
JoAnna meets Jesse (2)

Luckily, JoAnna has everything necessary handy: gauze, medical grade pliers, surgical gloves, and anesthetic.

JoAnna pulled Jesse's tooth out like a professional dentist.

"You are too happy about this." Sarah observed.

"It's a wiggle followed by a pull with a twist." JoAnna grinned while cleaning the tooth from blood in some liquid she got from who knows where. "And if you don't grab low enough, the crown will break and the root stays inside. I would not know that if not for Dodson brothers. No matter how much I read about it, nothing compares with practice… a lot of practice."

This made Sarah and Aiden remember Sarah's birthday party at Hill family villa. Yes, at that time, JoAnna relieved Dodson brothers of their teeth.

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