
Awakening of The Second

"It's your debut on the ranking ladder!"

The young girl said loudly. Then, she wished him good luck as she went back to the reception room. Xue Ren shrugged his shoulders as he followed the salamandra man!

'I don't know where is the arena...'

However, as he left the room, Eleonora stopped him as she looked at his badge.

"You held back, that's surprising."


"Won't girls swarm to you if you show prestigous color?"

Eleonora said this expressionlessly. Her voice was cold, completely unsuited for teasing. Was she even teasing him? Xue Ren was stupefied for a second then...

"I am not going for every woman I see..."

Xue Ren is at the stage where he accepts polygamy. But even though he can raise his strength at tremendous level, he still can't do intercourse with woman he has not any feelings for. Still, he doesn't want her to think of him as if he is some kind of 'gigolo'.

'I can't even explain Conquer as I don't know much about this myself...'

"Is that so. Then I guess I am special... right, princess seeker?"

You sure aim high. Eleonora added as she went forward to the arena. She already knew that Xue Ren got challenged by salamandra and since she wants to see more of Xue Ren abilities, she was eager to go here.

"You are special, but not because you are princess."

Because you are probably goddess. Xue Ren thought as he followed her. Seeing her back filled his heart with desire that was coming from Conquer... As he felt this, Xue Ren sighed as he opened his mouth to distract himself.

"So you have some kind of conflict with Salamandra Princess?"

"She and her mother wants to suck up to Emperor using the affair that he had with my mother."

Hearing the word 'suck' Xue Ren chuckled. He approached her closer as he whispered...

"If you suck, then aura increase will be at totally another level."

"Scum. Now that I think about it, you are just like Emperor."

Piece of shit. Eleonora added such vulgar words as she raised her speed. Xue Ren was still closely behind her as he was thinking about this princess. She had royal family against her and even Emperor was scum in her eyes...

'So much problems.'

It was fine to fight a lot as Xue Ren wants to get stronger. But having too much enemies isn't such good idea, especially when those enemies weren't his to begin with. As he was thinking, the pair already entered the hallway...

'If I am scum in her eyes...'

Xue Ren couldn't do anything to her as they were moving since there were a lot of people looking at them. But, in this hallway void of people...

The young man quickly arrived behind her as he hugged her. His hand immediately went for her breasts that fit his hand perfectly.

"What are you doing?"

She was doing whatever she wants with him, so why couldn't he? Her words just gave him push to do this.

"You do whatever you want even though you are alone..."

Xue Ren squeezed her breasts. The clothes were annoying, but he has a fight so he held back a little. His movement was filled with divine energy, so their energies began to move...

Actually, when Xue Ren wants to do lewd acts, he unconsciously releases his divine power. He has to concentrate, if he wants to do that without his divinity, but why would he?

What Eleonora felt first wasn't his touch or aura increase, but warmth that only Xue Ren can evoke. Such warmth this time wasn't pleasant as she remembered her own words...

'He is truly a scum like Emperor!'

And such thought made her reminisce about her mother... Immense sadness suddenly attacked her and Xue Ren quickly noticed this in her eyes... Her eyes began to moist up as she narrowed them even more.

'Only he could evoke warmth that made me fall for him.'

The words of her mother rang out inwardly. Such sentence made Eleonora to release a tears as they flowed down on her cheeks. Xue Ren immediately appeared before her.

He wiped the tears with worried look. Eleonora who saw this growled at him...

"What is it? Are you a woman? How can you change so fast?"


Xue Ren wasn't heartless bastard. Still, there was also no way he would apologize. It was her own words that made him to do this. And she also knows his abilities...

"Hey, scum. Am I the same as my mother?"

"I don't know her."

Xue Ren said this as he already was quite far away from Eleonora. Her question has just shown him how alone she is. Then, he suddenly remembered her smile she has shown him on their first meeting.

'If you smiled this way, then you would be the one swarmed with charming boys.'

However, he doesn't know anything about her so it should be fine if he goes for her like this from time to time... After all, the reason she keeps him with herself is because she wants to use him herself... yet Xue Ren was angry at himself...

The young man still felt bad despite knowing all of this.

As he arrived in the arena, Xue Ren decided to vent his feelings on the lizard. His opponent was already in the ring as the crowd was waiting for Xue Ren as they complained...

"Where the hell is his opponent?"

"Like the hell I know..."

Xue Ren finally approached the naked man. He didn't wait for him as he already pounced at him. Using his blood art, he covered his arms and legs similar to Edfren.

The young vampire obviously doesn't want to show his full strength. Also, if vampires knew that he has full body armor, then he would add for himself another problem...

The fight between them was simple. Both of them used close combat as they exchanged the attacks. The salamandra also added fire attacks from his punches as his red scales boiled! But such attacks couldn't penetrate Blood Art of Xue Ren...

With his speed and strength as well as defense, Xue Ren was slowly winning, but then...

The salamandra man backed off lightly as he released a small flame laser from his mouth! Xue Ren had to use both of his arms to block such attack! The badge of the salamandra had one rank higher, yellow low rank!

Even so, Xue Ren didn't feel threatened by such attack, but rather jealousy... the desire to learn strong distance and area techniques filled his heart...

And exactly such desire... awakened his second throne!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

'Eh... isn't this bad moment?'

It would be bad if he fell right now to reminisce about his past!


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