

As Zar stood firm gazing upon the group of healers, one thing implanted in his mind. "I've never seen a healer do their thing before..."

After that point he let silence stretch for a little, lured his gaze on a few guards after and came up with a decent idea. "How many of you guards would take a cut on the arm so we can see how powerful the healers are. It can't kill ya, just a cut on the forearm to break out a bit of blood."

Fairly confident, the same guard who brought these healers in, walked forward and stated. "I would, for the King."

"Admirable, but any of you have options." Zar reminded and pulled out a little dagger of his own, rolled the sleeve up and ran the tip of the iron on his forearm.

And so 4 more guards joined like brothers and sisters in cuts, blood broke from their forearms as they lined up close to each other.

Looking at the oldest healer, Zar pointed at him and said. "You, what's your name?"

Next chapter