Naofumi P.O.V
As I return to my senses, I found myself inside a room. The room was made of stone with a dreary atmosphere around it.
"where is this?"
I turned in the direction of the voice and found 5 people besides me, based on their face looks like they have the same situation as me.
The last 2 person, however, was what intrigued me, 2 children, that look less than 12 years old. The boy has a messy long black hair tied into ponytail hanging loosely on his back, he was wearing a black vest over his long sleeve white shirt which folds up to his elbow. The other one, a girl with the same height as the boy and everything about her seems pale, from her skin, yellow eyes, and blonde hair tied into a bun with a black ribbon under it and an ahoge standing proudly on top of her head.
And the others but the two children holding a weapon in their respective hand, sword, bow, lance. Wait a minute there's a shield firmly attached to my hand, it felt light and seems perfectly fit into my hand.
As I sense déjà vu about these weapons, one of the robed men spread his hands toward us in a reverence "oh, heroes! Please save our world!"
"what?!" the four of us shout in unison, except the boy who keeps glancing at our weapon, and the girl wh-well she didn't have really any expression.
As the robed man explained the circumstances of our predicament, I lost in my thought that soon boiled up in excitement!.
Carter P.O.V
'Hoh, this is interesting' as I grasping the four weapons in my view, [divine construct] Though they seem riddled with thousands of seals, if unlocked and used properly they could match or outrank Excalibur itself. And what makes it more interesting was, it's not the weapon itself but the gem embedded on each of the weapons. If I have the right catalyst, material and ley lines or at least mana sources I could manufacture the same gem or degraded version of it.
Oh, that's right, my skill [craft elucidation] was a higher form of tracing and structural grasping. It enables me to analyze almost every object even divine or foreign construct and it grant me powers to understand the core principle or mechanism of the objects and make blueprints of the objects I scanned, the construct doesn't limit to physical objects, but also conceptual one, such as magecraft or magic though I haven't seen a true magic yet so I can't prove myself If I could replicate it or not.
Back again into the robed man, who explained their problem yadayada saving their world from calamities and the four heroes stuff. Then one of the heroes, the one with the edgy-lord vibe and emo black hair pointed his sword to the robed man.
"Don't you feel any guilt for calling people even children into your world without their permission?" the edgy-lord nearly shouted.
After that, the other heroes began to throw threats and tried to guilt-trip the robed man. Well, their intention was as clear as my heart could be, trying to judge their position and exploiting for more benefit, and I can't blame or judge them for that as I did the same thing to the goddess albeit in more "peculiar" way.
Afterward, the robed man guided us through the throne room where we will meet the king of this castle. As we walked down to the hallway, a message popped up in front of my view.
[sub-system detected]
[sub-system intruding the host]
[take it?] [yes/no]
This was one thing I hate from the system, it didn't come with an A.I or at least a guide. Forget about that, as I grasp the window, waves of information came through me. Hmm…this enabled me to use the system those heroes or this people world used though it will leave me if I went to another universe.
For another insurance, I tried to scan the sub-system, nothing that came through me so this mean sub-system has a core or sources somewhere in this world or depends on the system network covering, it may end up in another world that connects through this one. Should I accept it or not?, glancing through the pros and cons I have come to a decision.
Then a new interface came to my peripheral vision, it reminded me of a computer desktop and it even came with a clock. It seems I can't click or tap it as I tried to do the previous action. Hmm…then I tried to concentrate my mind into one of the icons. And then I heard a soft beep, afterward the icon expanded into a sleek window, 'huh, neat' I thought as I comparing it with my DOS-interface system.
William Carter
Class: Foreigner
Equipment: Other-world garments
Skills: none
Magic: none
I pondered at this. It seems the sub-system or I will refer it as SS decided me as an alien entity to this world. Granted, I came here like a black immigrant through the summoning ritual and the ritual didn't summon me in the first place, I just conveniently came to this world when I decided to come out of the forests, the system did.
The SS can't read my attire, skill, and magic either. Well, this is a good thing, meaning whoever own or place the system didn't have good information on me, as well as another individual that certainly may have appraisal skill to read someone status.
Then a telepathic thought connected to me, 'master-san, I have received this peculiar window message in front of me telling me to accept it or not?', ecchan messaged to me.
'I think you should accept it, ecchan.' It's not like they will have a good reading on us either and we will have the benefit to push our strength more easily than before, or so I thought.
'one more thing ecchan, after this you will call me will or carter as calling me master will be weird on the outside', or so I thought, I'm sure these people will refer me to a young master or something as they surely have noble caste here. And I'm tired to be called master too, it makes me felt distant to her.
'no….the old one is much better', ecchan refused.
'hmm….it seems I have another set of daifuku in my inventory, I think I will hold this for later'.
'eh!?' she began to drool 'well, I think Will is fine too' she said with hurried tone.
'and I will call you Altria then!'
'uhm, it sounds nice' she nodded in acceptance.
Should I know that she admired her alter counterpart?.
Ending the telepathic thought, soon enough we have reached the throne room.
There sat grizzly old man wearing your typical king attire in an elevated throne.
"huh, so these kids are the four holy heroes and who are those children?" he leaned forward as he spoke.
well, I think this will be the last for the next 2 days. see you later guys, and please give me your thought.