

My name is Aubrey Klunn. I'm from a Count Household and I'm in my second year on the Royal Academy.

Although I have a high status because of my introvert personality I'm usually alone, but all this changed when an angel appeared on my life.

When I was 8 or nine years old, my angel Cecile-sama, seeing that I always had lunch alone, ditched her friends once a week so that we could have lunch together. At first we didn't talk much but gradually I became more and more comfortable with her.

As we talked I became more mesmerized with her. As the days passed I changed from a completely introvert to a normal student who could interact with other students. She showed me how fun school was and because of her I found my passion: writing!

Although we didn't contact anymore once we grew up, I became part of her fan club. And as a part of the fan club, I was outraged by the commotion caused by His Highness Albert, I couldn't understand how could he do something so low to a being so pure. If not for his status he would have disappear like many other bugs around angel-sama.

Some of the fan club thought that if they couldn't harass him they would harass his lover. But I thought it only smeared the reputation of our angel so I didn't took part on it.

When we heard the news about the engagement break, we did a party commemorating that our angel finally escaped from the clutches of that bad man. And as good fans we did it in our idol' store.

I must say angel is really on another level compared to us mere humans. Her stores are innovative and amazing. They are the talk of the noble circle and the new favorite place of many. Even my Father became a regular on her restaurant because of some wine he tasted there.

Because we are in summer break I can't see my angel anymore in school and I kinda miss that purifying smile. But thank god I can see her tonight, I wonder if she could get a dress on pair with her beauty? Aaah I need to prepare myself too and not shame angel sama!


Inside the hall that is been held the Royal Banquet many groups were already forming as I waltz my way to look for my friends someone called me.

"Aubrey here"

Oh a fellow fan, it seems some of the fandom is getting together. Lets stay with them for a while.

"Lady Cecile Dubois and Sir Leon Alby"

Aaaah my angel is here!!! But wait Leon? Wasn't he one of the top 10 of our class? It seems while we weren't around an annoying bug came close to our angel.

Leaving this matter for later I focused my eyes on the stairs that my angel would descend. But once she came in view something in my mind went 'BOOM'

H-how can a person be this pretty Lord? As expected of angel-sama.

All around me I could hear someone talking about the pair



'They are pair of heavenly couple'

But as they grew closer and we could look better at them it was like all the breath on our body was taken out.

Today Cecile-sama was no angel, she was a goddess that descend and grace us with the look of her noble visage.

As she and her companion pass through the crowd many people started to talk again

'Her dress is amazing'

'Do you see the jewelry set she is using? The design is lovely'

'Leon-kun is also dress nice'

'I think I just bent, I want to marry my goddess'

'Father, don't you think we should send a marriage proposal to the Duke's house'

'Are Leon and Cecile an item?'

'Even without Prince Albert, Cecile still my Queen'

Many similar comments about Cecile-sama were going around but she seemed unbothered by it. As expected of the goddess.

Not long after the Crown Prince and that disgusting person also arrived. When I saw the couple descending the only comment I could think was 'just so'. They weren't half mesmerizing or noble as Goddess and puppy couple.

But of course a lot of people still compliment their union and looks. A bunch of boot licking people if you ask me.

In some part of the party that disgusting couple had the audacity to direct the world to the Goddess and even showed a affection play right in front of the Goddess!

How could them! I must slap this pair of dogs! But as I moved my eyes to make sure that the Goddess was not crying, I saw how composed she was, is like they weren't even worth of entering her eyes. Yes, how could I forgot that we always must conduct ourselves with calm and poise. Goddess always told me that handle things in a gentle way we're more effective than exploding.

But once I get home I'll be sure to convince father to support 2nd Prince. How can this disgusting couple become our sovereign? I refuse!

And as if god heard my plea, once the dance started and the disgusting couple initiated the dance , 2nd Prince brought the Goddess to the venue. Even staying still their aura already overwhelmed that pair of dogs. But once they started to dance all the eyes were glued on them.

You can even dance like that? They look like they forgot that we are here and were dancing to their hearts content.

If it was any other couple dancing at their hearts content it would be a warm scene, but the dance would be filled with technical errors. But not theirs.

Every move they made was as perfect as it could be. Instead of being a warm scene was mesmerizing. We were so submersed in watching the pair that everyone forgot to join the dance or watch the other couple. Once the music stopped, the sudden silence took us out of the dream that both of them created.

My Goddess is truly the best!

As the night passed although I couldn't talk with her, I saw her dancing with other nobles and eating with a perfect etiquette.

At the end of the night I confirmed the sentiment that I want strive to be someone half as good as the goddess!

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