
304 Werewolves' Marks

"Of course you did." Yuki pouts and gets up. She kisses his cheek, then puts on the dress while looking for her panties.

"Looking for these?" Cedric holds them up before pocking them. "These are now mine." He pulls up his pants and hands her his boxers. "You can have these instead. Think of me while you get ready for bed."

Taking the boxers, she slips them on and giggles when they don't stay up. "I can't wear them. They're way too big." Yuki points then giggles. She hugs him, and the two disappear back to the castle.

Luna smiles at the two that finally return. "It looks like the two of you had fun. Yuki, head on up to bed; Cedric will see you again."

Cedric kissed Yuki off the forehead. "That I will. See you again, Princess." He watched her skip away and turned to Luna. "It will be time soon enough. Let's draw the blood, and I will be on my way."

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