
Revelations and a goddess's vacation?

This looks troublesome." Mawu comments our tactical map of the multiverse on the table. There are several zones which are marked red. 

We are in Asheim and are holding a meeting regarding the new appearances of the Spheres and demons. All ambassadors are present including me. 

There are many different opinions on how to represent the multiverse. It's a little hard to make a map of different realities which overlap with each other in some areas. I like the twisted spiral which forms a circle with itself best. 

It may be a very simplistic description of the multiverse, but it's the easiest to point out a specific location in it. The whorls of the spiral are different realities with different physical laws. Each representing its own universe. 

In some points they a folded into each other and in others they are farther away. In reality the spiral doesn't form a circle, but it's more like a knot. For this meeting, we chose this representation. 

"These Spheres pop up all over the place and cause havoc! My community already had to deal with seven of those incidents! We need to stop this!" Miruliru foams of anger. 

"It's true. It's like those fuckers pull terrorist bombings at us. Just in this case whole worlds go up in flames." Carne folds his hands together. 

"They are trying to feed the Calamity." Chiffre tightens a bolt on his mechanical arm. 

"Feed it? They didn't have to feed whole worlds to it until now!" Zanders inquires further. 

"They fed it with gods. Now they don't have that many gods available and have to use the souls of mortals. I guess the Calamity is on a pretty harsh diet right now. Otherwise they wouldn't go on a rampage like that. Being that active increases their risk to be found out." Chiffre continues his assessment and places a drop of oil on the bolt. 

"So the Calamity could really starve if we destroy all spheres?" -Gwallona 

"It's a possible interpretation of the situation." I look at the ceiling and purse my lips while I think. 

"By the way. I heard that you saved the planet of that little god who begged you for help? How did you do that? We had to wipe our planets completely and sort the souls from the demons!" Miruliru asks me the dreaded question. 

"I heard about that too! Give us that intelligence. It's needed at the moment!" Carne follows up and everyone gazes at me.

"For various reasons the magic we used for that purpose is a secret of mine. And a fortress like ours is needed for it. I would be of no help to you. And our fortresses are already occupied with these incidents. So it wouldn't change the situation." I put on a firm expression. 

"Fortresses can be built. If one is needed to save a world from demons, we shouldn't spare the effort to create them." -Chiffre 

"Explain your reasons." Miruliru tries to get a higher position in order to make an impression, but fails because of her body. 

I continue to stare at the map while I contemplate on how to handle the situation.

"You should place at least that much trust in us. Why don't you want to share that magic? If you can't give us at least an explanation, this group has failed its purpose." -Gwalonna 

She has a point. 

I decide to go with the truth. "It's my personal magic. I developed it long ago in order to kill myself. The magic is a disruption spell, which interacts with all levels of reality. It minces everything to pieces, be it physical or ethereal. It doesn't matter if the soul belongs to a mortal or a god." 

After a short silence I continue. "I don't want it spread. I don't like the idea of it being used like I used it. It's better not to use it at all. Saving the planet of Evenguar was just a test to see if it works on demons. I won't use it again unless the situation is dire." 

Mawu leans back in his chair. "I see. It would be a horrible weapon against gods in the wrong hands." 

"But the test proved its value. How can we not take advantage of something like that when whole planets are dying?" -Carne 

"Can you promise me that the spell won't spread if Angrod gives you the magic system for it?" Miruliru looks at Carne but he shakes his head. 

"Everything can be stolen at some point in the future if it's widely enough spread. It would be foolish to give such a promise." -Carne 

"I am with Angrod in this. As long as it stays in his head, it's relatively safe. The Chimeran's fortresses are also a relatively secure place at the moment. I don't want some maniac to use that magic in order to wipe one of our planets." Zanders takes my position. 

"Just tell me. Why did you develop that spell? You said you intended to kill yourself?" Chiffre glares at me. 

"A long time ago I lost something very precious to me. And when I realized that I wouldn't get it back, I wanted to end it once and for all. I wanted to be sure to forget the endless cycle of hell I was caught inside." I answer him. 

"But even if a soul is minced like that it's possible to restore it relatively completely with some effort." -Chiffre 

"Not if nobody cares enough about you to do something like that. I wasn't a god at that time." -Me 

"Impressive." Chiffre furrows his eyebrows at me. 

"Haaah. Where is Lada when you need her? The president should be here for cases like this and give us her moral judgement of the situation." Gwalonna complains loudly to us.

"I was at her office earlier. But there was just this sheet of paper at her desk. Seems like she really needed a time out after her time with the Council." Miruliru throws a letter at the table and I start to read. 

Dear Children! 

This old nanny of love and peace will go on a vacation! Sorry for letting you guys down but I need a little timeout. From what I've seen, you are doing it the right way anyway. 

But be careful not to loose the right path or I will have to come back and haunt you! I have planned my vacation to last for at least twenty years, so don't bother looking for me! 

You wouldn't guess where I went anyway, myahaha! 

Sincerely yours, 

Lada – LOVE ME. HUG ME. I am your ONLY one Goddess of Love and Peace! 

PS: Find someone else for this boring job! 

Pearls of sweat are forming on my forehead as I read the letter. They wouldn't have done that? It was a joke! A joke I say! 

But the style of the letter looks so familiar! I can't help myself..... Seria? 

":.... so irresponsible!" -Chiffre 

"..... Aw... and there I hoped we found the right one for this! I wonder where she ran off to?" -Gwalonna 

"Let her have her vacation. She could go for a few thousand years too for all I care. Think about how long the Council ruled." Carne waves his hand at the letter. 

"I guess it makes no sense to look for someone who is an eternity ahead of us." I smile at the group. 

I am very silent and compliant during the rest of the meeting. Trying not to show that I want to jump up and run out of the room immediately. 

As soon as everyone is gone, I grab the letter and teleport towards Celes's laboratory. I find her at a big machine with Seria tugging at her skirt and Aengus looming in a corner of the room. 

"What's going on here? And has anyone seen Lada?" 

Aengus jumps up and runs towards me, hugging my leg. "Dad! We have to stay united! It's more important than ever! They are multiplying!" 

"What's multiplying?" -Me 

"The little sisters! I am not against women! But four on two is unfair!" -Aengus 

I walk towards Celes while pulling Aengus after me. Celes is looking at the screen of her machine and continuously mumbles to herself silently. 

"Not planned. It should be three. Not planned. It should be one boy. Not planned. I have to recalculate everything. Not planned. The budgeting for the next thirty years! Not planned. So much work! Not planned......" 

"Honey? What are you doing?" I smile at Celes, who is looking at an ultrasonic scan with two little bodies. 

Seria turns towards me with a wide grin on her face. "Ah! Daddy! Look! I will get two little sisters!" She points at the screen. "This one is Lada! And we could call this one Arianne! But it's just a suggestion, I don't know her so well. But I figure she will be a nice little sister." 


Suddenly Celes grabbed Seria's ear with two fingers and actually lifted her half a meter off the ground like something really dirty. 


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