

Royce stands up and looks at Yuki. "Yes, I understand. I will do as you want, and I will repent for not being able to protect poor Abigail."

Cedric got up and patted Royce on the back. "There is nothing that you need to apologize for. There is no way that you could've known that they would break in on all floors. Please rise. Yuki, love? When would be a good day to change Royce?"

Yuki walked over to Cedric and saw a letter on the desk she picked it up and opened it. She read the contents thinking about a good date. "Well I can turn any day. I am thinking the sooner the better but there is an issue with what Royce does. I know that he will be a day walker as that is what I am. There is just that slight issue that I am not a full day walker and that could delay him being able to stay out in the daytime."

Adam looks at everyone and thinks for a moment. "Well, there is a solution to that. Yuki when do you think you will fully awaken to your day walking lifestyle?"

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