
269 Riddles

"I accept the challenge. That is the whole reason I was brought here, after all. So what are we going to be doing?" Yuki looks at the smaller version of herself.

"I am so glad that you asked. This is not going to be the traditional you battle an image of yourself. I thought about it for a while. Until I finally settled on what we will do. I will ask you a series of riddles that will be about us." Smaller Yuki jumped back and stood away from Yuki. "Are you ready??"

"I am ready let's begin the riddle game." Yuki smiled and stood there waiting to hear what the first riddle would be.

"We are unique,

Living as long as us is a sin,

The colour red hides our secret identity,

What are we?"

Yuki looks at that girl. "The only unique vampires are purebloods, but the ones above all are the royal vampires." Yuki smiles as she knew the answer to that one.

"Correct! Round two.

We are dark,

Small creatures,

Not many see us,

We are shrouded in the darkness,

What are we?"

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