
Chapter 13

"You will stay, Zero."

Ryu could felt all eyes on him. Murrue looked worried for him for a second. Mu looked surprised and Natarle didn't know what to think it seemed. Halberton's aides remained, until he told them to leave as well.

What kind of game you want to play? Ryu thought while eyeing Halberton

After a few choice words with the aides, they finally left and soon it was just Ryu and Halberton.

"What is it that you want to talk with me alone?" Ryu said without fear while he stretching his body. He really didn't like to sit that long.

Ryu basically doesn't care much about rank, after all he can just kill them all and walked out without care. Right now all the matter he care was to survive, if it turn out the alliance show hostility, he can just help out ZAFT destroying them at the next time ZAFT attack them.

Admiral Halberton frowned with the attitude Ryu was showing, he clearly didn't show a respect to him.

"In their reports you are constantly referred to as spy either ZAFT or Alliance, you claimed yourself as mercenary and a Natural. But you're not yet testing your blood and your machine, plus your appearance have made them very nervous around you. Not to mention you holding a few secrets." He laced his fingers together and rested them on the table before him. "You can see where I'm heading with this, correct?"


Admiral Halberton arched a brow and glared at Ryu. "Are you gonna feigning ignorance?"

Ryu then look towards Admiral Halberton and meet his glared, he didn't back away and just shrugged it off.

Finally Admiral Alberton shook his head. He looked to the table before him, eyes looking focused on something else till he looked back to Ryu. "What are you plans with your machine and the technology?"

Ryu chuckle slightly. "My answer still not change, I've my own agenda and you've yours too. As long as you guys don't stand in my way or prevent me for achieving my goal, you guys are fine. And don't worry, I'm not working for either side you just accused towards me."

Admiral Halberton then stood up, matching his gaze towards Ryu. Again the two locked eyes in silence. Ryu could understand that the admiral was looking for something.

He then asked "What are you gonna do if it came down to either side getting close to capturing the machine and its technology?"

"I'd destroy them" Ryu said.

Admiral Halberton nodded and made for the door. "Well then," he said, "I am going to find this young Coordinator, and give him my personal thanks. After that I will be returning to the Menelaus. I've got enough to worry about, what with the latest intel on ZAFT's coming offensive, Operation Spitbreak. Not to mention the armada they're massing to attack us before we reach the Earth." When it opened, Ryu could see the one of the aides still waiting outside, along with Mu, who was leaning against the wall on the far side. Admiral Halberton looked back to Ryu and gave one more nod, and then left.

Ryu moved into the hall, watching the retreating figure of Halberton and one of his aides, making sure they got the messages behind his words.

I hope you're not misunderstood the term of 'them' I used before. It's not for the machine and it's technology, but it's for ZAFT, Alliance or organization that set their eyes on ME. Ryu thought as he finally taking it the helmet on again.

"You okay?" Mu asked, floating over to Ryu side.

Ryu looked to Mu, stared off in the direction Halberton left and then shrugged his shoulder. "Not sure…"

"That bad in there?"

Ryu shook his head with, "Not sure either."

"Can you talk about it?"

Ryu thought on it, and smiled looking to Mu. "If you dance naked in the Bridge, I'll consider it."

Mu threw his hands in the air. "Come on!"

Ryu laughed, and walked off towards the quarter where was Lacus stayed. He needed to checking it fast. Especially after seeing those smug bastard reaction when Admiral Halberton insist for Lacus to stay over with the Archangel. Yeah, for sure, He must be one of them, Blue Cosmos.

-Lacus room, Archangel-

Down in the general quarters of the ship, three people had seeing in front one of the few quarter used for the Archangel's crew. Two with standart military equipment while one with an Alliance uniform.

Upon opening the door, they was greeted by the gentle humming from the girl, her pink robot gently chiming a tone in synch with her on her lap. The girl turned to the Alliance Soldiers.

