
Leaving the Hamlet

A few minutes later, with a beaming smile on his face, Edmond was walking toward Aaron, who was still at the same spot beside the sleeping Woof, followed by two people whom he knew.

There were Mr. and Mrs. Ernst, and the latter was holding a tray filled with buns, which was really reminiscent of how he had seen her the first time he arrived here. That had only been two days ago, but it almost felt like a lifetime because of the many things that had changed over that time.

At the same time, Aaron was once again reminded of that heavenly meat from yesterday, which made him stand hurriedly with the intention of asking her how she had made something which had blown his mind away to such an extent that he couldn't even put it into words.

He didn't know it himself, but all those years in the forest where he had lived eating the simplest things had turned him into quite a voracious foodie who valued flavor and delicious food much more than normal people.

The moment they reached, without letting him say anything, Mrs. Ernst raised a hand, herself, which wasn't holding the tray and stretched it towards him.

Curious, looking at it, Edmond saw her holding a rolled up piece of shaved off bark of some tree, which didn't make sense.

Edmond came to the rescue. With a smile still on his face, he took that piece of bark from Mrs. Ernst and unfolded it before putting it in front of Aaron's face, saying "This is the recipe you asked for. I took the liberty of asking Mrs. Ernst for it when I was near the World Government Hub."

Puzzled, Aaron focused his eyes on the piece of bark to finally see that there were scratches in the same style as the ones he had seen on the board in front of the Hamlet when he had first come here. Again, he could understand them, which was when he saw that they were a list of items, most of which he didn't recognize.

"For one full portion of an adult Boar Devourer, use one large bowl of juice extracted from a Four Clover creeper, two large bowls of juice extracted from sour apples,…"

Aaron did recognize a few, such as the sour apples which were fist-sized fruits that could be found almost anywhere. Only, the sourness was a bit too strong, which resulted in them seldom being the primary diet for even a Tera.

There were a total of eight items, which Aaron went through multiple times before Edmond finally tired of it and rolled up the piece of bark before handing it to Aaron, saying, "Keep it with you and read it whenever you want."

That was when Ernst spoke up.

"Why? Both of you are in possession of the AA! Don't forget that the list of functions of the AA also includes recording whatever stuff you want. It's a very basic function, but I bet it'll come in handy a lot. Aaron, hold up the bark paper to your eyes, and ask the AA to record it."

Nodding, Aaron took the bark from Edmond's hands and immediately unfolded it in front of his eyes before following Ernst's instructions.

"Scanning. Data obtained. Under what heading would you like this to be saved under?"

"Recipe for Heavenly Meat!", Aaron blurted out loud, which made both Ernst and his wife raise their eyebrows, and the latter even got a broad smile which stretched from one cheek to the other.

It seemed that she really did like it when someone complimented her cooking.

"Input received. Saving data. To reference it, please use the name that was just given."

This made a smile crack on Aaron's face, too, as he rolled up the bark and handed it back to Mrs. Ernst.

At the same time, he took the plate with the buns, as he was famished after a night's fast.

As he started munching, Ernst spoke up.

"I guess this is it, huh? You two will be leaving right away to head to that town and save your father?"

He said this while pointing at Edmond, who got an extension of determination on his face before he nodded and said, "Yes, we have no time to waste. We should get there soon. According to the AA, it'll take us three days to trek through the forest. If we follow the path, we should face no difficulties whatsoever."

"Yes, stick to the path, even though it winds around a lot. Well, even if you don't stick to it, I doubt that you'll get up to too much trouble if you're traveling with this guy. Which reminds me, Aaron. I really don't want to see you go empty-handed; that is not the way of Skystead Hamlet. My wife and I were thinking that you should take something with you when you leave, just to remember us by. Even if it's something precious, if we have it, we'll definitely hand it over happily. I bet that the rest of the Hamlet will pitch in, too. Think about it, and tell me."

As Ernst said this, Edmond's smile melted away, and was replaced by a stoic expression.

Yet, instead of feeling jealous again, he felt more determined than ever to obtain the right to be regarded in this way wherever he went. Right now, he knew that Aaron was being treated in this way because of his high-grade Body Potential and because of this Tera, which, although hadn't shown any special ability, had definitely impressed its power in the minds of all the Hamletfolk who had witnessed the challenge yesterday.

Yes, he was someone who was let himself be manipulated by his emotions, but, oftentimes, he was also able to control them. Otherwise, he might have met his end in the City long ago as there were many people there who could crush him without worrying about any repercussions whatsoever.

In fact, he even decided to support this guy, and also get back to his duty of helping Aaron out in situations related to human society.

"Yes, think about it, Aaron. Maybe you want some kind of weapon with which you can protect yourself? I heard that Skystead Hamlet has a really talented blacksmith who can make you whatever you want. Or maybe you want a special manual of tips written by any of the Hamletfolk who practice certain paths? In my opinion, those are some of the more precious things you can ask for."

Hearing Edmond say this made the former Chief wince slightly, as the guy was right, these two really would cost him a lot, but a promise was a promise. Even the latter special manuals were supposed to be things that were closely guarded by anyone who was treading that path, as they were a record of all the things they had learned through hard work and surviving through death.

Aaron pondered for a few moments while still munching on the buns. In his hands was another metallic plate just like the one on which the meat had been served to him the day before, and when he was done, he handed it back.

Yet, the last moment before he did, his eyes landed on it, and something shone in them.

A few hours later, Edmond was shaking his head while Aaron had a wide smile on his face. Woof was between them, its mouth full of the bread that Aaron had left for it.

"All those options, and you chose this. Why?"

He was pointing at a metallic bowl which was strung by a string around Aaron's neck, that the guy had taken instead of opting for the other options which would have benefited him greatly.

Casually, Aaron answered, "Because this is more valuable than all those options combined."

Hey guys! I'll be releasing 2 chapters/day from today. Please vote some powerstones if you're liking the story! I will release bonus chapters if we get high enough on the ranking! And a huge shoutout to all my Patrons! Thank you all!

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