
Staying positive (2)

Next to the lake…

"How far did you go with Ade?", Imani asked Hande.

The two of them were close with Masika and Merve, but now that Masika is spending most of her time with Zack, and Merve is stuck to Corey, Imani and Hande grew closer. Also, Ade and Jamari are best friends, so they get a lot of chances to be together as two couples.

"We kiss and hug and… that's it." Hande responded. "You?"

Imani fidgeted. "Don't you want to try other stuff?"

Hande smiled. "You didn't answer my question."

"Uhm… we touched."

"That is a vague answer…" Hande teased Imani and repeated the question: "Do YOU want to try other stuff with Jamari?"

"I asked you first." Imani pouted.

"Sure. I want to do everything with Ade. One day, when we are ready."

"How do you know if you are ready?"

Next chapter