
11 Do Not Enter My Room

Yuki washed up quickly. Her mind was feeling more and more groggy. 'It's dawn I'm so tired. I wanted to get to the bed before but it looks like I'll have to crash here.' Quickly she pulled the plug in the tub. As the water drains, her body slumped in the tub and she fell asleep.

Cedric was so into the book he was reading it was an hour later that he realized she hadn't come out of the bathroom. 'What could possibly be keeping her?' He finally looked at the clock on the wall. "Fuck." He dropped the book and bolted to the bathroom. "Yuki!" He ran over to the tub and saw that she was sleeping in the empty tub. 'Thank fucking god that she drained the tub.' He grabbed a towel and dried her hair. Cedric lifted her up and carried her to the bed. He flicked his wrist which pulled the covers up for him. Very gently he laid her down on the bed, grabbed her ankle and placed the ankle in the enchanted cuff. He pulled the covers up over her he whispered in her ear, "have a good sleep." He left the room. As an extra precaution, he fortified the door with a series of spells. 'We can't afford a repeat of the evening.' He walked into the study and continued translating the book he was working on earlier. He looked down at the phrase in the book and frowned shaking his head. 'This is something I don't recognize. Not very often I can't figure out something says.' He opened the drawer to his desk and grabbed the sticky note and place it on the page and left it for later. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." He said not looking up from his work.

Abigail opened the door and pushed in a cart with sandwiches, a bowl of soup and tea. "Sir, I have brought you some food and refreshments." She curtsied and pushed the cart to the desk. "Would you like me to leave this here and pick it up later?"

"Thank you, Abigail. Leave the cart, for dinner I'll request that you make prawn Panzanella, medium-rare steak, and red wine. Oh, and Abigail, under any circumstances do not enter my quarters until I say that it is safe to do so." He watched as Abigail left the room. When the door closed he got up and picked up the first half of the sandwich. 'I can't let anyone enter the quarters. Yuki seemed worried she would hurt my staff.' He went back to his work and ate while reading the book he was translating. Cedric lost track of time with his work. In his mind, he heard 'Come to me.' His eyes went a little glossy and he got up from the desk and went back to his quarters. He snapped out of it after opening the door.

Yuki woke up in the room and the bed was empty. She placed her hand on the blood bond mark. 'Come to me.' She commanded and stared at the door. Yuki's eyes were still dual colored. She was sitting up and her hand touched the chain. 'I'm glad he listened to my request. I want his blood. I know that calling this way will shock him but how else am I to get him here?'

'What am I doing back at my room? I don't remember anything except hearing a voice in the back of my mind. I lost control of my body.' He walked over to the bed but not before closing the door and fortifying the spells. "What did you do to me?" He pushed her back down on the bed climbing over top of her. He watched her face and the desire to feed was written in her expression. Cedric kissed her deeply.

“Desire is the kind of thing that

eats you


leaves you starving.”

― Nayyirah Waheed

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