"Altria, Ready?"
"Uhm, on your mark Will," Nodding as her fingers fidgeting in anticipation to push the button.
Finally, after 2 days resting and preparing we were ready to face whatever that lurk behind this gate.
I successfully project 2 noble phantasms or in this case Secret-Calibur Morgan of MHX, ready to be broken. As I was saying before, I almost need 7 hours just to project one, 7 hours of sheer agony of focusing and not doing anything as I need to shift my mind on the Noble phantasm I about to project.
If it's possible I don't want to do that anymore, sigh. Even with that, I failed 4 times and 9 hours wasted projecting, a little distraction and all the effort will be gone.
Checking my inventories to make sure, I give Altria a nod.
*clank* the gate began to reverberate, as it began to split we were greeted with another dark room, can they just put some lighting to put up the boss room vibe.
"Hello! Moshi mosh! Anybody here?" I tried to grasp the room, but something interfering with it.
One by one light up above started to brilliantly illuminate the room below, revealing a rather big circular chamber made with limestone, mighty pillars encircling the room.
Various luxurious red tapestries with golden lining adorned the room from each pillar. All of them have some kind of crown as an iconic symbol in the middle.
On the other side, there are two winder stairs leading to the upper tier of the room.
"You have come." various armored figures appear from the above, walking ceremoniously to the floor below until each of them facing us.
"Aeon we have waited for your arrivals, my liege" One figure in the center step forward, toward us.
He wears a polished bronze colored middle-eastern armor with a blue glow on each of his joint, various red fabric with golden lining intertwined beautifully with the armor as a red cloak draped his left arm.
He didn't have a face if his hooded mask with translucent blue glow emitted from the opening of where his eyes should be was any clear indication.
When I see each figure, they also wear a similar mask, even some robed figures didn't wear one and there was an only blue glow of will-o'-wisp in the place where they head should be.
He unsheathed his sword, seriously what's up with these people and their bronze color thing.
I knew it because they are not bronze metal, to begin with. They are rare metal called as Palladian and Adamantian respectively.
A strong magic conductive metal that outperforms and the latter greatly surpassed even the hardness of diamonds. Two types of super rare metal, Unexpected!
"My King!" "My Emperor!" "Our Praetor!" they sang gloriously in a mighty chorus as each of them started to kneel to us, or specifically me?!
"From the moon ashes we born, from the dimension, we came from, as the early creation of yours!"
Whoa! Whoa! Nani the fuck are you all talking about, of course, I would frantically assess the situation!
"From the early of civilization, we protect, in the endeavor we pray, in the code of chivalry we live, and in you, we believe!"
How could I when some type of armor started kneeling in front of you! And make some kind of grand poem towards you. No normal and sane person would, and as a once insignificant person from an interstellar nation with billions of citizens who never got any extra attention, anyone would freak out!
Argh! I want to dig a hole somewhere.
"Uhm, as expected of my master, only a fitting master could command a great destined ruler and knight as I." don't get carried you Altria! What's up with that rare smug and satisfied expression on your face.
I swallowed my teeth, "Uh…I'm sorry…why are you all kneeling?" feigning ignorance as sweat drop formed on my face.
"We've been waiting for eon to wait for your prophesied coming, your majesty. Please do forgive us, if we were somehow excited to finally see you in person." One of the robed guys behind talked, his blue glow flickered eagerly.
Haa, at least I understood a little bit. Anyone would excite when the moment they've waited for finally arrived especially if it's been thousands of years, right?
"With this our long duty has been achieved. Please do forgive us once more, and for the last time my liege for the trouble we about make to you, now gHHHH!!!" Red sparks began engulfing each of them, as their blue orb flickered about from red hues to blue.
I instantly grasp at them. The orb was their soul and something were corrupting it, something foul, something divine.
As I about to move, the spark began to stop as their orb turn red.
I grimaced, just great first they kneel, now they will shred us apart. Like hell, I will let them!
[Broken Lords LV.220] Each of them had at least LVL 190 at its lowest. A far-cry when we fought golem before.
The lord with a flash appeared in front of me and aiming his sword, I intercept it with the handle of my battle-rifle.
Sparks began to grow as our weapon collided. Strong!
In the corner of my peripheral, I can saw Altria who was somersaulting one of the robed lords and slice him with her double-blade form of her necro-calibur as more of those broken lords surround her.
Ugh! At this rate, I will get thrown away.
"Why, why do you attacks!" I can't help but to hope he has slight rationality left, his orbs flicker an unholy light as his strength multiplied.
I need inventories!
The floor began to crack as I get pushed back to the walls, one slight focus lost and I will say goodbye to this world.
I poured more strength to my arms to give me a chance to open it.
I tried recalling my inventory as a blue ripple formed beside me and a spherical drone came out, hovering to the joint of the armor and firing metal lead onto it.
His strength wavered, and I took no time to exploit it. With a force, I pushed him to escape from the sword range.
He catches the drone and crushed it with his bare arm. Shit, that's my favorite toy, you know.
I proceed to empty the lead inside my battle-rifle, only to find it bouncing like a rubber.
It's ineffective.
Switching the regular round into armor-piercing rounds, it instantly placed into the gun chamber with the help of inventory.
'Altria! Aim for the orbs on their head, it's the quickest way to destroy them.' I silently messaged Altria with the telepathy link.
