
Got a bestie..

Days in her school were passing.. Days were just passing but she was not enjoying the school lyff at all.

One day a there's a new entry of a girl. dressed in casual clothes, duppatta on her head as she didn't had got the school uniform. Yet covering the head in school was not allowed but she was new on the school and didn't had any idea of school protocols.

She was like a fairy in fairy tales. Black and bright eyes, white face,long hairs.. She didn't had a single thing which can fad her beauty. Everything was perfect her like a fairy.m but all have a some limits too nd she too had.,, that is she was below average student.

But zufra didn't discriminate anyone. She sat with her many days and as zufra was sharp minded and she had a good understanding of people yet herself a 11 year old.. She got to know about that beautiful girl her name was sayma.. And there's their friendship started... They had many days together and got a good understanding between them..

All the two met each other as besties...