise as the white Mobile Suit flanked in from the side.

Okay, here you go a chapter as an apologize because i can't release a chapter last week.

Ranzokucreators' thoughts
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