
Results For May!!!

Hey, guys, the result has come out...

I would like to say this now, as i'm kinda disappointed... I had clearly stated that on MAY ( Bleach and ToDaG) will get a mass release for reaching 500 and 100 respectively....

Many though voted for ToDaG... And those votes became Null...

Also, i had stated on the previous chapter that One Punch Man - Against The Gods - Kenichi - Tohou - Blue Exorcist - Yu Gi Oh - Seven Sins and many more were ideas sitting on the shelves for future projects when i have the time...

Although i'm honoured to see many voting for them as you guys want me to create a fan fiction of them right now it's impossible for me...

As for those that voted for them to take note that for they voted for nothing...

Now then...




May Mass Release!!!

Bleach (0/7) - ToDaG (0/7) and the winners with counting the proper votes are!!!!

Danmachi (0/7) and DxD (0/7)!!!!!





The current update of novels is Bleach and Fairy six times per week and all other 2 times per weak...

Thank you all...

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