"Hello." Lacus greeted one with the Alliance uniform

"Hello, Ms. Lacus Clyne I presumed?" Said the man with the Alliance uniform

"I've noticed quite a lot's been going on, is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes, it just we're already meet up with other Alliance vessels, so things are a little hectic. It's been a difficult week for most of us." He then eyeing Lacus then nodded. "We're here to escort you to the Main Boardship The Menelaus, if you're so kind can you follow us"

"I understand." Lacus said while tightening her hugging towards Haro

Lacus then walked out towards the door with the two soldiers following her from behind. The man with the Alliance uniform turn out was the lieutenant, one of the aides that Admiral Halberton bought along. He keep following them and then stood for awhile in the front of the door. He then smirked "For the preservation of our blue and pure world".

-Hangar, Archangel-

Meanwhile, in the hangar, another young man stood on an overhead walkway, looking up at a mobile suit. With its Phase Shift Armor inactive, the Strike was now a dull gray, though it was still an imposing sight. The hangar was abuzz with activity, as the tech crews worked on securing two new fighter craft that had been sent over from the Menelaus.

To say that Kira was relieved may have been an understatement. Piloting that thing had been the last thing he wanted to do, especially once he had found out that his childhood friend, Athrun Zala, was a member of the ZAFT forces, specifically the pilot of the stolen X303 Aegis mobile suit. He had been dreading that the next time he went into battle, he might actually be forced to kill him. Now that they had finally linked up with the fleet, he knew that he and his friends would soon be returning to Orb, and that couldn't come soon enough.

And yet… As he looked at the machine, he couldn't help but feel something nagging at the back of his mind. Like he was about to end a chapter in his life, and he was having second thoughts about it.

He shook his head. No way, that's ridiculous, he thought. I want nothing more to do with this thing.

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out behind him. "Suddenly feeling nostalgic, now that it's almost over?" Turning around, he saw a man that he assumed was the admiral of the 8th fleet.

The man smiled, and walked over towards him. "Kira Yamato I presume?" he said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's me," he replied.

The man held out his hand. "I wanted to thank you for all you've done for this ship. I'm Admiral Halberton."

Kira took it. "Uhm, you're welcome. It was nothing, really…"

Admiral Halberton laughed. "A modest one, aren't you? Well, that's good to see."

He paused for a moment, then said, "I've also heard that you're a Coordinator, and that your parents are Naturals living in Orb."

Kira became a little nervous at that. "Yes, that's correct."

The admiral smiled. "You know, it never ceases to amaze me, just seeing what you Coordinators are capable of. It makes me wonder why your parents chose to make you one. Ah, but I'm just musing. What I'd really like is to see an end to this foolish war."

An aide came up and whispered in his ear. Turning back towards Kira, he said, "Well, I must be going. Thanks again for all you've done." As he left, he looked over his shoulder and yelled out, "May you live to see the dawn of a new era."

And then he was gone, once again leaving Kira alone with his thoughts.

-Room xxx, Archangel-

Several hours later, there was a small crowd gathered in the room shared by the teenagers from Heliopolis. Sai, Kuzzey, Tolle, Flay, and Miriallia were looking at Lieutenant Badgiruel and a man from the Menelaus standing next to her, not quite sure if they'd heard her right.

"Discharge papers?" said Tolle.

Natarle nodded, and gave him several documents.

The man next to her spoke. "Although it was an emergency, the fact of the matter is that it is illegal for civilians to participate in combat operations."

"To solve this problem," said Natarle, "we've arranged things so that it will appear in the records that you were enlisted as volunteer soldiers when you came aboard. Now that you are leaving, you must be discharged. Please do not lose those documents."

A voice came from the back of the room. "Uhm, excuse me?" It was Flay Allster, who had been silent up to this point.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about this," said Natarle. "You were never involved in the fighting or this ship's operations, so you don't need to fill out a form"

Flay shook her head. "No, it's not that." She hesitated for a second, then continued. "I would like… to join the Earth Alliance forces!"

There was silence in the room for a few seconds, then Tolle, Miriallia, Sai, and Kuzzey all burst out at the same time.


Chapter for this week.

Sorry i can only upload for 1 chapter, busy for my final exams. For information my exams will last until next week.

Please give rate and reviews if you like the story.

Also thank you very much for people that read the story.


Ranzokucreators' thoughts
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