
Christmas party 2023 (4)

It was not easy for Tashi to digest the information that her belief to be an orphan for more than three decades was false. And also, there is the part how her family is large and influential. Hong didn't reveal yet all details about Voronins, but he told her how her mother was murdered and Tashi was kidnapped and kept away by her Uncle as a token for her father (aka Gedeon) to behave.

Who will believe such a story? But Hong's existence explained money and help she received mysteriously over the years.

Back to the present...

Aiden reached the front door as Elanor and Oscar exited their car on the driveway.

Mathew and Samara were in the car behind them, so Elanor and Oscar waited for them in order to offer their congratulations.

Samara is six months pregnant, and Mathew was puffing his chest with pride so much that he reminded Aiden of a Magnificent Frigatebird.

Next chapter