
27 A Letter From Someone Unexpected

Cedric woke up six hours later. He looked down at Yuki who was still sleeping peacefully. 'I shall go ahead and check up on her place while she still slumbers. I have more than enough time to go to the place and see if it is for sale or not. It could also have been uninhabited this whole time.'

Royce was standing at the door. "A letter has arrived for you, Sir." He bows and hands the letter to him.

Cedric took the letter, "we are heading out to the manor of the late Delacroix family." He puts on his shoes and coat then heads out the door. 'The more that I think about things. There are a lot of things that I do not know and it is high time that I find out what has been conspired in the background. Now that my fiance is finally back in my life, I have to know everything that has happened so that I can protect her. I also need to be careful as I am now her only source of food.'

"Very well, Sir." Royce opens the front door and goes to the courtyard and opens the door to the sleek black Bentley flying spur. Once Cedric climbed into the car Royce closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

Cedric sat in the back and opened the letter.


Our dear son-in-law. You have regained your memories and have finally completed the soul bond with our dear daughter Yuki. As you know from what your memories are showing you is that you were already close to forming the bond. Now that is has been completed you are royalty in the eyes of all vampires. Yuki and yourself are now the Queen and King of our people. That means that you are able to enter the manor now. It has been hidden from the eyes of the world. Not that it would have mattered in the first place. Human still will not be able to find it. You need to go to the house without Yuki and collect the memory vials. Over the course of the next several months, you can give her the memories that were taken away back to her. It will be a slow process as some of the memories will not be pleasant. All your memories should have returned to you. It may take you a little time to work through all of your forgotten memories.

There is so much that we would like for you to know but we do not have enough time to write down everything. When you go to the house the doors will open for you. Since you are now the rightful owner there is no concern that you won't be able to get inside. If you are inclined to take some things back to her we prepared a chest in her room with all of her favorite items. Please take them back with you. This, of course, is not an order but a request. In the master bedroom is where you will find the vials but also the crowns of the royals are there. Take them out of the house and store them until you two are married. They are a major part of the wedding for the Royals. I do not want them to fall into the wrong hands. I know we had a rehearsal for your wedding vows so you should understand what we are trying to convey. The vials are numbered so if you could give them to Yuki in the order of the numbers that would be great. If you are concerned about her not being able to drink them. Ryan took your blood so they are your memories of the past events. This was done while you were unconscious before your memories were sealed. I am willing to bet that when you woke up you were rather haggard. We are sorry for that but we had to make sure that you and Yuki would survive.

Now that you two have awoken you need to be on your toes. Be wary of all beings. Now is the time for you and Yuki to work on recover what we took away from you two. The precious memories that you two hold. We hope that you can succeed in where we almost failed. If it was not for the fact that we were working on taking the memories away the world would not be as peaceful as it is now. There are some races that are trying to gain the upper hand and want to rule the world and enslave the humans but that is not the right course of action. We have always wished for unification. I know that you and Yuki talked about this in the past with us. It is one of the reasons we saved you from the horrible fate that you would have incurred. We did not want our daughter to fight this fight alone and you two are on the same wavelength. I have been writing too much. I have to go and finish the final preparations for our passing. Cedric, we have faith in you.

Sincerely, Luna and Ryan

Cedric looked at the note shocked. 'This is definitely Luna's writing. I am glad that I had already decided to go to Yuki's place I am honored that Luna is entrusting me with these tasks. I hope that I can live up to both they're expectations. I will grab everything on this list and a few other things if I can find them. At one point in time, I hid a special hair piece I had crafted for Yuki. I remember where I hid it so I grab that and gift it to her. It is time for us to move on from the slave and master relationship and go back to being a couple. It is rather unfair that I can remember everything from our pasts while she is stuck not knowing what has transgressed. I will get her the drink the vials one a day until they are all gone. Unless she needs more time to work through the memories.'

"Sir, we have arrived," Royce says before he gets out of the car. He walks over and opens the door.

"Royce, I need you to protect the car so that once it's loaded we can quickly get back to my place. If it is attacked you have my permission to take them out. If you can keep them alive for questioning that is also acceptable." Cedric walked up to the manor and the door opened at his touch. He walked in and went straight to Yuki's room. He sees the chest and blows the dust off the top. 'This is the chest containing all of Yuki's favorite items.' He walks to the bed and pulls up the bed skirt and feels under the bed for the hairpiece. He detaches it from the frame, then opens the chest and places the hairpiece on his handkerchief on top of the red dress. Once the chest is closed he picks it up and carries it to the car. "Royce this is the first item I have to garb. I may need to make more than one trip after this."

"Yes, Sir." Royce had the door open and waiting for Cedric to place the chest in the backseat.

"If I run out of room I may need to sit in the front with you." Cedric looked at Royce.

“To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine!”

― Susan Lendroth

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