"I see. So you decided on what my tastes should be? I would rather not have a marriage interview set up by the likes of you so I won't go. If she is that worthy then give her to your son. If that is everything then I will take my leave." Cedric turns and starts walking to the door.
"Wait, Cedric. Please at least go to the meeting and turn her down yourself. Your uncle before he passed had this planned out for you. I have already confirmed that the other party would still like to proceed. All I need for you to do is go to the meeting. Even if the girl is not to your liking you must go!" Claudia stood up and placed her hands on her desk. 'This child has always been so headstrong I wonder if he can be controlled like my brother wanted him to be?'
"Look I will go but do not I repeat DO NOT SET ANYMORE OF THESE MEETINGS UP!" He turns and leaves the room and Sophia hands him a letter as he exits the room. Once the door closes he glances at the letter and picks it up, "Take me back downstairs."
"As you wish," Sophia bows and takes him back down on the elevator. "I will text you before I come over that way you can prepare your company to meet me." The doors open and she walks him to the front door.
"I will talk to you later then." Cedric leaves the building and hops into the car that is waiting for him. "Head home Royce. I can feel that she is angry that I am not at home."
Yuki awoke and all she could smell was the scent of blood so she crept to the dresser and got dressed. After she finished getting dressed an attacker came and tried to attack her from the shadows. Before she could counteract the attacker, the attacker fell to the floor. She looked down at the body in disbelief.
"Sorry, I was late. I got caught up with all the other attacker that had come into the house but I do believe this is the last one. Thankfully it is night time now so the sun can not burn you." Claude bowed to Yuki and waited for her reaction.
"You are covered in the stench of blood. If you so much as harmed one hair on my bonded partner I will skin you alive." Yuki glared down at the man who was in front of her.
Claude stood up, "if it wasn't for all these attackers I would not smell like blood. Sorry for my unsightly scent. As soon as Cedric returns I will shower and the smell of blood will be washed from my clothing. My name is Claude and I would never be able to harm Cedric. To me, he is my king and I could never bring myself to harm him."
Yuki looks at Claude with heavy suspicion. 'Do I trust his words? He did save me from the attacker but just because he saved me doesn't mean I could trust him. His words are interesting though.' She sighs, "Where is Cedric?"
"My lord got called away by his aunt he should be returning shortly and since the attackers are done you can tie me up if you would feel safer that way?" Claude sits down in the chair in the room. "I made sure the light would not come in this room while you slept. I can see that you do not trust me but I am not hurt by it. I wouldn't trust someone I just met either."
Yuki grabs some rope and ties Claude to the chair. "I can not just trust your words." She looks around the room and checks the windows. She steps on a piece of glass and her blood drips onto the carpet. "Ouch"
Cedric comes home and runs to the room and sees her foot bleeding. He picks her up and laid her on the bed. "Do not move." He holds her foot and pulls out the glass and licks the wound. "Your blood is sweet to me is that normal?"
"Before I say anything who is the person I tied up on the chair? The glass is from the broken window I was investigating. It will heal on its own in no time." Yuki feels the wound start to close up. 'He has a lingering floral scent on his clothes.'
"Claude is a good friend of mine but also a bodyguard. I got attacked earlier today so I called him here to safeguard you. I thought I would make it back before you woke up but my aunt called me back to the company she is in charge of. If she didn't call me back, I would never go there. My spy gets me more than enough information." Cedric watched to wound start to close up. He starts chanting and all the broken glass hovers in the air and slowly goes back to the window sills that were broken and then the window forms and becomes solid like it was never broken in the first place.
Claude watches Cedric fix the windows and remembers that he broke a chair and an end table. "Cedric, Sorry for the damages. Your guests were rowdy but I did manage to catch the one that will give me the most information we need."
"No worries. I have repaired all the damage in the house. It is not a huge deal. As for the target, you found I will leave it to your discretion on how you want to get information from the target." Cedric leans over Yuki on the bed and touches her cheek.
"You have a lingering floral scent on you. Is it from your spy? I do not like you coming home with others scents on you. There is a lot of blood in the air and is a little unpleasant. My blood, of course, would taste sweet to anyone. It has healing properties and is the rarest of medicine. Royal blood is the richest blood around. It's strange how I know all this information but at the same time not. I do not remember most of my past but there are some things that are ingrained in my soul. Will we be attacked often?" Yuki looks up at Cedric
"We were only attacked because I went somewhere that was being kept under the watchful eye of all supernatural beings. It is alright the scent of blood in the air is just from Claude killing them all. Since they can not report anymore then that means we should be safe but Claude will be staying here to guard you while you sleep. So you do not need to tie him up next time." Cedric snaps his fingers and the rope containing Claude falls to the ground. "As for the floral scent, it is from my spy I have informed her that I found you so she won't do that again."
Claude looks up at the couple. 'If they didn't lose your memories of each other they would've been together all this time.' Claude stands up and walks to the door. "I will take my leave now. I will be in the dungeon but I will keep my ears open in case we get attacked again. He bows and leaves the room.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
--George Bernard Shaw
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