
Another introduction - (2/8 - The End)

The memories of The Ruler were valuable, but kinda sad. In the end, Xue Ren decided to stay quiet on these even though Kuzan tried to inquire a lot. Then, he looked at his two reincarnations that were chilling in the throne room.

Everyone had more or less settled their lives and wishes.

Only the weapons had to be gathered, then the dragonic universe had to be visited. By achieving these two, Xue Ren will end his reincarnation cycle. That's why, after small rest, the sex god went outside to conquer the weapon divinities and grasp their divinities for his family.

It wasn't hard to do so, but the axe divinity had settled themselves within the lands of the god of war. By this time, they had already noticed a lot of worlds disappearing, so they surely had raised their defenses.

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