
Little Julia

"I want it, daddy..."

Muttering with exhausted voice, Xue Yu tried to raise her body as she was already resting on Xue Ren's divine bed. The soft bed was the best and she felt already her father's fragrance all over! The blanket was like his touch and she felt like rubbing all her body atop it.

But before that, there was thing she had to get rid off.

Her virginity.

And it could only be done by her father...

"Yu'er...  But what if I want to rest as well? All this slamming has exhausted your daddy."

He laughed out loud and laid himself next to his daughter. All naked, all sweaty, their skins stuck to each other as they looked into each other. 

Xue Yu brought up all her strength and rolled to the side, so that she could melt yet again into her father.

"Daddy, if you rest, then rest your hands on my ass as well. It burns so hard! Only you can control these burning flames here."

"Oh, that's nice one."

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