

As I set across the nervous talk girl I examined her face and the more I looked the more familiar it seemed.

By the investigations made I knew her name was Aubrey Klenn, and I certainly knew who her father was in a glance but her... wait! Wasn't she...


The girl across me made a surprise face. Sure enough it's her.

"You remembered!"

I couldn't help but smile. This girl is still stupidly cute as before.

"Of course! It has been too long and you change so much! Who would have thought that the small girl who loved to show her poems and would blush for anything would become so slender and serious woman ah! You look absolutely fantastic"

Aubrey blushed and shocked her head.

"You're more deserving of such of praise Cecile-sama"

"Oh please Abby! Sama? Seriously?! We can be considered childhood friends, it's only right to call me Ceci"

"H-h-how could I?"

"I insist"

"Can I really?!"

To this helpless friend I could only nod.



"Fufufu. Everyone in the club will be dying of jealousy"


"*cough* *cough* never mind. Uhm Cecile-sa- eh no- Ceci asked me about this author right? Do you perhaps enjoy his writings too?"

She showed me the book with sparking eyes with faint expectations for my answer, which made me don't have the power to say how tiresome was reading to this.

"... you could say that. My teacher passed as an assignment. I had to write a review on it a few days ago"

"Really? I didn't know that were teachers here that would appreciate this author since he is not well regarded in the nobility because of his birth. But you know, I think birth has nothing to do with how someone intellect is. He has very interesting views"

"I must agree with you. I could see many things on a different perspective because of this book"

Aubrey looked at me with such a sparkling gaze that a foreshadowing feeling came up.

"Yes! What do you think of what he talked about..."

And here friends I will omit all the boring jargon that was expelled so we can move on to what interests.

I smiled patiently at her and gave my insight to some things and only when she paused to drink the tea my ears could rest a little.

"*sigh* how nice is to discuss with someone like this. We should do some other time"

Ugh. Thank you but no. I'm not really made to this philosophical conversations. Although I can participate in them I'm not in the slightest passionate about them.

But, hehe, I know who is.

"Why don't I introduce you to my teacher? I'm sure he will be delighted to exchange ideas with you. Plus, he will be more of a interesting partner than me who still has a shallow comprehension"

Aubrey looked conflicted. Girl let's do this!

"Will that be okay? Some teachers really don't like to be bothered"

"It will be fine. Let's go to his office later. What you think?"


Ah I'm genius! This way demon junior will be busy enough to not come to often to me and Aubrey will get a perfect conversation partner.

"Oh right Abby! I have a favor to ask you"


I shook my head. Still as naive as the first time. I should guard her better lest she will be taken advantage.

"Don't rush, first hear what I say and take your time to think about it. I remembered how well you use to write and wanted to offer you a job in my company. I would like you to be in charge of the propaganda department. Also I thought in doing a small journal with interesting news that could be distributed inside the establishment. What you think?"

"... you want me to work in your company?"

Aubrey pointed to her nose and then to me.



"That's right"

"Are you sure?"


Aubrey took a huge breath... is this rhythm going to turn me down? No right?

"I'm not a professional writer"

But to this statement I only smiled at her.

"... you know... hahAHAHA! Of course you would! Please count me in! I'll be delighted to work under you"

"Not under. With me"

"Yes yes"

She nodded her head like a chicken.

"This is like a dream coming true! I can finally help you with something!"

"What are you talking about? Didn't you already helped me when we were younger? You would always make me company"

But she just shook her head with a kind smile and appreciative eyes.

Please don't look at me like this, I like boys...

I shifted my eyes from the uncomfortable gaze and changed the subject.

"So how about we go meet my teacher. He is free right now"

The appreciation faded and a craze look took place.

"Yes please!"

I took her arm and shook my head. Who would have thought this enthusiast was the taciturn girl reading books at the library early.

After walking through the corridors we arrived at the door I fled from not long ago.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

The voice that causes me nightmare came from inside.

Opening the door, teacher looked nothing like when I left. Early he was the perfect picture of the most vicious person and now he looks like a perfect gentleman. I can only sigh to how good he is in concealment.

"Teacher is me"

Teacher immediately paused and raised his eyes with a sharp and cold gaze. But after seeing we are not alone the mild and kind gaze reverted back.


"I brought someone to introduce you. This is Aubrey Klunn she is interested in many authors teacher is too. So I thought you could exchange ideas"

Aubrey bowed a little and directed a fervent gaze to teacher.

"Mr. Teacher Cecile told me you know this book and the ideas preached by the author! Could we discuss a bit if it's not inconvenient"

Teacher was a bit unsettled with how enthusiast Aubrey was but nonetheless nodded. It would probably be terrible if his father found out that he turned down such an eager student.

Hee... so you also have today hum.

Aubrey didn't even sit and began to spill everything that was on her mind probably. She was like a machine not even stopping to breath.

At first, teacher was still uncomfortable but through Aubrey barrage he began to become serious and insert his ideas in her discourse.

And just like that a normal, living - and beautiful if I may add- human became just like any other furniture in the room for their discussion. But I couldn't be more delighted to see this result.

Silently raising my thumbs to Aubrey in my heart I left the room.

Let's go home and prepare a little gift to my new partner.

If you guys don’t remember Aubrey you can go to the fan pov.

She was the one that wrote the POV from and also the girl who wrote the journal article trashing Julia and the Royal Family

Amoracreators' thoughts
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