
A girl who likes to watch

~ Seattle, Cabin ~

During lunch, Aiden was slowly chewing the food while thinking when is the good time for him to get that urgent call from office. He was imagining his facial expression when he tells them that he needs to work in the afternoon. It needs to be believable, nothing over the top. He should look sorry that he can't join them.

He heard Stella speak with Sarah. "I'm glad that Aiden joined in training. If you ever end up in trouble, you can rely on his help."

Aiden was happy that Stella counts on him to protect Sarah. A moment later he felt guilt eating him up from inside because he wants to avoid hellish afternoon.

Unaware of Aiden's internal conflict, Sarah smiled, "Mom, sometimes you say things as if you are predicting that bad things are coming."

"What if they are more than predictions?" Stella was serious.

Sarah's smile froze. Aiden also faced Stella expecting to hear what is coming next.

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