
Chapter 9

On the way Ryu found a pink robot ball that keeps bouncing off, he knew what is that thing. Ryu just shook his head, he really doesn't want to involved with this. Finally, Ryu decide to pick haro and keep it while he continues towards the bridge.

"Damn it…Damn it…" Haro said

"Please, be quiet. Or I'll make you sleep eternally" Ryu threatened

" A brute…A brute…help Lacus…help Lacus…" Haro slipped away from Ryu and bounce off away from Ryu.

"Haro…there you are. I've searched you everywhere…" a cheerful voice could be heard not far away, revealing a teenage girl with ping hair colours with a happy face. But it changed after seeing Ryu, the Oldman beside her just shrugged his shoulder, doesn't care anymore.

Ryu can only facepalm, he was glad because he already put it on his helmet.

"Why was she still not on her quarter? I thought I already said to take her into her own quarter?"

"Well, she lost her pink ball, luckily you found it. Thanks lad."

"just keep her away from others, not all of us friendly towards Coordinator, not to mention from ZAFT." Ryu said a matter of fact "well gotta go, I got summon into the Bridge, see you later Oldman Murdock" ryu walk passed them.

"Ouu…leave it to me, let's go to your quarter princess." Murdock said while guiding her

"Hmph…" Lacus continue her walk without looking back towards Murdock

"…I'm too old for this kind of thing. Btw where did he know my name?" Murdock said while looking towards Ryu direction.

Murdock shook his head, doesn't care anymore. "Whatever…"

-Bridge, Archangel-

Murrue was looking at the primary tactical display when Ryu showed up next to her, seemingly come out of nowhere. He can be scarily quiet when he wants to, she thought. "What's going on?" Ryu said.

Murrue motioned to the map. "I wanted to show you our current situation. As of right now, we're several hours away from our rendezvous with the 8th fleet." A group of blue dots appeared on the map, symbolizing the Earth Forces ships of that armada. "However," she continued, "the area ahead is rife with ZAFT patrols." A swarm of red dots appeared between them and the friendly blue dots. "I expect we'll be engaged sometime over the course of the next several hours." She paused, then turned to Ryu. "I wanted you to see this so you would know what we're up against." Then she smiled. "Now, go get some rest. Since you're not formally under my command, that's as close to an order as you'll get out of me. It will probably be the last bit of sleep you get for a while."

"Okay…just call me if anything goes south" Ryu said and then walked away after he took last glance to the map.

Murrue took a glance towards Ryu figure before the door closed. She was glad because everything will be okay after they're on the rendezvous with the 8th fleet, at least she hopes so.

"Ma'am incoming contacts," said the radar man. "It's… the 8th fleet!"

'They must have decided to come out and meet us rather than wait in orbit' Murrue thought. As they looked on an armada of warships, including dozens of the type of escort ships as it comes out from the visual contact, Drake-class ships, several Nelson-class battleships, and the flagship, the triangular, three hundred meter long Agamemnon-class carrier the Menelaus.

The fleet continued its bombardment. One of the frigates succumbed to the withering fire, while the other vessel managed to deploy a chaff screen and escaped. The remaining mobile suits and warships of the pursuing ZAFT attack force withdrew.

The bridge crew let out a sigh of relief as they were soon enveloped by the Earth Alliance armada.

"Put us alongside the Menelaus and match their velocity." Murrue said. Then the image of the battle-hardened Admiral Lewis Halberton appeared on the main screen.

Murrue stood up and saluted. "Admiral, it's good to see you again. Thank you for the rescue."

The man nodded. "It would be a shame if something were to happen to you all now after coming so far. Form up with the flagship and adjust your heading, we'll take you the rest of the way to Earth."

She nodded and relayed the orders. The admiral spoke up again. "Oh, and Lieutenant Ramius? Excellent work getting here in one piece. I'll be coming over soon to conduct an inspection, as well as to meet with you and your crew."

"Understood Admiral," she said, "We'll inform that to the pilot of our mobile suits and mobile armor now."

Halberton frowned. "Did you say 'suits' as in more than one? I was under the impression that only the Strike was aboard."

Murrue began to sweat a little, unsure how to explain how Zero had joined them with his own unit. "We… picked up an unexpected ally during our journey. He brought his own machine with him. It's… really something else."

He nodded. "I see. Well, I'd certainly like to meet him. Have him join you and your command staff when I begin your debriefing." "Yes sir," she said.