I aimed the reticles at him and firing a concentrated burst towards the orbs.
Holding his hand forward as a near-transparent light shield formed in front of him, and it began to eat the bullet I fired.
Space was distorted as he appeared in front of me, once more, I ducked and slide under him then fired 9-burst to the joint of his armor.
Again, it's ineffective. Fuck!
Heh, I'm done playing and it's time to prepare the bayonet! And show him the might of the inventories.
I recalled the inventories as a wicked blade formed on my hand, it's the Excalibur I projected earlier.
Powerfully reinforcing my feet, I ran towards him as he prepared his stance.
Using my momentum, I parry the his glowing swords with the Excalibur.
Reinforcing my hand, I deflect it aside as I summoned another one and rush it toward his head, he blocked it with his unoccupied arms.
But that's not my intention, as four blue ripples hovered behind his head and four anti-materiel sniper rifle barrels protruding from it.
It was packed with magic enchanted AP round and fully loaded with reinforcement, if this is still not enough "lösen" five magic circles formed behind myself, and pointed it towards his head.
Medea divine-chanting is one of the skills I tried to develop this past year, as her rain of lights or laser beam to be specific is a sure kill move if fired from point-blank range.
'Altria, brace yourself'
"boom" I fired all of them at once as I have backed away using the momentum by kicking him.
Though I still got thrown away to the walls by its sheer firepower as my magic circuit flared to life once more to reinforce my body.
Heh as expected my inner was overheating from firing 5 age of god magic simultaneously.
My mana capacity could maybe rival the caster class servant as it has A-rank but my magic circuit can be counted as average at best. A poor-machine will always have low performance no matter how many high grades, the fuel is.
I need a magic core soon, to fix this.
Rising up from the debris that covered me, I grasp the perimeter 10 more have been destroyed by the blast simply because of their close proximity to our battle. And maybe because the circular chamber that helps to circulate the force I created.
As Altria still kicking and slashing towards the remaining broken lords, I helped her with reinforced bullets that lodge their way to each of the broken lords' orbs that tried to sneak their way behind her.
10 minutes passed as she stabs the last broken lords and rips him apart from the chest area to his head.
"Good works, Altria" I ruffled her hair, as she makes a purring-like sound.
"Uhm, just don't forget the special and limited-edition manju." sigh, she still remembers. That it's the last snack I bought from the system years ago. I promised her earlier when I ordered her to stand guard as I project the noble phantasm.
"As you command, your majesty" I chuckled then saw the aftermath of the battle as the room covered in debris and soot of the earlier blast, and chunks of armor littered the floor.
Transferring the battle-loot to my inventories, we proceed to the room above.
The hall is more majestic than dungeon before, as it covered with precious gems from the chandelier above and the walls made with pristine marble.
Gold is lining up the walls as intricate relief with various depictions of broken lords.
There are many rooms here, which we found empty some were only expensive bedroom, navigating our ways here, we found another giant-door with intricate design and relief.
As we approached it, it opened on its own, revealing yet another circular room with marble round table on the middle of it.
Large statues of broken lords adorned the room.
"Greetings your majesty" A robotic voice came from our above, as we searched the sources it came from a drone? Its size and shape are similar to baseball ball I once owned before.
"What are you?"
"This is a custodian unit with factory numbers 10921-B or simply known as the codex! With a happy thought, it replied" whoa, it kinda reminded me with a certain goddess with their wriggling and jumping.
"U-huh, what do you do?"
"This unit curated and archived every single literature, knowledge, and technology of the race known as broken lords possess, with a sense of achievement it replied."
Let's test if this were like any other shitty RPG story stereotype.
"Doubtful, there must be a silver lining about this right?"
"Correct! This unit data have been corrupted due to unexpected internal issues and attempted hacking from the outside force, with mixed feelings it concurred."
I hate myself sometimes when shit like this hit the nail, so what another fetch quest?
"Do you have some rare recipe of broken lords pastries and delicacies?" Altria suddenly asked with a fiery on her eyes.
"This unit still possesses some of the knowledge, your majesty, with a happy thought it replied" With a beaming face she proceeds to grab it and hug it to her chest, how envious!
"This unit is almost got short-circuited due to the sheer amount of external stimulus! It happily placed itself on the royal bosom" get away you pervert robot! As I tried to pull him away from Altria, she hid it away and hugged it tighter.
"Don't will I have deemed this robot as my valuable second in command along dark knight-kun." You mean that foul-mouthed robot? Good thing I properly locked it away somewhere on the shed of 'my room'.
"Sigh, fine. But why did you all refer to me and Altria as majesty? Are we some kind of royalties to you?"
"It's more than that, your majesty. To us, you are our creators, and you are the first thing we remember when we came to this planet and gain awareness and this unit has determined precisely the individual known as Altria to be properly judged as your majesty royal partner, this unit while reading the record it replied."
"Uhm…good judgment" she hid her head below with a bashful and rosy face, she muttered. Cute!
Breathe rhythmically and relax Will. Now what? I'm the direct heir of God Emperor next time, Ugh somehow I can't stand the thought.
Still, when I think about it, eh? What? She didn't deny it, was this some kind of flag or signal?
Eh, what should I do?! What should I do?! What should I do?! The direct revelation hit me so hard that it almost makes my brain heated up.
I'm emotionally unprepared for this, yet!
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this fan-fic even third-rate at that.