The admiral was about to cut the connection when he suddenly seemed to remember something. "Oh, and by the way, Lieutenant Ramius? It's good to see you again."

Murrue smiled. "You as well, sir."

Outside the Bridge, Ryu looked around as the Earth Forces ships surrounded them. An impressive fleet, but without any mobile suits of their own, they're outmatched by ZAFT in combat. He began to walk towards the hangar, to rest on his own Gundam. "Better use this opportunity to rest up," he murmured, "ZAFT will be back once they amass a larger force. We're not safe yet."


In the aftermath of the battle with The Beast, things had taken a sharp turn around, the data sent back to the PLANT supreme council had sparked another heated debate about the potential fallout of a new mobile suit which could surpass the previous G-weapons captured. ZAFT had been the first to respond, taking drastic measures to do all it could to ensure that the Archangel, Strike and the newly dubbed the Beast were destroyed.

Le Creuset was currently having his CGUE Altair repaired and refitted, again. This time he was opting for more firepower rather than melee capabilities, he experienced how badly things could get with the Beast devastating ability to slice and rip things apart with ease. Engaging in melee against that machine was a good way to die quickly.

The Beast abilities were miraculous, it was as if the machine's pilot had refined his skills to near perfection. It was more than capable of going toe to toe with multiple suits at once, and even with his custom CGUE with wire guided attack system, he was unable to defeat it. This raised a lot of questions as to the potential abilities the Beast possessed.

He knew from Athrun, Yzak and Nicol's previous engagement that the Beast was much faster, and maneuverable, for whatever reason, the pilot known as Zero, was able to perform feats which surpassed his own machine or that of any of the G-weapons making it likely one of the most powerful G-weapons in existence by this point.

The trouble was that he had no clue as to the sheer extent of the machine's total abilities, which is why this mission was going to be so crucial. Having emphasized the strategic and tactical issue of facing multiple G-weapons like the Beast and Strike, the ZAFT HIGH Command had viewed this as something which had to be dealt with ASAP, the option to destroy that machine was just too good to pass up.

Two warships had joined up, Hauser and Raeford, along with a faster recon craft known as the Delano had been sent to support the Versaillus on its operation. Together they were expected to scour the charted path through to the orbital debris belt of the Earth, whether or not this would yield results were arguably, but it was necessary.

As the battle group of warships headed to Earth's outer orbital area, the officers of each respective ship had gone to meet with Le Creuset who had been given command over the operation. They were meeting in the Versaillus's CIC to determine the best course of action and where they intended to search.

The first of the arrivals in the CIC was Lieutenant Commander, who entered the bridge first in an orderly fashion before the captain of the Raeford appeared. Le Creuset met the captain of the Raeford with a salute and a handshake.

"Captain Biden, it's been a while since our last encounter has it not?"

"Yes, it has." The man said promptly grasping Le Creuset's hand and giving a firm shake.

"I see that you're doing well, Le Creuset." Another officer said.

Le Creuset recognized the man immediately, seeing as they were serving together a year ago.

"Lieutenant Commander Sato, it's a pleasure to meet you again face to face."Le Creuset said with a hand outstretched.

"Likewise Commander." Sato replied curtly.

Le Creuset met Sato years ago during his early deployment, Sato was a man with a distinct scar upon his face which he had attained from the catastrophic Junius Seven incident, he was a survivor of the nuclear attack and he deeply harboured a hatred for Naturals, he was calm and composed at least on the outside, but he was spiteful within.

As they finished up introductions the captain of the Hauser appeared, a tall broad shouldered officer with chestnut hair and a short but bushy beard. The captain was followed in by a younger looking officer, a woman with blonde crew cut, she had fiery emerald eyes. Le Creuset recognised these two, though he didn't know much about them besides the fact that they were also veterans of the early invasion of Earth.

"Captain Nader and Commander Leif." Biden saluted at their arrival.

The two officers from the Hauser returned the salute before stopping on the opposite side of the computer display in the CIC. Nader began first.

"Gentlemen, it is an honour, are we ready to begin?"

"No, there's still someone missing." Le Creuset said as he recalled the recon ship from before.

At that moment, the door opened and a younger officer floated in, her uniform a slight mess, her sleeves slightly rolled up.

"Ah here's the bridge." The younger officer said to no one in particular as she announced her arrival.

"Who's this?" Leif asked whilst eyeing her critically.

"FAITH member, Natsume Kisaragi, I was given orders to join with the battlegroup as soon as possible." The slightly messy officer said with a lazy salute.

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